
For I So Loved The World

"The Universe was in chaos, so I gave it order. The land was barren and dead, so I gave it Life. The people were in misery and turmoil, so I gave them rules and prosperity. You were all alone, so I decided to stay by your side forever. But you all chose to betray me. You all chose your own desires and twisted my commandments. You chose to bathe yourself in depravity and lust, and left me behind. And in My anger and sorrow, I wanted to erase you from existence! But how could I forsake you? For I so loved the World, I decided to give you one last chance..." ____ It is said that Qi and Mana were EON's gifts to mankind. With them, men were able to emerge from the barbarism in which they lived, and change nature to suit their needs. They were able to raze mountains, stop rivers, and call upon the power of the heavens to serve them, founding empires and kingdoms that lasted for millennia. The last Vicar of the Temple died suddenly and mysteriously. The Seneschals accused the Gloria of EON, a member of the Grand Kingdom of Ansem of having had a hand in his death. The land is in turmoil. A dark shadow is growing ever strongly, threatening to engulf the whole continent in its advance. Balance is becoming more and more precarious between the 6 Major Territories with each passing moment, and the menace of war is upon the entire world. Join Nerun, an orphan boy in the Kingdom of Ansem, in an epic quest to unravel his mysterious past, and the shadow that wants to erase his future.

drmanga86 · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Chapter 111 - Unreliable

"Well... It's nothing too complicated. What happened was this, after I arrived in Eonia and reunited with my brother, we started talking about where to go next, and in the beginning, my brother had recommended me for the new project of the Royal Military School. After we arrived there, we met one of the members of the Faculty there, a member of the army named Cynthia Dai Morena, and..."

Nerun talked for a while about Elijah and his initial plans, as well as what happened later at the Royal Military School, his encounter with Cynthia and the latter's mistreatment of him. Nerun did not make the story fancy, he did not embellish it, nor did he say anything that had not happened. Karles and Reina were awestruck at the happenings inside the Military School, and could not help but feel indignant for the treatment Nerun had suffered.

After seeing their reaction, Nerun was confident they were on his side. Either that or these two were the best actors he had known so far. For teens and children, hiding their true emotions and feelings was quite hard. Especially for these so-called geniuses, since most of them had been born with a silver spoon, they had rarely undergone major difficulties or setbacks, and most were proud and honest with their feelings, whether they hated, loathed or loved. For instance, Solda had shown disdain towards Nerun openly and he considered it below him to lie about it. Of course, not all of them are like that. As people grow up, people tend to be more closed about their true feelings, and many start being hypocrites and fake. Few people remain true in their lives.

However, Nerun and company were only a bunch of 12 and 13 years old kids. Most of them had not learnt nor been exposed to the deception that most people suffer and turn them bitter. It was still the time of dreams. These students that had just entered the Lyceum were filled to the brim with them. Dreams of glory for themselves and their family.

"What a cunt..." said Reina fuming.

The astonishment on Nerun's face was palpable. "Language..." couldn't help but chastise Karles while rolling his eyes.

"I can say whatever I want. That sorry excuse of a woman, Cynthia Dai Morena, is nothing but a remora that is always trying to suck up to those that are up in the Royal Army. If a told you what she did when she was stationed at the Barbarian Border. She was always trying to suck up to my father and my brothers. However, I knew from the beginning that she was only trying to get out of the dangerous assignments, and once she almost caused a major disaster, my third brother almost died because of that..."

Reina could not continue, because Karles used his hand to cover her mouth while she kept struggling to talk, much to Nerun's surprise. The latter could have never imagined that a "proper lady" like Reina could have such a dirty mouth. He was close to starting laughing because of the incongruency of the image but managed to hold it in.

"I know you are upset, and after hearing Nerun's tale, I also became quite angry with what happened, however, what's done is done, and look at the silver lining. Because of that, Nerun is here right now, and we have become friends. Besides, Cynthia made a terrible blunder, and the rumours won't be able to put a true dent in Nerun's halo. In due time everyone will know that Nerun is a true genius, and she will have to pay with interest what she owes. Whatever the case, at least try to speak like a lady"

Said Karles trying to get Reina under control.

"I'll say whatever I want. If you don't like it, then bite me." Answered Reina after getting free. Nerun was starting to like this hot pepper of a friend more and more.

