
Football Winner

I am the big winner in football. Li Yi, the biggest winner on the football field This novel is not my own, I am only reposting it because it is one of my favorites. for those who want to see it complete just go to the website. /

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Football Winner Chapter 5: France trip

布 Boulogne-sur-Mer, a city in northern France, is also the largest fishing port in northern France, but the number of this fishing port city is not large, so it is not difficult for Li Yi to find Ribery here.

What's more, Ribery is still a small celebrity of Boulogne. Among them, he was not only a player of the Boulogne club, but also because of the scar on his face that looked abnormal.

However, after Ribery became famous, this scary scar became no longer scary, and even Ribery won the title of "Scar Man"

Of course, Scar Man was not born with a scar. The scar on Ribery's face was due to a car accident in his childhood. I have to say that Scar Man was born with a lot of luck. The car accident is just He hurt his face without hurting his precious legs.

Although Ribery's face in the same year was not happy because of the scar on his face, it was also because of the scar on his face that Ribery's mentality was trained from an early age.

"Is this the Frank Ribery's house?" Ribery's family is not rich, as can be seen from their housing.

"Excuse me?" Standing at the moment was Li Yi, a middle-aged woman.

"Hello, madam, my name is Li Yi, from the Italian League B Cagliari Club." Li Yi did not say he was a coach, after all, he was too young.

From the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, Serie A was the most prosperous era. It was called the Little World Cup. Although Cagliari is currently in Serie B, his reputation is not lower than that of ordinary A-level teams.

"Sorry, Frank is working with his father, but it is near noon, and they will be back for dinner soon." The middle-aged woman invited Li Yi in.



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Football Winner Chapter 5: France trip

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布 Boulogne-sur-Mer, a city in northern France, is also the largest fishing port in northern France, but the number of this fishing port city is not large, so it is not difficult for Li Yi to find Ribery here.

What's more, Ribery is still a small celebrity of Boulogne. Among them, he was not only a player of the Boulogne club, but also because of the scar on his face that looked abnormal.

However, after Ribery became famous, this scary scar became no longer scary, and even Ribery won the title of "Scar Man".

Of course, Scar Man was not born with a scar. The scar on Ribery's face was due to a car accident in his childhood. I have to say that Scar Man was born with a lot of luck. The car accident is just He hurt his face without hurting his precious legs.

Although Ribery's face in the same year was not happy because of the scar on his face, it was also because of the scar on his face that Ribery's mentality was trained from an early age.

"Is this the Frank Ribery's house?" Ribery's family is not rich, as can be seen from their housing.

"Excuse me?" Standing at the moment was Li Yi, a middle-aged woman.

"Hello, madam, my name is Li Yi, from the Italian League B Cagliari Club." Li Yi did not say he was a coach, after all, he was too young.

From the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, Serie A was the most prosperous era. It was called the Little World Cup. Although Cagliari is currently in Serie B, his reputation is not lower than that of ordinary A-level teams.

"Sorry, Frank is working with his father, but it is near noon, and they will be back for dinner soon." The middle-aged woman invited Li Yi in.

"If you can, please wait a minute" After Li Yi nodded, the woman went out immediately, and a little boy appeared at the door.

After so many minutes, a discouraged boo, a young man dressed in a messy construction site rushed in. The young man was not tall, with a scar on his face.

Ribery, Li Yi is looking at Ribery, Ribery is also looking at Li Yi, especially when he finds that the person in front of him is so young, even Ribery suspects that the guy in front of him is not as big as him.

"You are really from Cagliari, Italy," Ribéry suspected.

当然 "Of course, this is my work permit, and my A-level coaching license." Li Yi came here but was fully prepared.

"You are still Cagliari's coach" Obviously, no young coach like Li Yi can be found throughout Europe.

不错 "Yes, I am currently the assistant coach of Cagliari's first team. I am here to ask you if you are interested in playing in Italy." Li Yi knew that Ribery already believed him.

"Yes ~~~ Of course." This summer, Ribery's contract with Boulogne has expired. At present, Boulogne has no intention of renewing the contract with Ribery. Therefore, during this time, Ribery except with his father Going to work outside the site is looking for a club.

在 At this time, Ribery's father, Frank, and his two elder brothers also returned to the house, and naturally, they had a shiver with Li Yi.

逸 Li Yi enjoyed an authentic French free lunch. Although it was not rich, it tasted good. After lunch, Li Yi said goodbye to the Ribery family and took the train to Bordeaux.

However, at this time, Ribery volunteered to give Li Yi the lead, but Li Yi did not refuse to say so, let alone say that the trip to Bordeaux can find Valbuena thanks to Ribery.

During the Lille youth team, Ribery's youth team played against the Bordeaux youth team, so under the leadership of Ribery, Li Yi came to the Bordeaux youth team training base and immediately blocked a youth at the door. Team players, and thus this young player knew where to contact Valbueno.

Everything is easy to find. For Li Yi's invitation, Valbueno has no reason to refuse. Like Ribery, Valbueno, who was swept out of Bordeaux, is trying out.

After finishing Valbueno's Li Yi, he did not leave France. After letting Valbueno and Ribery go back to handle private affairs, Li Yi came to Bastia, the capital of Corsica, because he saw the road in Bordeaux. A gardener remembered someone.

Aldi Lamy, the future defender of the French national team, Li Yi has seen a news online, before becoming a professional player, Lamy was a gardener.

Bastia's population is similar to that of Boulogne, but Lamy is obviously not as famous as Ribery, so Li Yi specifically sought out the Bastia amateur team and even asked some people who like to play football.

It took a day like this, Li Yi found Lamy, who was also from a poor family. In addition to being an amateur player, 17-year-old Lamy just became a gardener because of the introduction of relatives.

However, this gardener Lamy is obviously going to be laid off immediately, because of Li Yi's invitation, and Cagliari's invitation, between travelling to Italy and staying in Bastia ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Lamy did not Any hesitation chose the former.

In other words, Li Yi's trip to France took nearly three days and took away three main teams of the French national team in the future, but at this time, who will know the future of the three.

Even Salerno, who promised Li Yi, felt that Li Yi was crazy. If he did not say that there is no escape route for him now, he would never be Li Yi crazy.

The signing of the trio actually cost Cagliari much, and it was because Salerno could not spend much money that made Li Yi crazy, but Li Yi's next proposal made Salerno a little bit embarrassed.

Because Li Yi proposed Salerno to sign Palombo, the Italian midfielder's contract with Florence expired this summer. Florence is currently in a scorching stage and has no energy to deal with Palombo's contract renewal.

Palombo not only has a good ability to intercept and intercept, but also has a good skill and ability to go out. He is an all-around midfielder, similar to Dibiagio who transferred to Brescia this summer.

Compared with the ability and the professionalism of Palombo, if Cagliari can really sign Palumbo, there is no need to worry about it in the next ten years, so such players are definitely the ones that Cagliari needs most. A class of players.

"In fact, Palombo is the player needed by Cagliari, but we signed Palumbo, and Mr. Giampiero will definitely not reuse it." Although Palombo was signed to strengthen the team, it was also given to Ventura. Tim blocking.

"And we can also reduce the team's budget by signing Palombo" Li Yi finally convinced Salerno.

In addition, Li Yi has his own abacus, but he didn't say it.

However, it is not easy for Cagliari to sign Palombo. Salerno needs to convince Chairman Celino before competing with Sampdoria.