
For All Mankind

As mankind takes it's first step on the moon, they discover that gods are real. A goddess has come to Earth in search of her daughter and friends. Bringing social and culture changes that her daughter and friends had started centuries before. A ‘For All Mankind’ and ‘My Little Pony Equestria Girls’ crossover.

madhat886 · TV
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10 Chs



President Nixon inside the Oval Office signed into law the Civil Rights Bill that gives African Americans equal rights as well as women in front of a crowd of reporters and news crews. And standing next to him is Celestia who is making sure he sign it into law. She made it clear that she wouldn't stand for any kind of delays or stalling. 

"There now it's the law of the land," Celestia said. "And all it took was me holding a gun to your head to get it done."

"What are you going to do now?" Nixon asked.

"Go around the country and anyone who has anything against this, will be made into examples. Just like all those government leaders, I blinded and crippled everyone who said no to what I wanted. And they're all be easily be replaced with people who knows to do what I tell them to do. And once this country is how I like and all the ones who have anything against it are blind and cripple from the head down. I'll start with the next country and so on till this planet is how I like," Celestia explains.

"Won't that take years?" a reporter asked.

"Yes but that's a benefit of being an immortal goddess. I will out live you all, I will be still here as your star transforms into a red giant that will engulf this planet, everyone here and has ever live on this world will be forgotten. Everything any of you have every believe in and value will be gone and forgotten. The only thing left that would show that you humans had ever existed at all will be my memories. I'm just here to make sure you humans as a specie will survive long enough to actually have an impact in this galaxy. If not, I can always try again," Celestia explains. 

"We have no choice?" a reporter asked.

"Seeing how you white people of this country need a law to be passed to treat those who are different color skin as equals and those who are female. You have proven to me you need to have a gun held over your heads to get you to act nice. I blinded and cripple everyone who stood in the way. I did the same all over your country, so now there are 652,385 white people who are now unable to care for themselves and need people to take care of them. And that's just for a start of what's to come, I didn't kill them for any sense of mercy you think I have. I left them alive so they can suffer, unable to see, or move and anyone who does anything or say anything like them will suffer the same fate," Celestia said as she looks to one reporter. "Like how you said I'm a nigger lover who sucks dicks."

The reporter eyes widen as he was lifted up into the air and pulled to Celestia who grab him by his head with her index and middle finger plunging themselves into his eyes. The man screams as Celestia held him in the air by one arm while he's screaming in pain. The other reporters all watched in horror as the goddess just blinded the reporter. Bringing her other hand around his neck, Celestia snaps his neck leaving him paralyzed. She drop him to the group where he fell like a rag doll, all awhile screaming.

"You really have to know exactly how to break a neck so that the victim isn't going to die. I have centuries of hands on experience to learn to make it into an art form. So that they will be unable to move anything, and by blinding them they will see nothing. For the rest of their lives they will be trap in their own bodies unable to do anything just hear and their cries heard by the ones around them. Reminding everyone what happens to anyone who displeases me in anyway. Making them completely worthless and just a drain of resources and time for anyone who has to take care of them, leaving them dead inside," Celestia said showing she doesn't see humans as anything but worthless to her. (1)

A pair of secret service agents quickly carried the still screaming reporter out of the room.

"I can read your minds and so there is no point in hiding or pretending. I will make sure you all follow my orders. So just do what I say. You all are easily replaceable no matter who you are. But to show the benefits of having a goddess like me around. I'll take a page out of the superhero comics and destroy organize crime," Celestia said disappearing in a flash of light but stop before she fully disappeared. 

She turns to Nixon. 

"Before, I go you have plans in place to pull the soldiers out of Vietnam. I want them all gone or, I'll simply cripple all of them and leave them to their fate. I will over see the withdraw myself and will tell North Vietnam what, I want from them. Depending on how you response will either have all the American personal safely coming home, or come home crippled and blind," Celestia told Nixon what she wanted of him. 

Celestia turns her attention to a reporter. 

"I heard you, saying I should be more like the god that you Christians believe in," Celestia said staring at the man. "Very well, I will." 

Surprising everyone in the room and watching the live broadcast. 

"All first born children of anyone who displeases me will be blinded and crippled. I will also cause plagues to bring sickness and famine to the lands," Celestia said causing everyone to stare in horror. 

Celestia gave them a amused smile. 

"Many of you think, I should act more like the Christian god. Well, I am acting just like the god in the Bible. Being cruel and you humans having to just deal with it. Like that man who the god of the Bible tortured just to win a bet with the devil. And even if his health and wealth are restored, and he is blessed a new family. Still doesn't erase that he lost his family just so a bet could be won. Or maybe, I should just flood the world and kill off all of you humans," Celestia said. 

"That makes you a monster," a reporter said in horror. 

"Just being like the god of the Bible who has done everything I just said in the stories. But you blind followers just brush it aside as it couldn't be wrong if the god you all believe in did it, but when I'm another goddess will do that to all of you. Suddenly it's wrong," Celestia mocked. (2)

Celestia was the only one laughing in the room. 

"You whites aren't my chosen people. Seeing how most of the followers of my daughter and her friends are of color and not white. Makes you all the enermy of my daughter's followers, and as a god it's my job to protect them. So you either do what, I say or I'll just act like the god you whites believe in. Just that, all the evil acts will be on you all instead," Celestia explains. "Also, I don't believe that the Bible has never been rewritten and changed. And for those who say that they truly believe that everything is true and has never been rewritten. You do realized that the Bible being changed and rewritten also means that all the evil acts that god of the Bible has ever done can all be made up," (3)

Celestia then teleported away. Leaving the American people who are white to have the slow realization that the goddess walking among them does have a chosen people who she will save. But it's not them she has chosen to save. 


Author's Notes -

1 - The reason why Celestia just cripples and blinds, is to install dread in people. For the families of those who have been cripple they have to take care of them for the rest of their lives. And those who don't have people to take care of them, will end up in nursing houses if they're lucky. All which is a drain on resources and a living reminder for those who displeases Celestia.

2 - Seeing how many horrors that the god of the Bible did in the book, where wiping out all but two of everyone animal, torturing someone just for a bet and all the other horrible stuff. You can make one hell of an evil god when you just remove all the good things the god of the Bible also did. 

3 - The Bible being rewritten in the past does mean all the evil acts that god has done could all be made up as well. Where instead of causing the flood, god was trying to save as many that could be saved.
