
Football Greatest System

"Aoki from a poor family based in Kanto Prefecture in Japan has so much love for football but with zero talent, zero skill and potential was only driven by passion But everything changed when Aoki encounters a life changing event and met a Human Support System which served as a guide to fulfilling his dream of becoming the Greatest Football player of all time"

bjbrown · Sports
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31 Chs

Beach episode

"Summer beach party!!" The loud voices of Kobayashi, Suzuki and Ito resounding in perfect harmony disrupted the peace of everyone around them."The view is sure nice" Kobayashi said as all three of them were scanning the area with their eyes and taking their time to look at all the female individual in the beach*grabSuzuki grabs Ito and Kobayashi by the neck and all had a serious look on their faces "We have to get ourselves some chick" Suzuki said, his tone depicting how resolute and relentless he was "Indeed!" Ito and Kobayashi answered"So for starters the manner of approach matters, we go by 'Hey what a nice view it is'...." As Suzuki was lecturing his underclassmen on how to get women they overheard a laughter from both a Male and female, curious to know who they were, they turned back and saw Tatsuya with tan sexy looking chickAs if mother nature wasn't cruel enough, they turned sideways and spotted Aoki with a cute girl, "The gods…" Suzuki blocks his eyes from the enigmatic brilliant light that Aoki and Tatsuya emitted."Hey you guys we didn't come here for this" The coach got all of them back in place"How did we end up like this" Kobayashi whines [A week ago]On the last day of school before summer vacation. The school activities finished and a brief meeting was held in the club room.The coach cleared his throat and began "As you all know, the preliminary stage will commence next two weeks, and for each month a school will have two matches. Winning this stage will show our worth, winning will show that we are the best in Kanto" The coach said and pin a sheet on the board with was the preliminary knockout draw"Our first match is against Ibuki, and after that match winning the next round will give us a free pass to Nationals, but we don't need that free pass, we need to win this stage and win the next" The coach stops and check if he got the attention of the team "In preparation for this month's matches, a resort has been booked at Enoshima beach…" "Yeahhh!!" The whole team blows out in cheers."It's not for vacation, rather togetherness. Going to matches from your homes will mean coming to school and then going to the venue which will cost us time, so with the help of Shota and Tanaka who are in the student council we got some funds in our hands to get us accommodations for some time, so on Monday you a will assemble in the school premises then we move to Enoshima, I'll say it again it's for training purposes"[Present]"I want to go home" Kobayashi whines "Come on, we only just got here," Aoki said. But received a death stare from Kobayashi."As for today, no activity, go to your rooms unpack and come out for dinner, you all will be staying three per room except Hanko and I who will be staying in separate rooms, dismissed" they went on into their rooms.The bedrooms were big, spacious and luxurious,coupled with the orange bulb light which adds a sense of calm and peace. The curtains were thick, ranging about 89 inches long covering the big windows behind it. Each room booked by the Coach consisted of three beds, and two sofas.Moving downstairs to the restaurant. The restaurant was fancy, a big round table with four seats each were arranged all over the place. The big chandeliers hung directly under each table which emitted nice hues of red, orange and yellow colours added to make a good scenery for romance.Going to the bathroom. The bathroom was a classic Japanese bathhouse. With a big pond of artificial hot spring in the middle. Demarcating the Male from the female side was a tall thin wood.***Aoki, Kobayashi and Eita shared a room, "I would rather die than share a room with Eita" Tatsuya said.Everyone were in the hot water easing off the daily stress as Kobayashi interrupts the moment by diving at the centre and splashing water on everybody"Hey, come on" They grumbled As soon as Aoki was done washing up he decided to take a dip inside the hot water. "Damn Aoki is well built" Suzuki remarked"Sure but not as built as Tanaka-senpai" Kobayashi addedNot knowing what they were talking about Aoki just ignored them and enjoyed the hot bath "Aoki will be 5.5 while Tanaka will be a solid 6" Suzuki said "Yeah I support you Suzuki senpai" "Haa I wish girls were here" Ito was floating on the water with bis face outside"I know right" Kobayashi said"You guys should pull yourselves together, that's not why we came here" Yamamoto loud voice echoed with authority"You won't understand senpai" Ito enters the water completely "Just leave him, he is impotent after all" Suzuki said "What did you…" Just as the boys were busy being depressed they overheard girls laughing and talking at the other endA spark of fire lit in Kobayashi eyes, he went straight to the wood hunched down Ito climbs on his back and finally Suzuki rest his leg on Ito's shoulder and peeped "Nice…" Suzuki remarks as their formation was flawless "Senpai how many of them are there" Kobayashi asked "seven…no eight ten, ten are here" Suzuki answeredAll was great for Suzuki until his time elapsed, it was now Ito's turn, Ito was almost caught but relied on his reflex which saved his ass and reputation, but Kobayashi became the scapegoat, he was caught disgraced and almost got chased about from the resort but the coach and team pleaded on his behalf.The summer sun was harsh as always showering its painful ray upon everything on the surface of the earth. Although the weather was harsh to some people, it was also the perfect weather for beach activities."Today's training it's a training called Sepak takraw, it's just like volleyball but with feet and head no hands allowed" Mio said to the team.All of them were sitting on the sand while listening to the instructions"I know that game, we played it a lot when we were little" Sato said with a smile remembering fond memories "But Coach that seem hard, what's the use" Tatsuya asked "It helps a lot, but our main target is ball control" The coach saidAfter the little meeting the training began, the team were split into four teams with three players each. In the first team being Team A was Sato, Tatsuya and Nakamura and on the second being Team B was Aoki Yamamoto and Ito The ball was handed to Team A to serve. Sato went behind the small court and throw the ball up the air, as the ball reached it peak and began to drop he jumps up and volleys the ball over the net, the ball bounced on the ground giving Team A one point"two more points for Team A" Hanko announced Team B were utterly shocked, they didn't know what just happened. The ball was given back to Team A as per the game rules, this time around Tatsuya was to serve.Tatsuya throws the ball coping Sato he jumps up and slams the ball with his leg"Can't fool me twice Yamamoto stretches his leg to kick it but he couldn't control the ball and it ended up hitting the ground "One point left for Team A" Hanko announced "we might end up losing this game without even trying" Yamamoto said Nakamura steps outside the court to serve, he throws the ball but didn't jump and just use the top of his leg to play the ball before it lands Ito rushed and saved the ball with the inside of his foot Aoki kicks the ball to the other side Tatsuya was at the receiving end of the ball, he gently tapped the ball further increasing the height for Sato who jumps twisting his body performing a bicycle kick and smashed the ball into Team B court "Team B are the winners, Team C and Team D head into the court" Hanko directed the teamsTeam A had the upper hand due to the help of experienced Sato and Tatsuya who literally copied everything that Sato did "I'll give you a hint…" The coach said getting the attention of everyone around "...free yourself, be flexible and alert. This isn't just normal football anymore, this is volleyball. The ball's weight is lower than an average volleyball's weight and even smaller so it's easier to play."Team C consisted of the usual 3 players namely Shots, Inuoe, Eita and Team D Suzuki, Fujita and KobayashiThe game had brought unavoidable attention, people around the beach came around to see what this young boys playing "Begin!" 

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