
Foolish son-in-law: Soul Awakening

Shocking Reveal! He, the glorious young master of the first family in China and the only descendant of the world's most extraordinary sect, Chu Chen! At the end of the glorious academic journey, he encountered unimaginable calamity - his two souls and five souls were sealed, becoming a foolish son-in-law that the world laughed at! Over the past five years, he suffered great humiliation, was abandoned by his family, and his tragic life as a son-in-law was only the beginning. However, what shocking secrets are hidden beneath the shell of a foolish son-in-law? When the seal is broken and the two souls and five souls return, how will the foolish son-in-law shake the whole world, shed his former shame, and ascend to the top of glory again? Next, let's step into this gripping legendary novel - "Foolish son-in-law: Soul Awakening", and uncover Chu Chen's path of rising against the heavens! Chu Chen, the young master of the first family in China, has been carrying the high expectations of the family and the inheritance of the world's top extraordinary door since childhood. He has extraordinary talent and exceptional wisdom, and has learned a remarkable skill that sets the world apart. However, on the way back from his studies, a sudden accident sealed his two souls and five souls, turning him into a foolish son-in-law. For five years, Chu Chen lived in humiliation and ridicule. The glory and status he once had vanished into thin air, replaced by endless ridicule and contempt. The members of the family looked down upon him and regarded him as a disgrace to the family. And the outside world is mocking and mocking him, treating him as a laughing stock after dinner. However, during these five years of being a fool, Chu Chen did not give up on himself. He firmly believed in the depths of his heart that his dual souls and five souls were only sealed, not truly disappearing. He silently endured humiliation and pain, striving to find a way to unlock the dual souls and five souls. Finally, by chance, Chu Chen accidentally touched the crack in the seal, and his dual souls and five souls began to gradually awaken. With the awakening of his soul, Chu Chen's wisdom and strength gradually recovered, and he regained his former confidence and charm. At the moment when Chu Chen's dual souls and five souls were fully awakened, his strength reached an unprecedented height. He is no longer the foolish son-in-law who is easily bullied, but has become an awe inspiring powerhouse. He swept all enemies with absolute strength and won the respect of his family and the world. Chu Chen's rise was full of obstacles and challenges, but he persevered and worked tirelessly. He proved his worth with his strength and wisdom, winning recognition and praise from everyone. In the end, he successfully climbed back to the pinnacle of glory and became one of the most dazzling beings in China.

luoyu · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 14 Big brother-in-law, you are so kind

The most extraordinary gate in the world.

The Song family is not familiar with these things, however, they have concluded from the words of Qingfeng Daochang that it is impossible to see Zhang Daochang in the short term.

"What should I do?" Su Yuexian sighed.

"Along the way, I also explained the situation to Taoist Qingfeng." Zhou Jian suddenly spoke up, "Taoist can calculate for us what changes have occurred in Chu Chen's qi."

The Song family's gaze fell on Director Qingfeng.

Eyes lit up one after another.

That's right.

Qingfeng Daochang is the only disciple of Zhang Daochang in Zen City, and he also has a certain level of prestige in Zen City.

"These are the eight characters of Chu Chen's birth date." Song Xieyang quickly wrote them down. Five years ago, he found a bunch of messy things in Chu Chen's package, including Chu Chen's birth date and the birth date of his daughter Song Yan. "

Qingfeng Daochang took it over with a serious expression and focused.

The Song family also kept quiet, watching Qingfeng Daochang.

Qingfeng Dao's eyebrows sometimes furrow, his face sometimes changes color, and his mouth sometimes murmurs words.

For a moment.

Qingfeng Daochang's body trembled, took a step back, lifted his head, and looked at Song Xieyang.

Half a while later, Master Qingfeng shook his head and sighed helplessly, "My path is still shallow. I can't see through this person's luck."

The eyes of the Song family couldn't conceal disappointment.

Song Xieyang took a deep breath and responded with a forced smile, "Thank you, Taoist."

On the way back to the Song family.

Song Qiu once again didn't hold back and spoke, "Chu Chen, how did you get rid of those people from the Glory Fist School? Why could you suddenly walk back?"

Chu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know either. If they chase after each other, they'll disappear."

Song Qiu, "..."

"We're almost home," Chu Chen suddenly said. "Xiaoqiu, why don't you call dad and report safety?"

"That's right." Song Qiu nodded and immediately took out her phone.

"Dad, I'm almost home, um... it's okay, let's talk about it when we get home. Chu Chen? He's also in the car, nothing's wrong."

After Song Qiu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

However, at this moment, Song Qiu instinctively had a strange feeling.

I always feel like something's wrong.

"Chu Chen, you really ate leopard bile tonight," said Song Yan with a gentle twitch at the corner of her mouth

Starting from infusing Song Qingpeng with wine, one thing at a time became more and more arrogant, completely disregarding the consequences.

Now, surprisingly, they are still settling accounts with their father-in-law.

Song Yan remembered clearly that his father had firmly stated that if Chu Chen returned to the door unscathed, he would personally open the door to welcome him.

Chu Chen has returned.

