
Chapter - 22 Lore

Santos successfully receives the pass form almeida.

Santos then run with the ball towards the goalpost but Santos gets blocked by Rio defender.

The ball was cleared by Rio defender but is stop by feja before going outside of the field.

"Santos receives an excellent pass form almeida and santos is now attacking on his own but gets blocked by Rio defender"

"But wait defender tried to get the ball outside of the field but feja stops the ball form going outside and directly sends long pass to Felix." The commentators were in disbelief in what is happening in the field today.

Felix stops the ball with Inside of the feet and starts to run towards the goalpost of Rio ave.

Seeing Felix coming near and near to goalpost, Rio defender tries a deadly attack on Felix.

"Felix excellent stop of the ball and is running with the ball towards the goalpost of Rio"

"Rio defender saw Felix coming closer and closer to goalpost he tries a deadly tackle to dismantle Felix but Felix somehow managed to jump in the neck of time to bypass the player" the commentators were talking to each other.

Felix is now inside of the box of Rio with one defender of Rio.

"Felix is in the box with Rio defender, it's one v one between two player. Oh Felix tries to go left but then uses Mathews inside outside cut to bypass the single defender" the commentators where on the edge of the seat seeing Felix now one v one with goalkeeper.

Felix passes the defender and is now one v one with defender.

Felix now completely slows down and uses pendulum style to pass the keeper.

Felix first tries to go to left direction, keeper also tries to go left direction but Felix again changed his direction to right side and keeper also tries to go right direction.

But in second Felix again changed his direction to left but somehow keeper also stretch his arm to block it but Felix again changed his direction to right side.

This time keeper lost his balance and falls to the ground and Felix scores a empty goal.

"Goaalllll " the audience cheers came in.

"It's same as Ronaldo technique of passing goalkeeper in 90s, it was a nightmare move to keeper in 90s". The commentators were talking to each other about it.

The celebration didn't happen again but Rio ave fans were now booing the benfica player once again.

The scores was 3:2 benfica were now making a comeback.

After seeing benfica making comeback, Rio player starts to player more defensive without attacking and making ball possession more .

The game now entered a passive situation so benfica starts to press the Rio midfielders.

In 85th minutes Rio midfielder send a slow pass sideways but gets blocked by Santos.

Santos tries to run with the ball alone but sees 2 defender in his way.

Seeing no option Santos back pass to pizzi.

Pizzi receives the ball and starts to make run with the ball.

But after seeing that all player were marked he starts to run directly towards the goalpost.

Pizzi is just outside the box and sees he has no option to pass or go forward.

"Santos to pizzi , pizzi alone tries to by pass the midfielder and succeeds in it and is now just outside the box with the ball".

"Pizzi has to choice of pass or going forward to pizzi shoots the ball in the goal post but it touches keeper hands and goes in the direction of Santos" the commentator were now standing to see what will happen next.