
Chapter 327 Lin Quan stepped forward and solved it easily! 10 million euros to take Van Dijk away!

"Hey Lin, did you have a nice holiday?"

"Thank God, Lin, you are finally back!"

"I knew you wouldn't leave Manchester City. All the reporters outside are just hyping it up!"

Lin Quan had just returned to Manchester City. Everyone he met along the way, from the doormen to the club staff, all came forward to say hello warmly after seeing Lin Quan.

But their relieved attitude made Lin Quan feel strange. Didn't he declare long ago that he would not leave Manchester City?

Why are they still so worried?

He did not waste time making random guesses, but went directly to Pellegrini's office to inquire about information.

After Pellegrini saw Lin Quan, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if a big stone had fallen from his heart.

As long as Lin Quan doesn't leave, everything else will be trivial.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Some wealthy clubs have taken a fancy to some players in our team and want to poach them!"

Pellegrini then introduced the poaching of Cross, De Bruyne and others.

"Kross going to Real Madrid?"

Lin Quan was a little surprised to learn about Kroos' transfer rumors.

Cross has only been in Manchester City for half a year, and he has achieved both fame and fortune in Manchester City during these six months.

Not only did he receive a high salary, but he also received various honors.

It's really puzzling that he would leave under such circumstances.

Is the allure of Real Madrid that great?

"The matter is not confirmed, but some paparazzi captured photos of a private meeting between the Real Madrid president and Kroos' agent."

"There were rumors before that Real Madrid was very interested in Dortmund star Reus..."

"Royce can't leave Dortmund!"

Lin Quan rejected Pellegrini's speculation. Based on his understanding of Royce, it is absolutely impossible for Royce to abandon Dortmund like Gotze and Lewandowski when the team needs him most.

"I'll call Cross and ask!"

Seeing that Lin Quan was so sure, Pellegrini's expression became serious.

Although he feels that the possibility of Kroos leaving Manchester City is unlikely, he cannot rule out this possibility.

At this time, things must be clarified immediately.

Otherwise, if the team's midfielder suddenly announces his transfer and leaves at the beginning of the new season, then Manchester City will not even have a chance to make a comeback!

When Pellegrini's call came, Cross was hesitating whether to go to Real Madrid or not.

Seeing Pellegrini's call, Cross hesitated for a few seconds and finally chose to answer the call.

"Coach, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Well, Lin has returned to the team. When will you come back?"

Pellegrini did not directly ask Kroos whether he had any personal contact with Real Madrid.

This kind of question is too direct, and the other party may not admit it, and it may irritate the other party, which is self-defeating.

"Has Lin come back yet?"

Cross' eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Pellegrini's words.

The reason why he hesitated was because Walker brought back an inside message:

Real Madrid is preparing to spend huge sums of money to take Lin Quan to the Bernabeu!

A large part of the reason why Kroos stayed at Manchester City was because of Lin Quan. With Lin Quan here, Manchester City's results are guaranteed.

But if Lin Quan leaves Manchester City, it will be meaningless for him to stay.

"Yes, he has finished his vacation and returned to the team to prepare for pre-season training!"

After receiving Pellegrini's affirmative reply, Cross immediately expressed his position:

"I'll pack my things right now and leave tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Pellegrini breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Kroos going to Real Madrid is just a rumor. If he really wanted to go to Real Madrid, he wouldn't be convinced so easily.

But if you think about it carefully, this thing may be true.

As for why Kroos's attitude changed, it's probably because Lin Quan's early return to the team gave him reassurance!

Just like when I saw Lin Quan at the club, I felt an indescribable feeling of peace of mind deep in my heart!

Cross was not the only one to change his mind after learning that Lin Quan had returned to the team.

Demichelis, who was preparing to return to Argentina for retirement, was persuaded by Lin Quan and agreed to renew his contract with the club for another year.

However, another main center back, Lescott, has a more determined attitude. He is determined to leave Manchester City and join West Bromwich Albion.

In addition, Pantilimon was also let go by Pellegrini and joined Black Cat Sunderland for zero transfer fee.

Manchester City has left a lot of people this summer.

But a lot of people came!

During the training camp of the new season, a tall young player appeared on the sidelines of Manchester City's training ground.

After assistant coach Brian brought the player to the training ground, he found head coach Pellegrini and said to him:

"Coach, I brought him here, do you want to arrange for him to come up for a trial training?"

Pellegrini glanced at the tall, dark-skinned young player not far away, nodded, and said: "Let him put on a red vest and go to the substitute team!"

