

Strange things usually happen uncommonly. Once can be a fling, the second a coincidence, the third...not so much. But for all of it to happen to a group of kids? That is very suspicious indeed. (I am an amateur writer and English is my second language. So, I am very sorry if you encounter any errors in my novel...Happy reading)

Cheska_Lim · Horror
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 10

(Kelsea's POV)


Just as the bell rang, our professor in mathematics assigned each of us an assignment. I quickly gathered my stuff and left the classroom, there's one hour of recess after my next class.

' I'm so unlucky, to think that the one student I know in this school would be so busy he was required somewhere else...even though I don't know anybody else here.'

I felt someone tap my right shoulder at the back two times to get my attention.

"Hi, Kelsea Venus right?" When I looked back there was a girl behind me. She was holding out her hand to me.

"Yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you." I shooked her hand.

"A pleasure to meet you too, why don't I help you around since Ted isn't here to get you to your next class?" She offered. That is so kind of her.

"Thank God...yes, please." I sighed in relief. She giggled for a while before she lead me to my next class.

"What's it like in public schools? My parents never allowed me to go public." She asked me curiuosly.

"It's a lot different. Our teachers are great but here...here is better and we don't have uniforms." I thought back when my teachers couldn't keep up with me; when most of them made excuses or had to smile forcefully and leave hurriedly whenever I ask a particular problem I couldn't understand. Unlike earlier, our math professor actually had answered my long unanswered question, which made me glad on how good of a different here is. I just hope that all or even most of the professors here are just as great as my first subject teacher.

"Money can encourage people to do better, after all. Especially in schools like this. Most private schools hire fresh graduate teachers but we only hire those who have at least two decades of experience or those with special cases like our math professor. Professor Jean graduated at the top of his class in BS Math and Physics, he's the youngest professor ever recorded to be hired in this school."

"Do we have the same Professor?" My teacher earlier was quite young, I wonder if he was also her professor.

"We had two but the other one had to leave for not-really-so-secret reason."

"What happened?" I asked her. For there to be only one teacher on a major subject, something big must have happened.

"Professor-Student relationship, it's heavily prohibited here, if you get caught you'll get a sentence in life unlike outside you may get a decade or even less than that. While the student will be forced to be given special teachings from the priests for 5 years." She stated.

'Well, that answers my question.'

"That's..." I don't what to say to that.

"Scary?" She continued for me.

"Yeah." This place is more stricter than I expected.

"Don't worry about it. Except our math professor, we have an amazing history professor. He's one of the best if not the best archaeologist in the world." She looked at me with a little bit of smug.

"I can't wait to meet him." My smile became wider as I became impatient, an archaeologist, how wonderful.

"Sorry, but you didn't think that he would be young considering that all of the prestigious archaeologist are at most at their 40s right? Besides it's forbidden. But if you like to taste the forbidden fruit, then go ahead. I'm not stopping you." She told me with mirth while smiling at me mischievously.

"No, no, no...it's not like that, you got it all wrong. It's just that, I like history. It's my favorite subject. And...and...and" I quickly said stopping at the word and, not knowing what to say to her.

"Hahaha...I know. I was just teasing you." She laughed. Clearly amused by my situation.

"That wasn't very funny." I huffed to appear angry. But I wasn't.

"Again, I know. But there's something much more better than that. We have nuns here as teachers." She changed the topic.

"Oh, I kinda expected that. They had nuns teach way back to the 1900's, maybe much further than that." It's not uncommon for nuns to teach private schools, especially a Catholic school.

"The nuns here are a bit different." Gone was her childish countenance.

"How different?" I frowned with my head tilted a bit in her direction with curiosity. Besides being in love with history, my curiosity had always helped me be in the top. So, I've always embraced it and never thought about things such as the phrase - 'curiosity kills a cat' -.

"Ever since a year ago, there was an incident where a group of student was missing. There were traces of sexual activities in the dungeon and scriptures written in blood." She explained to me.

"Wait, blood?" I asked.

"Yes, blood. Because of that, there's a subject that was included and the nuns are the only ones allowed to teach it, preferably the old ones. It's called 'Bible Study', the others call it Purification of the soul but we like to call it exorcism." She laughed at the word exorcism.

"Were there any records about that?"

"It's in the library at the forbidden section, but I heard that most of it was placed in the headmistress' office since a student was caught reading one."

"That's...interesting" That made me want to go to the library or at the office.

"Don't tell me you want to read it." She looked at me like I'm crazy.

"Is it that obvious?" I couldn't help a smile to come out.

"It's written all over your face." She told me as if it was the most obvious thing to know.

"If this is how it's like in private schools, I will never leave." Just the thought of staying in a historical place, such as this, makes me want to live here.

"That...is great news." The girl smiled at me. We took a turn and stopped at a door. "This is your class, mine is just in front of you. If you need someone to take you to your next class, you can just wait for me here or I will." She turned around to go to her class.

"Thanks. By the way, I never got your name." I ask her, finally realized that she never introduced herself. She looked back at me and said...

"It's Prima...Prima Holssen. And we're gonna be great friends." Prima smiled at me. She looked so kind and friendly. My instincts tell me danger when I saw her smile but she's so sweet, there's nothing wrong with her, right?