
For Honor x GoT: Ice and Fire


DryComplementary · Book&Literature
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24 Chs



-Winterfell, 275 AC-

The two were finally awake after their long night of partying and being harassed by women of the North. They were currently making their banner with a piece of paper and quill they found in the drawers of their room.

"Shouldn't we just Mia's it look like the banner of the knight faction in 'For Honor?'" Suggests Kelemen. "It would be easier that way, and I like its style."

"Might as well; this is a minor thing to be dealing with; we have land now and must develop it," Justus says before drawing the insignia of their house.

They look at it for a moment and decide to add some coloring to make it more specific. Once the two were done, Justus and Kelemen left their room with their armor, weapons, and golden dragons to give their coat of arms to Lord Rickard Stark.

"You know, we never did make a motto for our house either." Says Kelemen.

"I'll just make one up while talking to him." Says Justus.

-The east gate, 275 AC-

"This is your banner?" Asks Rickard Stark. "Very well, I'll have my household record it, but what is your motto?"

Kelemen was speaking with the Stark children, so he was too busy to give Justus any insight. He stared at Rickard Stark for a moment before speaking.

"Back in our homeland, we had a code of honor." Justus begins. "To serve the liege lord in valor and faith, protect the weak and defenseless, and despise pecuniary reward."

Justus looks at Kelemen, who continues to play with the Stark children, even carrying on with one hand.

"Our motto serves to show that House Daubeny will do everything to protect what remains; therefore, the motto of House Daubeny is…." Justus then looks back at Rickard Stark. "For Honor."


-Bay of Seals, 275 AC-

"Really?" Says Kelemen disappointingly. "'For Honor,' the game we played as we fuckin died?"

"Shut up; it sounded badass, so it's gonna stick." Says Justus. "By the way, you're gonna be more like a co-lord since there's only one lord per place if you know what I mean."

"Whatever, let's get this thing to the island and start building a city." Says Kelemen.

"It's probably gonna be more like those castles in the mountains but whatever." Admits Justus. "Help me push this thing."

-One hour later-

The two arrived at the port of Skagos and immediately left it with the shipwright, who greeted them on their return. Justus and Kelemen immediately went to the towns once controlled by Stane, Crowl, and Magnar to address their lordship and begin development.


-Windhelm, 276 AC-

About a year has passed since the return of Justus and Kelemen to Skagos, and a lot has happened. They created a castle and called it Windhelm. Skagos' discovery of the thermal pocket and the hidden valley was the first significant boost to the island's development as it helped with crops being able to be produced all year round. The mountains that previously covered the fertile flatlands now served as some sort of impregnable wall. The three towns once ruled by tyrants now flourished as the 'Four Crop Rotation' technique and introduction to new variants of alcohol such as whiskey and rum helped boost their economies and increased population growth because of the better standard of life. Spies from Tywin and Varys were scarce but were dealt with in various ways…


-Prison on Skagos-

"I always wanted to see if this was a real form of torture or pleasure." Says Justus. "Little research wouldn't hurt, right? Not like he'll die, just some minor injuries that'll heal."

The room was filled with screams; it was caused by men whose balls and cocks were being repeatedly stabbed with a tiny toothpick over and over again.


The two scouted more of the island and found gold, silver, and iron mines which were put into operation immediately. This meant trade with everyone outside the North would be possible in a few years. Whaling would become a vital part of their economy since the mines would eventually run out, and their island was surrounded by water; the two finally went to Ibben to buy some ships. Before that, they even introduced some of their civil and naval engineering knowledge, which began the construction of more effective ships (not too modern). Nevertheless, they would soon have a fleet of at least 600 whaling ships left in key locations across the oceans for maximum efficiency.

Some experts were also recruited in Ibben, which helped train their future whalers. Of course, not all of this came complimentary, as some of the masters of Ibben were unhappy with the deal; it forced them to not be able to trade with the rest of Westeros and only exclusively with Skagos in the next two years. Nonetheless, 300,000 golden dragons and a particular recipe for glass stronger than Myr's would adjust their senses.