The assistant coach immediately stopped the ongoing team training match, asked Plummer, a young defender from Manchester City's own youth training, to come off the field and replaced him with the new defender.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know you. You must be here for a trial, right?"

"This figure looks quite strong, but he is so tall that his turning speed may be very slow."

On the main team's side, several main players from last season couldn't help but start discussing when they saw the newcomers.

"Kevin, pass me a good ball later and I'll test his strength!"

Aguero is eager to try and plans to test the newcomer's strength personally.

After all, Manchester City is now considered a semi-rich club, and we can't stuff all the cats and dogs into the team!

If this newcomer is of average strength, it would be better to send him away early to avoid becoming a time bomb in the defense in the future.

After hearing Aguero's words, De Bruyne nodded expressionlessly.

But after nodding, he subconsciously looked at Lin Quan, only to find an unknown smile on the corner of this guy's mouth.

What is he laughing at?

Lin Quan noticed Van Dyke when he appeared on the sidelines.

This is the future number one defender in football, a monster worth as much as 75 million pounds!

However, Van Dijk is still very immature now, and his strength should not have reached his peak level.

So when Aguero proposed to weigh the opponent, Lin Quan did not stop him.

Because he is also curious about what level Van Dyke is now.

The game quickly restarted, and soon De Bruyne seized the opportunity and completed a cooperation with Aguero.

Aguero had just received a pass from De Bruyne, and the young defender who had only been on the field for less than five minutes appeared in front of him.

Haha, the defense is quite active, but I don't know how strong it is!

Aguero did not show mercy just because the opponent was a newcomer. After receiving the pass from his teammate, he used his explosive power to speed up, seemingly intending to eat Van Dijk alive.

However, this move quickly failed.

Van Dyke retreated in time, maintained a reasonable distance, and used precise blocking to prevent Aguero from overtaking in corners.

When the plan failed, Aguero suddenly had another plan in mind.

He used his signature stop-and-go style, using changes in rhythm to gain space and opportunities for breakthroughs.

But this move still failed, Van Dyke kept retreating and retreating, but did not take a step.

Damn it, you're trying to grab it. Why are you backing away? I've already dribbled the ball into the penalty area. Aren't you afraid of me shooting?

Aguero finally had to force the shot before Van Dijk's teammates came up to press him.

Van Dijk's blocking area is very large. Without a good shooting angle, the result of Aguero's shot can be imagined.

After completing the shot, Aguero glanced at the stupid guy opposite.

He has never seen such a strange defender, he just knows how to retreat, there is no chance of grabbing him!

The opponent's defensive strategy made Aguero very uncomfortable.

He seemed to have martial arts skills, but he couldn't use them and felt extremely frustrated.

After guarding Aguero, Van Dijk couldn't help but wipe away a cold sweat.

The opponent's feet were too fast and explosive, and he could hardly keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

If the opponent's receiving position was not close to the penalty area and there was not much room to speed up, Van Dijk might not be able to guard him!

Is this the strength of Manchester City's main force?

He does look better than his teammates in the Celtics!

Pellegrini was not very optimistic about Van Dijk's strength. The strength of the substitute team was limited, and there was no tacit understanding between him and his teammates.

It is simply impossible to expect him to defend Aguero one-on-one.

However, after watching the first duel between the two, Pellegrini's opinion changed.

"Well, I have a very high football intelligence. I know that I am weak in attacking and intercepting, so I don't take any chances easily!"

"The strategy of retreating and defending can effectively suppress the offensive space of the ball holder, reduce the opponent's offensive threat, and even affect the opponent's mentality?"

Pellegrini did not draw a conclusion quickly and planned to continue to observe.

This was just a confrontation. Maybe it was this kid's good luck?

Aguero was also a little unconvinced and tried several more times in the following time.

After these few fights, he won less and lost more. Even when they discussed before, they agreed that the ball behind the opponent was the opponent's weakness, and he didn't take advantage of it.

Van Dijk's turning speed is indeed not fast, but his positioning ability and physical confrontation ability are very strong.

The ball can pass, but the man must stay.

Aguero tried several times but failed!

"The idea is a bit tricky, this guy is not easy to deal with!"

In the end, Aguero had to admit that he was defeated.

Although he has not returned to his best condition now, Aguero feels that even if he returns to his prime, it will not be easy to succeed five times out of ten against this guy!

"Are you so strong? Did you spend too much time outside during the offseason and your body is weak?"

Teammates cast suspicious glances at Aguero, all feeling that he lost to his opponent because of his poor condition.

