
For My King

What would you do if you met a mysterious charming stranger, but could never fully see his face? That was the very predicament Cloud Belmont found himself in. It was unusual to find the spark one had been searching for, for so many years on Palace Grounds, but somehow they had found each other. Although this mysterious man knows everything about Cloud. Cloud has not even seen the face of the person he spends endless amounts of hours with. Follow Cloud’s journey on finding out who the man is and his own journey on finding himself.

Matli_Unicorn · LGBT+
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323 Chs

[Bonus chapter] 120| Christmas!


I was humming as I walked through the halls holding a box of decorations for Adonis's chambers. Well technically our chambers now but in my mind it still screamed Adonis. He had insisted that we renovate so that it felt like it belonged to both of us but I felt I had been living there for so many months it would feel strange to tear the whole place apart. 

Although I did agree that we could change up the decoration so it felt a bit homier. It was three days away from Christmas which created a lot of excitement. Our families would spend Christmas together in the public chambers so we could all celebrate the end of the year together. 

It was going to be terribly busy the next three weeks as a week after New Year's it was Adonis's thirty-third birthday! Last year I barely even knew him and met him a few days later. It was a huge celebration throughout the country and royals from all over the world came to celebrate with him.