
For My King

What would you do if you met a mysterious charming stranger, but could never fully see his face? That was the very predicament Cloud Belmont found himself in. It was unusual to find the spark one had been searching for, for so many years on Palace Grounds, but somehow they had found each other. Although this mysterious man knows everything about Cloud. Cloud has not even seen the face of the person he spends endless amounts of hours with. Follow Cloud’s journey on finding out who the man is and his own journey on finding himself.

Matli_Unicorn · LGBT+
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323 Chs

[Bonus chapter] The Rules

King Adonis

I watched Cloud with a grin as he excitedly ran about in the closet packing his bag for our overnight stay at his apartment for the last time. 

I knew the decision was rather rash and unexpected, but I knew how much his apartment meant to him and seeing his smile was worth all the security procedures we would have to go through. 

We would be leaving Blue and Rain with Cloud's parents because we both thought it was a huge security risk to take them out when they were so young. There was no sighting of them since we left the hospital so we knew there was a huge buzz as the public wanted to see them. 

It would also not be too practical to take them as assembling a nursery would just take up too much time.