
Fool Hero: After Being Betrayed, I Decided To Fool The World!

Smart main character: Check. Big PP: Check. Strong main plot: Check. Interesting supporting characters: Check. [WSA ENTRY 2024] Owen Hunter, a teenager of mixed Japanese and American heritage, resides in Japan, facing a life fraught with misfortune. Even those attempting to assist him meet unfortunate fates. One day, Owen decides to end it all, leaping from a building. As he hurtles toward the ground, a mysterious circle materializes, engulfing him. Soon, he finds himself in another realm where only the strong and astute survive. In this unforgiving cruel world, heads can roll for a mere bronze coin and meat soup. Everyone dismisses Owen due to his perceived lack of talent and even aims to kill him. Losing all hope, Owen attempts suicide again, only to discover an inexplicable force preventing him. [Ding!] [Uther, the fallen god of deception and pleasure, offers to impart his powers to you. Do you accept?] [Yes] [No] "Hell yes!" Without hesitation, Owen embraces the peculiar offer presented before him. ============= #Demons #Beasts #Familiars #Elves #Hot-chicks #gods #Ecchi #Constellations #Realms #Bloodpumping action #Space-travel #Demi-humans #Planets #Gore ============== Hello everyone, I'm Perverted_Fella. Presenting my WSA entry for 2024. If you enjoy my content, kindly show your support with power stones and golden tickets. I assure you there won't be a dull moment. Note: Prepare to be captivated if you're a man of culture.

Perverted_Fella · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The King's Decision

"So, esteemed heroes.... I'll be briefing you about your task in this world before we delve into the finer details," King Heskel announces, completely avoiding my gaze. "I know you have many questions for me, and I will be glad to answer them all," he adds.

"First and foremost, this Kingdom is called Hileocia Kingdom, located in the continent, Bleigrux, on our planet called Acres. We have many continents on this planet, and Bleigrux is one of the most prominent while our Kingdom Hileocia is also a popular human kingdom," the king explains.

"In this world, there are different races with diverse cultures, and over time, we've learned to live together. However, things have changed in recent years. There's a neighboring continent called Bioten, a continent dominated by the demon race. Unlike Bleigrux, the demon race controls the entire continent," King Heskel takes a pause before adding.

"Bioten had a good relationship with Bleigrux for ages, but things turned sour when a new Demon king was crowned. He wanted to expand the demon continent due to the never-ending demon population. He asked that we forfeit some land, and we promptly refused their absurd request."

"So, the Bleigrux continent has been at war with the demon continent for more than a year, and the fight only seems to be getting tougher despite the collaboration of our kingdom and other kingdoms and clans," the king explained, his tone filled with the weight of responsibility.

"But as we all know, the demon population is as vast as the sand of the ocean... Our strong warriors are dying daily, and other continents are only willing to help if we fulfill their greedy terms. That's why… Since we have one of the vessels of Lord Luldir and the secret to summoning rituals, we summoned you guys to help us win this war," King Heskel concludes, revealing the gravity of their situation.

Hearing King Heskel's words, the heroes fall silent, absorbing the heavy information until Ross finally breaks the silence.

"Even though I am mad at you for summoning us here, I am kinda excited about all the cool stuff in this world. Magic, demons, beasts, and dragons. However, will we be able to return after we complete our mission?" Ross asks, his curiosity mixed with skepticism.

King Heskel's face darkens slightly before he replies earnestly.

"I will be completely honest with you at this point. I don't know any ritual that can return you back to your world, but I swear on my life, you were all going to die in your world before you were summoned here. Take this place as your second life, please," King Heskel replies, attempting to convince Ross.

"Well... I don't know if we should believe you or not, but as long as I get anything I want, I am fine with it," Okun says with a shrug, his nonchalant attitude prevailing once more.

"T-That's not a problem; anything you want, you'll get it! As long as it's not far-fetched, I promise you. Once you have all been taken to your residence and taught the norms of this world, you'll receive a title, districts, and farmland!" King Heskel replies quickly, attempting to impress Okun.

"Who wants some farmland? Just give me some bitches, although, I don't know about the others," Okun replies, maintaining his carefree demeanor.

"I can give you my daughter Isabella Shackleton," King Heskel vouches, signaling to one of his guards.

"I was already tired of my past life anyway, I hope this one makes a difference," Carmin expresses her opinion, prompting a nod from King Heskel.

"I am fine with it too. After all, I can live large here," Razor adds.

Suddenly, Graham raises his right hand, signaling that he wants to say something.

"If you are trying to use us as slaves or try anything funny, I promise you, I'll kill you, even if it costs me my life. Apart from that, I am fine with it," Graham says with a straight face. For some reason, King Heskel lets out a soft groan.

"I promise you that nothing like that will happen," King Heskel reassures with a wry smile.

In the midst of their conversation, the door to the throne room suddenly opens, and a curvaceous girl with near-perfect body proportions enters wearing a red long gown that clings tightly to her body, giving her a captivating look.

"You called for me, Dad," the girl, who seems to be in her early twenties, says, giving the king a deep bow. Despite the risks, I can't help but admire her beauty.

"Okun, this is my daughter Isabella Shackleton that I told you about," King Heskel introduces to Okun.

"Isabella, from today henceforth, Okun Edano, one of the seven heroes, will be your fiancé," King Heskel orders. Silence permeates the throne room as Isabella says nothing for a moment.

"I understand, Father," She finally acknowledges with a light bow. She then walks towards Okun and gives him a light bow as well.

"I am Isabella Shackleton. It's my pleasure to meet you," Isabella greets, holding the edge of her dress in a mesmerizing way.

"I-I am O-Okun E-Edano; it's my pleasure to meet you," Okun replies with a stutter while his face turns extremely bright red, and blood seeps out of his nose.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changes and everyone focuses their eyes on me.

"As for you, the fake hero, I have decided. Since I can't kill you, according to what Lance told me, I will give you enough mone-"

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's a good idea to give this loser money. I know him very well; he has bad luck," Okun suddenly interferes.

'Your Majesty, Okun is correct; he is our classmate; we know more than you think," Mika adds, backing up Okun's claims.

Hearing their words, King Heskel looks confused and lets out a small sigh.

"If that's the case, I'll banish him from the palace. Guards!" King Heskel says, signaling to his guards.


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