I want to slap my father-in-law in the face.

At this moment, Song Qiu also realized and couldn't help but open her mouth wide.

Surprisingly, I even called home to notify.

Isn't this a disguised reminder to dad

Chu Chen has returned, please prepare quickly and open the door to welcome him.

"Lying down!" Song Qiu was about to cry, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn't make another phone call and tell her father not to come out and answer. He didn't mean to remind her.

Song Qiu instinctively touched his own skull.

I have a premonition that when I go home tonight, my brain will explode.

"Chu Chen, did you mean it on purpose?" Song Qiu suddenly thought of it and immediately stared at Chu Chen.

Chu Chen widened his eyes and looked bewildered and confused. "What did I mean on purpose?"

Song Qiu gritted his teeth and swallowed it in his mouth.

Don't reason with fools!

Song Family Hall.

Everyone looked at Song Xieyang with a puzzled expression.

After Song Xieyang answered the phone, his whole body petrified and remained motionless.

For a while.

Miss Song Yun couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Song Xieyang regained his senses, his eyes complex. "Xiao Qiu called back and said he would be home soon. Chu Chen... was also in the car."

"What does this mean? Chu Chen is okay?" Lin Xinping's eyes widened and his expression showed disbelief. "How could he be okay? I heard that Master Rong Guanhang from the Glory Fist School personally took action..."

Su Yuexian looked at Song Xieyang, her face not very pretty, but suddenly remembered what Song Xieyang had said in the imperial court, and her face couldn't help but change a few times.

The corner of his mouth twitched, "Xiao Qiu... how could he call back?"

Song Xieyang's chest also experienced a sharp rise and fall.

For a moment.

Song Xieyang strode towards the door.

"Dad really wants to..." Lin Xinping also stood up suddenly.

"Dad always speaks without hesitation," Song Yun's expression was equally complex.

No one ever thought that Chu Chen could return safely to the Song family.

"Maybe the people from Honor Fist Hall will be waiting for Chu Chen at our doorstep," Song Qing suddenly spoke.

The Song family followed Song Xieyang's footsteps and walked out.

The gate of the Song family is tightly closed.

Song Xieyang walked up and slowly opened the door

Directly ahead, the car lights just shone over.

Inside the car.

Song Qiu's legs suddenly softened and she looked sad. "Sister, can I not get off the car?"

"Don't get off the car, are you waiting for dad to come and open the car door for you?" Song Yan said, opening the car door.

Song Qiu hurriedly followed up.

Chu Chen got off the car and the three of them walked towards Song Xieyang together.

At this moment, Song Yan's heart couldn't help but stir up some waves.

Chu Chen, surprisingly, he did it and had his father personally open the door to welcome him.

This is a groundbreaking record of the Song family.

Song Xieyang's face was clearly not good-looking. He glanced at the three of them and then turned around and walked in.

The Song family also walked in one after another.

"Chu Chen, I really don't know if you're really crazy or pretending to be foolish tonight," Song Yan gave Chu Chen a white glance. "I have to argue for this. Dad already felt a headache because of Ye Shaohuang's decision, and now he probably has fire in his stomach."

Chu Chen was stunned and said, "I didn't let my dad come out to greet me."

Speaking, Chu Chen also glanced at Song Qiu at the same time.

Song Qiu had a heart that wanted to die.

I can't escape this beating tonight.

"However, Buddha competes for a stick of incense, while people compete for a breath." Chu Chen took the lead and walked in, "I must drink this cup of tea."

"Drinking tea?" Song Yan was taken aback.

"By the way, the eldest brother-in-law said that if Chu Chen comes back, he will personally pour tea for him." Song Qiu's expression was even more complicated, "the eldest brother-in-law is the person who looks down on Chu Chen the most."

"Who in our family looks up to Chu Chen?" Song Yan retorted.

Song Qiu's expression was slightly embarrassed.

Including him.

Just tonight, Chu Chen beat up Ye Shaohuang and Rongdong for his sister, which changed Song Qiu's impression of Chu Chen.


Chu Chen and his three companions walked in step, while the Song family was watching them.

Chu Chen sat confidently at the very edge, with a smile on his face, looking at Lin Xinping and saying, "Big brother-in-law, I'm back."

Lin Xin's flat face suddenly twitched.

You come back, it's none of my business.

Lin Xinping originally intended to keep silent, but anyway, Chu Chen was also a fool, and the Song family would not actively mention this matter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chu Chen sat down, he looked at him with an eager expression on his face.

I almost didn't say it directly. Big brother-in-law, it's time to pour tea.

Song Yun's expression on the side was also embarrassed.

It's a great shame to ask one's husband to pour tea for a fool.

However, Lin Xinping still had to pour this tea.

Song Xieyang had just personally opened the door for Chu Chen. If he didn't admit it, wouldn't he even slap Song Xieyang in the face.

Lin Xinping took a deep breath, stood up, poured a cup of tea with trembling hands, and walked up to Chu Chen.

Yi Hengxin, almost gritting his teeth, "Drink tea."

Chu Chen smiled and took it over, "Big brother-in-law, you're really nice."