After all, a little-known young defender can actually defend the main forward of the Champions League champion?

This kind of thing is rare in the Champions League and the league!

If the other party was really that powerful, they wouldn't have even heard of the other party's name.

"Damn, everything I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself!"

Aguero said angrily.

His teammates were dubious about what he said, so they stepped forward to test it out for themselves.

The results are self-evident. Among those who took the initiative to challenge Van Dyke, very few succeeded, while the vast majority failed.

"It's really difficult to deal with!"

"I've never seen such a defensive method before!"

The main players were amazed that the opponent's defensive method was really weird.

"This guy's defensive method will not work well if he encounters a player with strong dribbling ability, quick footwork, and strong explosive power!"

After saying this, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Quan.

Doesn't he meet these conditions perfectly?

Lin Quan watched from the sidelines for a long time, carefully observing Van Dyke's defensive strategy.

The opponent's defensive method is not much different from that in his peak period, but the gap in experience is obvious.

When encountering Van Dyke at his peak, Lin Quan was not very sure. He might only succeed five or six times out of ten.

But when he met Van Dyke at this time, he felt that he was still very confident.

So, in the next attack, Lin Quan appeared opposite Van Dyke.

With his recent performance, Van Dijk has successfully attracted the attention of the Manchester City coaching staff.

Including Pellegrini, everyone was very surprised by the strength of this newcomer.

That so many main players cannot take advantage of him is enough to illustrate his strength.

At this time, seeing the team's number one star facing off against the newcomer, everyone cheered up and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Can this newcomer guard Lin Quan?

Seeing Lin Quan take action, Van Dyke's pupils shrank and his inner vigilance increased to the extreme.

As one of the most famous players on the planet, no one in the entire football world doesn't know Lin Quan!

And among the defenders, his popularity is even higher!

Because in the defender world, everyone agrees that Lin Quan is the most defensive player on the planet!

Originally this position belonged to Messi, but after Messi was injured and his explosiveness decreased, this position was replaced by Lin Quan.

Van Dyke had naturally heard of Lin Quan's fame, and had also imagined that he could successfully freeze the opponent on the court and become famous with one goal!

However, when Lin Quan really appeared in front of him, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Can you really defend yourself against the opponent?

Five minutes later, Van Dyke fell slumped on the grass, breathing heavily, his eyes fixed on the scoreboard on the long side.

The score on the scoreboard has already become 3:0.

Lin Quan scored three goals in just five minutes, all of which were breakthroughs from him.

Can't prevent it, can't prevent it at all!

Recalling the battle between the two sides just now, Van Dyke's face was full of bitterness.

The opponent's feet are too fast, his dribbling ability is extremely terrifying, and he is very good at using fake moves and changes in rhythm to get past others.

Van Dijk's retreating defense was not only ineffective in front of the opponent, but also became a shield for the opponent to enter the penalty area and then score.

Originally, the farther away the ball holder is from the defensive player, the greater the threat, but with Lin Quan, the situation is completely reversed.

Van Dyke feels that the closer the opponent is to him, the harder it is to guard him!

Seeing Van Dyke's frustrated look, Lin Quan took the initiative to come over, stretched out his hand to pull him up, and encouraged him:

"Well done, keep up the good work!"

With Lin Quan's encouragement, the haze in Van Dyke's heart suddenly disappeared.

He is still just an unknown person now, but the opponent is already a talented player who is famous all over the world.

Being recognized by the other party is a huge encouragement to Van Dyke!

"Well, I will work hard!"

Although Van Dijk lost the battle with Lin Quan without any suspense, Manchester City's coaching staff's evaluation of him rose instead of falling.

After all, in the eyes of the Manchester City coaching staff, the person in this world who can defend Lin Quan alone has not yet been born!

If Van Dijk could do this, he would not play in a league like the Scottish Premiership. I am afraid he would have been poached by top giants such as Royal Salen!

"How about it, do you want to buy it?"

Brian asked tentatively.

Pellegrini nodded. The opponent is only 23 years old and already has such strength.

Keep him and focus on training him. After he grows up, Manchester City's defense will not have to worry about having no one available for at least ten years!

"Well, you can make an offer to Celtic. By the way, how much is the asking price over there?"

"It shouldn't be very high. It should be able to be done for less than 10 million euros!"

Van Dijk only moved to Celtic last year, and the transfer price at that time was only 3 million euros.

If Manchester City offers 10 million, the Celtics will naturally be happy to make a profit.

"Then I'll quote you 10 million and resolve it as soon as possible to avoid long nights and endless dreams!"