"Actually, she has already started to pay a bit for that whole disaster. The reason I could invite you to lunch today was because of a punishment that that lady got. She had to send me a lot of resources and help, and she has to keep it every month to cover my expenses in the Academy. I have a lot of Contribution Points. And I mean a lot." Nerun kept opening up to his new friends and told them about some of the arrangements made by the Army and the Royal Family to repay the harm done to him.

The surprises with Nerun just kept coming. After recovering from the shock of what Nerun had just told them, Karles started talking quickly: "Nerun, Nerun, you know what this means? You have almost as many Contribution Points as a Core Student, you can do a lot of things to quickly become stronger. Do you trust me? My objective in the close term was to collect a certain amount of Contribution Points and start a special project, one that would allow us to multiplicate it several-fold and let us grow stronger and stronger rapidly. Originally this plan, I had only shared part of it with Reina and another confidant, but if you are willing to help, not only can we start sooner, but our earnings could be even more. Please hear me out. Tomorrow after lunch, I'll tell you my plan. I'll also make a full chart so you will maximise the use of your contribution points. I may be weaker than many others in many aspects, but I assure you that in business savvy if I claim to be second, not even Julieth Dai Corena can claim to be first."

The confidence exuding from Karles was not only contagious but quite imposing as well. Nerun was a bit reticent, but he decided to first hear him out, and make a decision afterwards. Besides, Reina who was beside them, did not seem to meddle, and actually nodded, albeit reluctantly, at Karles' word as if supporting his statement.

Finally, Nerun's day was over, and after saying goodbye to his new friends, he decided to go home immediately.

Many students lived at the School, especially those whose families were from outside Eonia and did not have a big property in the capital, however, many others lived outside the premises. Elijah was still living at the Army Headquarters, and Nerun got there after walking several kilometres home. Many of the students leaving the premises of the School boarded several luxurious vehicles, made from exquisite metals, spiritual wood, engraved gemstones and pulled by magnificent beasts. Grand Horned Horses - which were said to have dragon blood - from the Rhodnian prairies, Lion Mane Oxen from the Barbarian Lands, all of them at the very least rank 2 beasts. There was even a Sedan that was being carried by 4 Qi Praetorians slaves.

As the students were leaving, many of them saw Nerun simply walking home, and several could not help but show a look of clear contempt. Others simply ignored him, as if he was nothing but air, however, Nerun disregarded it all. He was feeling quite happy with his first day at the academy and was looking forward to the next days. To keep learning, to keep improving, to keep meeting new friends and even rivals. Only like that could he get stronger. Only like that could he get to hear even more about his father, and maybe, who knows, get a clue or two about what truly happened to his parents.


The colours of the sky started to change towards the orange and pink of the setting sun. There was a small mountain enclosed by a forest right in the middle of the Lyceum. A pavilion made of stone was in there. Surprisingly, said pavilion looked as if it had been carved from a single piece of rock, perfectly smooth both outside and inside. Nowhere in sight could you see a remote line that even hinted at the union between different pieces of rock or other materials. Such perfection looked almost uncanny.

Inside the pavilion, there was a rocking chair, and a person sitting on it. There were two other people inside the room, one of them pouring some kind of strong spirit into three cups. The other was right by the person sitting in the chair and started talking:

"This has always been my favourite sight in the Lyceum. It makes me want to recite poetry. Is this the reason Headmaster also likes to stay here?"

"You make it sound too complicated Samuel. Will you ever stop being so uptight? Poetry, really? I just like the taste of booze better when sitting here. Everything else is hogwash." answered the man in the rocking chair with a raspy voice. He was laughing as he accepted the cup offered by the other person. "So, it's nearing that time again. The All Youth Continental Grand Tournament. You know, I'm getting bored just thinking about the matter. Remind me, how did we do the last tournament?"

"Last time we barely managed to stay at the top ten. It was a boy from the Royal Military School who got 6th." A sweet-sounding voice was heard from the third person. She was actually a beautiful and voluptuous mature woman.

"I miss the times when Armand was here. That rascal did give me a lot of trouble, but man was he a dependable sonuva." muttered the man while sitting and drinking. However, in the silence and quiet that surrounded them, his voice reverberated in the room.

The other man next to the one they called Lord couldn't refrain from showing an ugly grimace on his face. "Sir, that man betrayed Ansem, his actions were more than questionab... What in the name of EON do you think you are doing?"


