
Chapter 309 Lin Quan VS Messi, the pinnacle battle in the World Cup!

Messi's defensive ability is not strong. Seeing him rushing towards him, Lin Quan didn't take it seriously.

He saw the right opportunity, and when Messi was grabbing the ball, he pulled the ball lightly and turned around. Not only did he get rid of Messi's interception, but he also changed positions with Messi and completed the pass.

In the stands, the fans couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw Lin Quan passing Messi so easily.

This scene was far from the battle between Mars and the Earth that they imagined.

After many people saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel that Messi was inferior to Lin Quan.

"It doesn't matter, Messi is not good at defense, he is good at offense!"

"That's right, although Messi can't guard against Lin Quan, Lin Quan can't guard against Messi either. If you don't believe me, you'll find out later!"

Messi has been famous for many years and has accumulated a very large number of fans.

In addition, Brazil is right next to Argentina, so a large number of Argentine fans flocked to watch the game.

These people undoubtedly support Messi!

With a solid defense, Argentina withstood Spain's probing attacks.

Subsequently, they also tried to launch an offensive against Spain.

Messi is the core of Argentina's frontcourt, and the Argentine players naturally handed the ball to him and let him organize the offense.

As soon as Messi received the ball, the Spanish players came over.

But this was not a problem for Messi. He took advantage of the change in rhythm and easily passed the player who was attacking.

But after he passed the first person, someone else rushed over.

Messi looked up at the opponent and found that it was Lin Quan who had passed him before.

It's not that enemies don't get together!

Seeing Messi dribbling the ball and Lin Quan defending, the fans who support Messi suddenly brightened up and started looking forward to it!

Just now, Lin Quan made Messi lose his temper, which made them feel ashamed.

Now seeing Lin Quan running over to defend Messi, they all felt that this was an excellent opportunity to regain the field.

"Get over him!"

"Teach this boy a lesson!"

The fans didn't mind the excitement and clamored for Messi to teach Lin Quan a lesson.

Messi thinks so too!

Although his competitive spirit is not as strong as Ronaldo's, he has always been very humble and low-key.

But this does not mean that Messi is completely uncompetitive!

He hopes to defeat Lin Quan in a head-to-head match, prove his strength and help the team win.

Both of them are the top stars of their respective teams. If they can defeat Lin Quan in a head-to-head match, it will definitely greatly improve their own morale, and even have the effect of damaging the morale of the Spanish team.

Thinking of this, Messi cheered up and prepared to use his best method to get past the opponent.

He dribbled the ball in small steps, suddenly changed his dribbling rhythm, changed his center of gravity with a fake move, and pretended to break through from Lin Quan's left side.

Messi's pace is very fast. If the defensive player hesitates for a second, he will pass him cleanly.

Lin Quan immediately made an interception without any hesitation.

Seeing the opponent's reaction, Messi immediately pulled the ball back and returned it to his right foot, trying to pass Lin Quan with a simple fried ball.

However, as soon as he started, he felt his body was hit by someone and he lost his balance.

Messi's pace became a little unsteady, he stumbled when dribbling the ball and made a mistake.

Then he fell down on the court, and the football under his feet rolled away and fell into the feet of the Spanish players who were helping to defend.


The referee blew the whistle in time and awarded the Spanish team a foul.

The offender was none other than Lin Quan.

"Lin, pay attention to your defensive moves!"

The referee ran over and gave Lin Quan a verbal warning.

In fact, Lin Quan's foul just now can be called or not, it belongs to the category of normal physical confrontation.

But Messi's body was not as strong as Lin Quan's. He lost his balance and fell to the grass after being carried by him.

If it had been another player, referee Cakir might not have called a foul.

But it was Messi who fell, and Messi is the hottest superstar in today's football, with countless fans and media attention, so Cakir could only blow the whistle.

After all, hundreds of millions of fans around the world saw Messi being violated and fell down. If you don't call a foul, it will definitely cause verbal criticism after the game.

Of course, the foul was committed by another superstar, and the nature of the foul itself was not bad, so only a verbal warning was needed.

If Lin Quan was dealt a blow because of this foul, it would probably also cause controversy.

Cakir, who is from Turkey, is not a big-name referee. He felt a little pressured to be the referee in this focus battle.

Both teams have superstars and a lot of fans behind them. Any mistakes in law enforcement may cause him huge trouble after the game.

Therefore, Cakir's law enforcement standard for this game is to strictly control fouls but not play cards randomly, and to reduce human intervention in the game as much as possible.

This is also an important reason why UEFA originally arranged for him to referee the highlight battle between Barcelona and Chelsea.

In the Champions League showdown between Barcelona and Chelsea, Herning once committed a penalty incident that made countless Blues fans around the world extremely angry.