Their castle was also well-developed and looked majestic; it had the same look of old medieval castles in 'For Honor' but with the warmth of a 'Skyrim' hall. Hundreds of servants had to take care of the castle, and at least a thousand guards guarded it. Speaking of guards, the army that was recruited from the populace was imposing; they had the discipline, skills, and intelligence of generals, which made them a formidable opponent to anyone on the battlefield; even the Vale's knights would struggle against the army of House Daubeny (3000 soldiers).


"The navy is being constructed at a record pace thanks to your instructions, my lords." So says one advisor in a room with an open window. "Lord Kelemen helped create a great yield this winter, and Lord Justus was able to help train a great army."

"Good, you may go now." So says Kelemen while looking over some documents by the window.

The servant leaves and closes the door behind him.

"Didn't expect so much work to run an island; at least our knowledge helps us stay ahead of the game." Says Kelemen.

"Indeed, are there any events I should know of this year?" Asks Justus.

"Yeah, the Tourney at Lannisport." Says Kelemen. "It's gonna be this year."

"I see; we will obviously attend but let's leave our armor and weapons with Jesus since it would be unfair to the other contestants." Says Justus. "I made sure our smiths made backups from bronze in case something like this were to occur."

"Alright, I couldn't recall how much was being rewarded for the victor of the three competitions, though…" ponders Kelemen.

"It was substantial enough to cover our expenses for the whaling ships and personnel we hired." Says Justus. "Including the farms and housing we developed."

Kelemen nodded, and they returned to work to finish it as soon as possible; the tournament was only a month away.


-2 weeks later-

-Justus Perspective-

We got done with anything that involved us and immediately started packing our supplies before leaving for the tournament. Apparently, we heard that the only ones from the North who would participate in the games were us; how unfortunate. What I mean is everyone is going to know of us once we win the whole thing…I'm not being arrogant - I'm just being realistic. During our time at Skagos, we also trained with our army to keep ourselves busy if we got bored or needed some practice; we couldn't improve since we already were masters of our combat styles. So we were halfway through our journey when Kelemen started talking to me again.

"Maybe we should try using different weapons for once." Suggested Kelemen.

"Nah, I have already committed to the longsword." Denying his suggestion.

"Okay then." He says. "Why don't we talk about that glass production that you sold off to the Ibben masters?"

"I didn't sell it off; I only gave them a glass recipe that was SLIGHTLY stronger than Myr's; the real stuff is in here," I say while pointing to my head. "I'm planning to sell that stuff to the Seven Kingdoms once they exclusively do business with me in two years."

"Good idea; what about the army?" He asks again.

"I made sure they were all trained before we left; I plan on making my island with some sort of military academy," I say. "I will only allow those who wish to serve us or are the lord's children, those we allow training to be specific."

"At least we can put our teachings into the kinds of their children." Says Kelemen.

"Mhm." I agree. "Though, they will be unable to learn from these teachings if they grow up to be cruel."

"Amen to that, brother." Says Kelemen (show clip of earlier torture of spies).

"I just realized this; we are technically 18 years old." Says Kelemen. "At some point, there will be a time where we must pass down our knowledge to our…issue."

"Yeah, but that'll probably be for after the war; we will probably be 25 by then," I say.

"Peak of our lives," he corrects. "Can't wait to see what I'll look like."

"The same, just older and hopefully wiser," I say with a sigh.

"Shut up and keep riding." He says, which leads us to ride on our horses faster.


-1 week later-

The two eventually arrive at Lannisport and look around at the sights they can see; there were Lannister banners everywhere, and everyone seemed to be busy. It was a port city, but this one was special as it held the entire Lannister fleet.

"Would it be a funny prank to burn the entire fleet to the ground?" Jokes Kelemen.

"You are definitely going to do something that is gonna be super boring later on," Justus says with concern.

"Define 'boring.'" Questioned Kelemen with a slight tilt of his head.

"Doesn't matter because here we are, Lannisport," Justus says while gesturing to the location. "I think I see the gate up ahead; let's not keep ourselves waiting."

"Damn right." Kelemen then follows Justus to the gate.

A guard is posted there, looking at them and thinking for a moment. He thought of only one thing to say to them if they asked the question he believed they would ask; 'you just missed it.'


I’m gonna be revising my chapters for tomorrow I think to make things sound more clear to me.

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts