
The Merry

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[Ding Stamina has levelled up]

>Physical Fitness (Av. Rating: C-

Balance and Coordination: D+

Speed: C+ (67)

Agility: E+ (48)

Strength: D (52)

Stamina: C+ (65)

'Looks like all that hard work throughout the night was worth it' I thought to myself looking at the upgrade to my stamina. Seems like that is the only thing that's upgraded, guess I need to work hard, especially on my agility it's horrible for someone who's got two strong feet.


Looking around the pier It felt like I was looking at hundreds of worker ants up close just getting on with their work and not bothering about anything else. Tons of sea creatures were being unloaded from huge ships by the workers as if it was normal for them. I don't think I've ever seen so many dead fish in one place in both of my life and if I'm being honest the stench of them is nauseating.

After spending about thirty minutes navigating the morning fish market I finally reached the other side. Why does it have to be so crowded? it's like a movie festival up in this place.

Looking out onto the clear blue sea floor was a sight to behold, it really emphasised to me that I was free to enjoy sights like these. Going down the docks I could see rows upon rows of different types of boats.

From little speed boats that look like sports cars made for water to massive yachts that looked like villas on the water. Honestly trying to locate the going merry is gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack among all these boats.

Realising that I'm not gonna get anywhere just looking for the boat like a headless chicken I made my way towards a hut that looked to be the information point. There was a middle-aged blond woman dressed in a white sailor's uniform who was working the information booth.


"Hello, what can I help you with?" She asked me with a professional smile as she gave me a once over with her eyes, guess my look is a bit suspicious among all these expensive boats.

"Hi, I got hired to help clean a boat called the going merry but I can't seem to locate it," I told her while scratching the back of my head trying to look as innocent as possible. That lie should work as it's not uncommon to see children being employed for menial work here.

"Oh alright that's no problem just let me check the system for you" she answered while looking through her ledgers. It didn't take long for her to find what she was looking for under the hundreds of names that were in her leger.

"The boat is docked at G17, just keep walking straight and you will spot it," she said while pointing out the directions on a map she had on the table.

"Thanks, I appreciate the help" I thanked her as I promptly made my way following the direction she gave me.


After walking down the pier for a while I finally reached the G lot and there were Loads of medium-sized luxury yachts scattered about the place. looking through the rows of yachts I finally located a beautiful beige colour ship with a sheep's head at the bow. The yacht had this elegant feeling to it like a barreling who danced gracefully on stage.

"Guess this must be the going merry then" I muttered under my breath while admiring this stunning piece of machinery. The Merry looked like it could have at least four five-star all-inclusive bedrooms, and the ship was decorated with golden flowers all over the place.

{How did you figure that? by the big going merry written on the side} Eva teased me from inside of my head. That's when I finally noticed its name which was written in bold letters on the side, When did that appear it wasn't there a second ago.


Now that I know where the merry is I made my way out of the pier back into tow looking for a pharmacy. It didn't take long for me to find one in town, the massive red cross was a big giveaway. Going in I went and bought a roll of bandages with a packet of paracetamol, I couldn't really risk getting sick when I'm at sea, could I? After paying for the medicine I made my way to one of the public bathrooms.

When I arrived I waste no time taking off my hoodie and top so I could apply the bandages to myself. It was a struggle applying the bandages to my body, Having to try and reach around my shoulder to best wrap place the bandages. For one I had no idea what I was actually doing so it turned out quite crooked at first but nothing a few tries couldn't solve.

Eventually, I did manage to decently fit the bandages around my upper body making me look like a bit of a mummy. With that done I dawned on my tracksuit top and hoodie again couldn't really wear the bloodied shirt anymore so I threw it in the bin.

After exiting the bathrooms I made my way to a nearby supermarket to buy some food for my journey. I made sure to buy things that wouldn't perish within a week, as I wouldn't know How long I would be on the sea. With all the necessities gathered, I clutched my bag with my things and promptly made my way back towards the going merry.


Back at the merry, I waited till I was sure no one was around before I jumped on board. I quickly made my way below deck as it seemed like whoever owned the yacht wasn't there yet. Going through the corridor I found one master bedroom and two other side rooms, so I choose one of the side rooms with the massive walk-in closet as that seemed like a good location to hide. Going through the closet it seemed to be long to a young girl judging by the clothes she kept in there. I found a corner that was quite well hidden behind some of her clothes and chose to make that my new camping spot for the foreseeable future.




#Task 1: sneak out at midnight [Compleate]

#Task 2: Go unnoticed [Compleate]

#Task 3: Make it to Cruise Terminal Havan before (12:00 noon) [Compleate 9 am]

#Task 4: Sneak onto the going marry [Compleate]

(Note: The Singularity Cannot be held down by mere mortals. )



> A Grade Enlightenment Elixer

>A random Chance to learn a Skill from an Icon.

> 1000 SP

> Boost in host position of choice.


Just as I was about to try and get some sleep as I felt exhausted from my fifty kilometres journey here the system rang out. Looking at the mission complete notification it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and it meant that all my efforts were worth it.

"Go me" I muttered as my vision slowly faded guess the physical and mental toll I put my body through the whole night is finally catching up to me.





[Mass Release Goals]

[ A Magic Castle = One extra Chapter]

[ Two Magic Castle = Two extra Chapter]

To Be Continued...