Therefore, UEFA is cautious about who will be assigned to enforce the two teams with deep grievances.

The fact that Cakir can be entrusted with an important task is enough to show that UEFA recognizes his ability.

Lin Quan humbly accepted the referee's verbal warning without any dissatisfaction or protest.

While making an apologetic gesture to Messi, he reached out and pulled Messi up from the ground.

Messi wasn't angry either. Lin Quan's foul was not bad in nature. He didn't do anything behind the scenes or use any bad tricks.

So after seeing Lin Quan reaching out, Messi naturally reached out and grabbed Lin Quan's hand. After being pulled up by Lin Quan, he patted his back as a sign of friendship.

There was no grudge between the two of them. Although their friendship was not deep, they felt quite sympathetic to each other.

Although he was verbally warned by the referee, Lin Quan's defense was still successful.

Of course, he did not use any means at all and relied entirely on hard power to defend Messi. Lin Quan believed that he did not have such strength.

Although he knows Messi's playing habits very well, Messi's own style is very changeable. Even if he predicts correctly in advance, the opponent may make adjustments under extreme circumstances and avoid his interception.

Therefore, when defending Messi, some other means are needed.

For example, increasing physical confrontation is risky. If the referee sees it, he will be given a verbal warning or a yellow card.

However, Lin Quan pays great attention to propriety when making moves, and the range of his movements is not large, so the possibility of getting a card is not very high.

This trick can only be used on players like Messi who are good at the game and disdain to dive.

If it had been Di Maria, if Lin Quan was hit by him, he would fall to the ground and roll several times, and then scream like a slaughtering pig to attract the attention of all the fans!

On the bench, Aguero looked at his two friends with envy.

He also wants to play in the game, but he can't decide this himself.

We can only hope that the head coach will put him on the field soon!

However, if the head coach replaces him, it will prove that Higuain's performance in this game was not good.

By the time he comes on the field, maybe Argentina is already lagging behind!

As the game continued, the two teams tested each other's ins and outs, and the number of troops invested in the attack gradually increased.

The pace of the game slowly accelerated and the game gradually became more exciting.

After the strangulation in the midfield failed, Argentina began to try to use long passes behind Spain.

But Spain's defenders protect the ball's placement very well, and there are always people around Messi to restrict him from catching the ball.

As for Higuain, without Messi's pass, he could not pose a threat in the frontcourt. He was submerged in Spain's defensive wave without even a splash.

In the 25th minute, after Lin Quan and David Silva switched positions, they took the ball on the left and tried to forcefully cut into the penalty area.

Mascherano failed to grab the ball and was passed by Lin Quan, but unfortunately Zabaleta fell to the ground to tackle and accurately destroyed the ball out of the baseline.

Lin Quan couldn't help but shook his head and gave a thumbs up to his club teammates.

This time, Zabaleta played very smartly in defense. He took advantage of Lin Quan's opportunity to adjust his rhythm to get rid of Mascherano, and suddenly made a move, which did not leave Lin Quan enough reaction time, so that he could not escape this time. Tackle.

This tackle may seem like an ordinary and no big deal to the fans, but only the players who played on the field know how difficult this goal is.

If you don't know enough about Lin Quan's playing habits and don't have enough game experience to judge when to take a shot, you may not be able to tackle the ball. Instead, you will lose your position and give the opponent a chance to stand alone. .

Spain got a chance for a corner kick. Lin Quan and Harvey discussed it and Harvey took the corner kick.

Ramos excitedly ran into the penalty area, preparing to grab the point. Pique, who was 1.94 meters tall, also rushed into the penalty area.

Argentina's defenders increased their vigilance and kept an eye on these two high points, not giving Spain any chance.

Harvey did not kick the ball directly into the penalty area, but kicked the ball to Lin Quan on the right side of the penalty area.

Lin Quan then moved the ball to the center. Iniesta took advantage of the fact that most of the opponent's defensive players were defending in the penalty area and tried a long shot without interference.

But the ball hit the defensive player's legs, reflecting the bottom line.

Spain gets another chance from a corner kick.

This time, Lin Quan walked to the corner kick area.

He looked up at the penalty area and gestured to his teammates that he would point the ball backwards.

Ramos and Pique understood each other. When Lin Quan kicked off, Pique suddenly rushed forward.

Argentina's defenders didn't know why. When they saw the tallest player in the Spanish team going to grab the ball, they rushed over one after another.

But when Pique moved forward, Ramos suddenly turned back and rushed towards the backward point.

At this time, the football had already streaked across the sky, and the heads of the players who had jumped up from the previous point flew over and landed at the back point of the penalty area.

Ramos was overjoyed when he saw the football flying towards him!

He jumped up vigorously, preparing to score his third goal in this World Cup!

