
Fool Hero: After Being Betrayed, I Decided To Fool The World!

Smart main character: Check. Big PP: Check. Strong main plot: Check. Interesting supporting characters: Check. [WSA ENTRY 2024] Owen Hunter, a teenager of mixed Japanese and American heritage, resides in Japan, facing a life fraught with misfortune. Even those attempting to assist him meet unfortunate fates. One day, Owen decides to end it all, leaping from a building. As he hurtles toward the ground, a mysterious circle materializes, engulfing him. Soon, he finds himself in another realm where only the strong and astute survive. In this unforgiving cruel world, heads can roll for a mere bronze coin and meat soup. Everyone dismisses Owen due to his perceived lack of talent and even aims to kill him. Losing all hope, Owen attempts suicide again, only to discover an inexplicable force preventing him. [Ding!] [Uther, the fallen god of deception and pleasure, offers to impart his powers to you. Do you accept?] [Yes] [No] "Hell yes!" Without hesitation, Owen embraces the peculiar offer presented before him. ============= #Demons #Beasts #Familiars #Elves #Hot-chicks #gods #Ecchi #Constellations #Realms #Bloodpumping action #Space-travel #Demi-humans #Planets #Gore ============== Hello everyone, I'm Perverted_Fella. Presenting my WSA entry for 2024. If you enjoy my content, kindly show your support with power stones and golden tickets. I assure you there won't be a dull moment. Note: Prepare to be captivated if you're a man of culture.

Perverted_Fella · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Summoning Ritual

Inside a huge temple, a gigantic statue with its hands clasped together can be seen standing menacingly tall as red liquid flows from the top of its crown to its base.

This substance isn't just any liquid; it's human blood. Tons of humans had been slaughtered just so they could get this much blood.

Before the statue, a group of people, about six, can also be seen working diligently— drawing a large circle with some sort of whitish chalk.

"Finally!" One of the men bellows when he connects a line to the last dot, finally completing his work. He's wearing a white silky cassock with purple designs embroidered around the sleeves. He's not the only one wearing a cassock though, as about five men are wearing the same dress as him. And among these men, a single person's outfit stands out.

Compared to the others who are wearing a cassock, this person is wearing a golden vestment with a red stole wrapped around his neck.

The man wearing the golden vestment is the high priest of this temple, and the circle they are drawing on the ground is...

"Did you use all the hydra chalk, Dave?" The priest asks as he inspects the circle.

"Yes, high priest. All that's left is the-a-argh!" Before the lower priest, Dave could complete his sentence, the high priest suddenly stabs him with a long shiny dagger.

"W-Why? I...I served the Lord with all my heart," The dying priest mutters in a low voice, blood pouring from the corner of his mouth while regret and hatred cloud his face.

"You see, Dave... Because of your good deeds, you have to die for the kingdom by sacrificing your blood. This is what the Lord wishes," The high priest replies with an expressionless face as he twists the dagger deeper, rupturing Dave's heart and causing his now lifeless body to slump to the ground.

After witnessing the gruesome act that had just occurred, the other lower priests started shaking their legs nervously as their faces turned pale. One of the nicest people they had ever known had just been killed by the high priest. Even if they want to protest, they don't have the guts to do so.

"May the Lord forgive you for your sins," the high priest makes a silent prayer as he retracts the dagger from the fallen priest's chest and wipes the blood stain on the dagger with his index finger.

Seeing the horrified expression of the other priests, the high priest flashes a wide grin.

"Do not fear...for the Lord wished his death. Sacrificing one innocent blood to save a million is worth it," The high priest says encouragingly to the other priests before licking the blood on his finger.

"Isn't it?" The high priest questions, raising his eyebrows.

"A-As long as the Lord wishes," the other priests stammer in reply, still shaken to the core after witnessing the brutality. The high priest had previously sacrificed humans from the neighboring kingdoms, offering their blood to the towering statue which is presumed to be one of the vessels of Luldir—the god of life and death.

"I know you all think this is cruel, but we only have one nest crystal left. We can't waste it on something that might not be successful. Since the other option was to sacrifice the blood of the most faithful person, I resorted to the latter option, which was to sacrifice Dave, as he's been the most faithful person I have ever known since he was a child," the high priest explains with a sigh.

Though the explanation sounds reasonable, the priests simply nod mechanically, still haunted by what they witnessed.

Suddenly, the blood flowing from Dave's lifeless body begins to glow, flowing through the runes in the circle and lighting them up in a bright red color.

"It's time!" The high priest exclaims with a bright smile before going to stand on one of the large dots connected to the circle.

"Everyone! Take a position and begin chanting!" The high priest gives his orders, and immediately, the priests assume their positions on each dot connected to the circle.

"Oh ye Luldir, accept the blood of the innocent and heed the call of thy followers, balance breaker; absolute summon!" The priests bellow, completely in sync with one another, and their voices ringing loudly as they slam their staffs on the ground with great force.


A burst of light shoots into the circle from the staff, illuminating the runes in bright crimson. The blinding light encompasses the priests, the temple, and everyone within its premises.

After a few minutes, the light from the circle begins to diminish, and lo and behold, in front of the priests and high priest, a group of unconscious people can be seen lying on the ground after emerging from the circle.

"The heroes are here! The heroes are here! Report the news to His Majesty now!" The high priest cries out in excitement while tears of joy nearly fall from his eyes at the relief that their years of hard work and sacrifice finally paid off.

Heeding the command, one of the lower priests dashes out of the temple at full speed as he is also eager to deliver the good news.

Examining the people inside the circle, the high priest furrows his brows in cn fusion.

"The heroes are supposed to be seven though... Why are they eight?" The high priest mumbles in confusion, scanning the unconscious group on the floor.


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