
For My King

What would you do if you met a mysterious charming stranger, but could never fully see his face? That was the very predicament Cloud Belmont found himself in. It was unusual to find the spark one had been searching for, for so many years on Palace Grounds, but somehow they had found each other. Although this mysterious man knows everything about Cloud. Cloud has not even seen the face of the person he spends endless amounts of hours with. Follow Cloud’s journey on finding out who the man is and his own journey on finding himself.

Matli_Unicorn · LGBT+
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323 Chs

[Bonus chapter] Big Brother


I shook my head as I hugged her tightly, "I was upset and I didn't understand, but Baba was wrong. He should have let you go and I'm sorry you went through all of that. We've been apart for so long and you lost Baba. Now you're going home alone again and I don't want you to be alone Mama."

She shook her head as she held my face in her hands, "I want you to get to know your siblings and have fun without the stress of me lingering around. Plus it won't be right to just leave my job over night."

I let out a heavy breath as I looked into her eyes, "maybe you can visit."

"Only if the King permits," she gave me a sad smile. 

I stood up before she could say a word, "I'll speak to him. Maybe we can sort something out. We've been apart for so long and now that I know the truth I would like to know more. I can't do that with you in England whilst I'm here."