However, Argentina goalkeeper Romero was very focused and quickly struck out with his fist before Ramos could reach the ball.

The ball fell to Harvey's feet, and Harvey took a long shot but fired an anti-aircraft gun.

Ramos, who failed to hit the ball, hugged his head in frustration. The opponent's goalkeeper chose to attack the ball, and the goal was already empty.

As long as he hits the ball and hits the goal frame, it's a goal!

Unfortunately, his luck was a little lacking.

Although these two shots did not result in a goal, attentive fans have discovered that the situation on the field began to gradually fall under Spain's control.

As everyone predicted before the game, Spain gradually took control of the game with the help of a strong midfielder.

After taking control of the situation, their offensive began to show its strength, overwhelming the Argentines and making them breathless.

In the 29th minute, Lin Quan broke through on the right and was cleared by Mascherano in advance.

After the throw-in, Iniesta passed the ball to Xavi.

Harvey passed a diagonal pass to David Silva, who volleyed slightly wide at the top of the arc.

During Spain's offensive wave, Argentina also seized the opportunity to launch several counterattacks.

In the 34th minute, Perez was dropped while dribbling the ball on the right side of the top of the arc, and Argentina won an excellent free kick opportunity.

Messi stood behind the football, glanced at the Spanish wall, and then chose to hit a fallen ball with his left foot.

The quality of the ball was very high. After crossing the wall, the trajectory of the ball was erratic, almost causing Casillas to make a mistake.

Unfortunately, it fell a little short in the end.

Messi shook his head. He practiced free kicks for a long time before the game, and it seemed to have limited effect.

The free kick this time was in a good position, with a moderate distance, and the quality of his free throws was also very good, but even so, he still failed to score. So next time, Spain, which is on guard, may not give him another chance.

Sure enough, after Messi hit this threatening shot, Del Bosque immediately shouted, asking the players to pay attention to the location of the foul and not to give the opponent too good a free kick opportunity.

In the last ten minutes of the first half, Spain's offensive was overwhelming.

The players played a mercury-like offense with rapid passing and cooperation.

In the 42nd minute, Busquets stole the ball in the backcourt and handed the ball to Xavi.

Xavi passed a kick to Lin Quan. Lin Quan knocked it across to Iniesta who was beside him. Iniesta sent a through ball. Torres received the ball and passed it back. Lin Quan received the ball outside the penalty area.

In this pass, Lin Quan, Iniesta, Xavi, and Torres sent consecutive passes in the process of running and passing.

The football was passed so fast that the Argentinian players had no time to intercept it and could not even keep up with the speed of the football.

Their defense began to loosen up, and defensive holes began to be exposed, giving Spain a fatal opportunity.

When the ball was passed to Lin Quan's feet, Lin Quan had already reached the top of the penalty area.

The opponent's two central defenders blocked him. Lin Quan did not directly try to break through them. Instead, he took the ball diagonally and entered the left side of the penalty area.

Garay and Demichelis followed Lin Quan almost subconsciously, and as soon as they left, there was a big hole in Argentina's defense in the middle.

At this time, as long as Lin Quan passes the ball out, the Spanish players following up in the middle will have the opportunity to face the goalkeeper.

"Stop him, don't let him pass the ball!"

Zabaleta was taken aback. While rushing towards Lin Quan, he directed his teammates, hoping that they would cut off Lin Quan's passing line.

But it was obviously too late to remind him at this time.

Lin Quan didn't look at the ball and knocked the ball back with his heel.

After completing the pass, Torres turned around and rushed into the penalty area, just appearing in Lin Quan's passing line.

Torres marveled at Lin Quan's passing vision. He couldn't see his position with the ball, but he was able to hand the ball to his feet so accurately.

This skill is truly breathtaking.

He once again had a strong expectation: How great it would be if Lin Quanneng came to Chelsea!

Being a teammate with such a guy is truly a blessing.

Seeing Torres receiving the ball, Romero immediately chose to attack.

This ball must not give Torres an angle to shoot, otherwise he is likely to lose the ball.

However, facing the attacking goalkeeper, Torres did not choose to shoot himself, but passed the ball out.

In the direction of his pass, Lin Quan, who had already gotten rid of the defender, fired an angry shot into the goal.


Spain took the lead and broke the deadlock in this game!

After Lin Quan scored, the Sao Paulo Arena, which can accommodate 70,000 spectators, was silent.

The fans at the scene were stunned by Spain's series of coordination and final goal!

Argentina's defense has done a very good job, but the Spanish players relied on passing the ball to find a breakthrough from the opponent's tight defense.

Countless fans see the shadow of the original Barcelona team in this Spanish team.

The difference is that it was not No. 10 of the Red and Blue Legion who scored the goal, but No. 30 wearing a red jersey!

And his name is - Lin Quan!