
Football Greatest System

"Aoki from a poor family based in Kanto Prefecture in Japan has so much love for football but with zero talent, zero skill and potential was only driven by passion But everything changed when Aoki encounters a life changing event and met a Human Support System which served as a guide to fulfilling his dream of becoming the Greatest Football player of all time"

bjbrown · Sports
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31 Chs

Shocking news

<Special Quest Activated: Unseen>

<Quest: See the Individual Ishikawa>

<Reward: 50 One special skill, Experience points>

"What's with this Quest" Aoki was tensed up

They have just a goal difference and Jarvis is now spouting some stuff he doesn't understand

"Yoshi, I guess that all for today, I'm leaving the pitch" Ishikawa said

"What do you mean??" Aoki asked he was getting frustrated

"I don't understand your question" Ishikawa asked

"How can you just walk into the field and leave as you please" Aoki voice deepens 'and I have a fucking quest to complete' He spoke in his mind

"Well, I really want to leave but I can't because we have exhausted our substitution, and if you are interested in my reason well I'll tell you" Ishikawa comes close to Aoki's ears "I have a feeling you are up to something, No! You are definitely up to something if I stay any longer you'll get something I don't want you to have" Ishikawa said making Aoki face distorted "Your face says it all, have a poker face, it helps alot"

"What do you mean?" Aoki wondered if he knew about Jarvis

"Questions after question, If I can't leave, then I'll avoid you then" Ishikawa said and walked up to their Forward

"Yo Kenji-kun, mind if we swap positions?" Ishikawa asked

"Sure, I'm not really fit to play inside today" Kenji and Ishikawa swapped positions

Minutes passed and no reasonable goal attempt was made from both sides, at Tsubaki high end the Demon Twin stopped all attack coming their way, while at the other side Ishikawa wad not really interested in scoring any more, eighty seven minutes into the game and the score was 3-2 in favour of Tenryu High

Tenryu High made a substitution removing Nakamura for Kobayashi.

Kobayashi ran up to Shota and relayed some tactical changes the coach wanted

"He said we should play the usual"

This meant for them to go back to the usual 4-3-3 counter formation

"And Tatsuya Coach said I should tell you something…" Kobayashi said

"What's zat?

"He said you should go all out"

Upon hearing those words Tatsuya expression changed into a grin his mouth spreading wide to both end of his ears

"Awesome, but this is just a training match" Tatsuya said in form a question

"But it's better than losing face to a newly founded team"

Kobayashi thus went further to relay the message to everyone and to tell them their role to play

"Eita give the ball to Tatsuya"

"What?! To that idiot?"

"The coach's words not mine" Kobayashi shrugged

"Aoki, you'll stay at the middle and support the strikers"

"Ito-senpai, support Sato-senpai"

"We will handle the defence"

After going round the field and telling everyone what to do the match started with Tsubaki throwing

The ball was sent to the middle, which was Tsubaki's threshold. Tenryu Midfielders drew back to give little support to the defence

'Aoki has to clear this quest no matter what' , Aoki stabled his resolve.

There is a saying that goes "The more you look the less you see" many critics tried to find loopholes in it, but the statement has been proving to be true. Now in Ishikawa's case it's quite different, right from birth Ishikawa had a severe social anxiety and rarely came, he didn't even attend elementary school due to his case. As he grew Ishikawa learnt that he couldn't cure it and decided to embrace it.

The more he grew the more his case grew, at middle school he now learnt how to pinpoint the exact location of people who stare at him. Towards the end of his middle school years he incorporated this once curse of his into football and it then became a talent

The trick is he knows people who look at him, he can feel. Then instead of making himself the centre of attraction, he shifts that role to another person in the field, either by passing or creating chances by making loopholes in the opposition team.

And just then while Aoki was running back to the defence he something clicked, at the very end of his eyes he saw Ishikawa wide open, not only nobody was marking him, even the keeper didn't notice him, he used his team mate as a shield to block his presence

'If Kenji crosses this ball, Ishikawa will score' . Aoki gathers all strength to his leg and turns towards Ishikawa and dash towards him.

Kenji plays a long pass inside to the person in front of Ishikawa, but before the ball could reach Aoki jumps up twist his body and heads the ball away towards Eita's position

"Tck how did he…" Ishikawa clicked his tongue

Eita trapped the ball and played a long pass to Tatsuya, Now their signature move 'Counter'

"Eita I'm going to borrow you for a minute" Tatsuya kicked the ball forward and chases after the ball his pace and acceleration were unmatched, he hard passed the defenders and wad one on one with the keeper

The keeper rushed out of the post to stop Tatsuya, Tatsuya tries to play the shot but stops midway cutting the keeper and leaving helplessly on the floor, he then uses his other leg to play the ball into the post.

"GOOAAAL" Tatsuya shouts on top of his voice

"We scored?" Aoki who was on the floor panting heavily could hear the shouts of his team

"I knew you were up to something…" Ishikawa said while looking at him "...but it was a nice game though" He offered Aoki a hand and lifted him up

"Aoki nice ball there" Kobayashi came rushing at him

At the bench Hanko was filled with joy she was crying, and the coach wore a proud face

"I told you he will perform a magic" Inuoe says

The referee sounded the whistle to end the match, the players came together to exchange handshakes and thus bidding farewell.

Meanwhile Aoki was on the floor looking at his stats

"Awesome I levelled up six times, and I also completed the quest" as Aoki was going through his stuff, Eita rushed at him

"Yo, nice game there"

"Thanks" Aoki said

"Some people on suite are looking for you" Eita said

"Ehh?? Suite"

"Just your first match and you've got scouts on you" Eita chuckles

"I have to go take a look then" Aoki said standing up from the ground

Aoki approached them, one was a man and the other a woman, they wore neat black suits and eyeglasses, with glossy black shoes.

"Good evening" Aoki greeted with a bow

"Good evening, you are Riku Aoki right?" The man asked

"Yes, I'm Aoki"

"Then you must be acquainted to Mizunoto Hana" He asked


"Well we are coming from the hospital now and, the thing is…" The man couldn't muster up his strength to talk making the woman steps in

"What my partner wants to say is, Mizunoto Hana has passed away"