
Chapter 2

*I will always be with you through thick and hard trust me*


"Ok let's take it back. You said the car in which she was had an accident and you saved her right?" A police man asked

"Yes it's exactly what I said" Aiden said worried looking at the room where doctors where attending Lemon's wounds.

"Ok can you tell me where the accident took place?"

"Sure!! It on road xxxx near the old factory" Aiden replied quickly when he saw the doctor coming out of the room.

"How is she?" He inquired

"Doing better now you can go and see her. I think now she needs someone she knows. She doesn't want to speak she's juste sitting there" said the doctor with a worried expression.

"Oh!! OK thanks doc" Aiden went inside the room.

"Hey!!! How are you?" Aiden asked slowly as if afraid he'll frighten her.

Lemon heard him and turned to look at him tears in her eyes.

"No no don't cry please don't worry I'm here with you OK?" Aiden said while hugging her.

'Huh?? Why am I hugging her? Why is it that the fact that she cries pains me alot? I don't even know her'

"Shush shush....it's ok do you want water?" Aiden asked.

Lemon shakes her head indicating that she wanted some water.

"Why don't you speak? When I found you I remember you could speak." said Aiden

"I....i am afraid I will burst into uncontrollable screams" said Lemon

"Ah but why?" Aiden asked passing the glass of water to her.

"Because it pains I feel like shouting but I just can't. Thanks" Lemon said before drinking the water.

"I have something for you. It's a gift from your mother and father before they passed away" Aiden said before continuing

"Your mother said that you should know her and your father will always be in your heart they will never leave you and that you shouldn't...ah leave the rest" Aiden said

"She also said I shouldn't trust someone right?? I know don't worry" Lemon said while putting the cup on the table.

"What's your name?" Lemon asked.

"Aiden and you?"

"Lemon as in Lemon the fruit"

"Hahaha.....you can't be serious right?" Aiden said laughing out loud.

"Humph I'm damn serious it's the name my mum gave me" Lemon said looking sad.

"Oh OK don't be sad was just kidding you. It's actually a nice name." Aiden said while sitting on the stool near her bed.

"This chain is really beautiful can you please help me to put it on?" Lemon asked


"How old are you Lemon?"

"12 years and you?"

"15 so I am your elder niceee"

"Should I call you elder brother from now?" Lemon asked innocently

"Yes and know that from now I'll always be with you huh.....hum I mean when I finish classes and on weekends" Aiden said blushing.

"Hahaha you're red are you alright?"

"St...op laughing and yes I am perfectly alright"

"Listen Lemon food will be given to you please eat it I have to go home my mother is surely worried already" Aiden said holding her hand.

"Oh!!! Ok big bro go, be safe and rest assured I will eat" She smiled while holding his hand tight

'Ah her smile is so cute. Huh what I am thinking about?'

Hello for those who read the first chapters I wrote you'll see I changed everything.

Just decided to give this story something special hope you'll like it

L3mon_Somacreators' thoughts