Samuel barely managed to raise his hand and defend himself from a thunderous kick launched by the kind-looking woman, who now had a deep frown and clear anger showing on her beautiful face. If anything it made her look even prettier. The power of the kick was such that it could probably level a mountain. The shockwaves alone could have destroyed a small part of the capital, however, inside the pavilion, not the smallest dent was done, nor any noise was felt outside. The man sitting in the chair barely even blinked in front of what had happened before he started laughing.

"Hahahahaha... Samuel, to badmouth Armand right in front of Anastasia, I have to say you've grown balls of steel. Enough little girl, behave yourself. People will talk shit about Armand, and you can't fight to the death every single one of them. If you want to make yourself useful then train harder. Perhaps, if you become a Legend, then maybe you'd manage to do something for him, otherwise, you better stay a good girl and keep teaching the pups in the academy."

Being berated by the Headmaster, she could not help but stop with her attack, but the look she was giving Samuel was making him shiver all over. That being said, he did not take back his words. He had his pride after all, and he was not about to be manhandled by this girl, after all, they had the same rank, and he was also entitled to his opinion. He was about to keep talking, when the Lord, as if reading his mind said: "You need to stop as well Samuel. I know that you and Armand were rivals when you were both at the Academy. In more things than fighting for the top, I might add..." said the Lord nonchalantly, however, both the man and woman lowered their heads as if not understanding the Lord's implications.

"Armand was a man among men. Perhaps jealousy might lead to some riff-raff talking smack about him, but you, his rival, the one that fought against him the most, and who also fought next to him the most, should know better. I hope I don't hear you talking like that again in my presence. I'm too old for this shit... Anyway, are there any good seedlings this time around? I'm tired of hearing that bum from Rhodnius and that old hag from Avi-Cena gloating in front of me every time we get together. The last time they kept boasting about some new geniuses they were nurturing that had not been seen in three hundred years. Bollocks, I say." said the man while spitting on the ground.

'Headmaster is the only one that is able to call the Grand Elder from the Grand Sect of the Sacred Prairie and old bum, and the Supreme from the Hanging Gardens of Avi-Cena an old hag', thought the man and the woman, however, they'd rather die before letting these thoughts out in the open.

"There are some interesting seedlings this time around. 4th and 5th years Core and Inner Class students are out of the question, otherwise, the Eldest Senior Brother from the Core Class could easily win the competition. It's a shame he was too young when the last tournament happened. Among the Core Class, there is a new student that entered 11 months ago, just right after starting his 3rd year. Headmaster was in seclusion when it happened, so you have not met him yet, but he is quite good. He is 15 years old right now and is a Qi Praetorian, very close to becoming a Qi Centurion. There is a chance that he might become one right before the start of the Tournament. His name is Hansel Severus." said the woman who had already regained her usual kind bearing.

Samuel continued: "The rest of the students from the Core Class are not eligible, since they are older than the required age. As for students from the Inner Class, there are 3 or 4 interesting students that Headmaster may take into consideration. The youngest children of House Baruna, Alaria and Corena are quite good this time around. Julieth Dai Corena is a remarkable Adept, and she might be a strong contender to enter the Tournament. She may very well enter the Core Class sooner rather than later as well. There are two other children that show some promise as well from the 3rd and 2nd years. There are also a couple of lads that entered recently. They are actually quite talented, if I say so myself, however, they are still too young, so I don't know if we should take them into consideration since they would be in too much of a disadvantage.

The Grand Tournament this time has allowed 128 contestants. Every Major Territory is entitled to 20 candidates, so besides the Temple, there will be 100 from the other 5 Major Territories. The other 28 have been distributed to Minor Kingdoms and Sects. There is even a rumour that a Barbarian Contestant will appear this time."

"Is that so... This time I might just get involved... The time for the tournament is coming soon. No more than 6 months and preparations need to be followed. Such a drag..."

When the headmaster said these words, both Samuel and the other lady were a bit stupefied. Rarely had the Headmaster wanted to involve in the Academy situation personally, except for very rare occasions. He barely asked about the Tournament the last two times it happened. They were feeling quite happy inside. If the Headmaster got personally involved and trained the candidates, their chances would be that much better.

"I shouldn't have made that bet with those old hustlers." muttered the Headmaster. His two subordinates wanted to facepalm. Why did their Headmaster have to be so unreliable?

Ok, so Reina has a bit of a dirty mouth when mad. As for the old man... Well, he is at a point in his life where he no longer gives a rat's bottom. Hahaha... I hope you enjoy our new characters.

drmanga86creators' thoughts