
Food Wars: Tavern

In the bustling city, there is a tavern that operates only between 7 PM and 12 AM. The food here is fancy and delicious, but surprisingly not expensive! Any ordinary ingredient, when in the hands of the owner Zane, shines brightly. Many people go crazy and become obsessed with his cooking! ----------- This novel is a chill, slice-of-life novel. 10 advance chapters: patreon.com/angelictranslating

AngelicTL · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs

The Most Delicious Chinese Cuisine

Slice the zucchini into thin pieces, heat for two minutes, and then mix with cod roe.

Although the method is very simple, Erina, who is skilled at making gourmet dishes, is thoroughly enjoying herself.

Looking closely, you can see that the Tavern has only three staff members:

Zane, Sonoka, and Erina.

But they work together very well.

In Zane's eyes, taking care of the customers' feelings and meeting their needs makes it easier to create delicious food.

Cooking delicious food is not the only standard for judging a great tavern.

A great tavern should have a warm and friendly atmosphere, a sense of community, and a suitable environment.


Just having finished her meal, Miyoko looked around.

She quickly noticed that all the customers, regardless of their status, showed their true selves in front of Zane.

Those who were closer to him even shared their thoughts and feelings.

"I wish I could be like him."

"In the future, I want to run a Chinese restaurant, serve the best dishes to every customer, and listen to their stories!"

Finally, when her gaze returned to Zane, Miyoko's eyes were filled with admiration.

Despite being only slightly older than her, Zane was already running a tavern by himself.


"This... Dongpo Pork."

"How do you make it so fatty yet not greasy?"

Miyoko seemed to want to talk to Zane, so she picked a topic at random.

"First, the selection of pork belly is crucial. The skin must be thin, with fine pores. The first layer of fat under the skin should be 1.5 to 2 centimeters thick, no more. Otherwise, the Dongpo Pork will be greasy and unappetizing."

"Finally, the total thickness of the pork belly should not exceed 6 centimeters, and the pieces should be of moderate size to avoid the layers separating during cooking."

Zane explained.

"As expected, you're different from Kuga."

Hearing this, Miyoko realized that the tavern owner was indeed skilled.


According to the original story, this student from Totsuki, who specializes in Chinese cuisine, is severely underestimated.

Chinese cuisine is vast and profound. Moreover, she has strong wrists, easily handling heavy woks, which puts her ahead of many.

Before enrolling in Totsuki, she was already the head chef at Beitiao Tower, the best Chinese restaurant in Yokohama.

Yes, the head chef!

Not an assistant, nor a server.

So, during the Fall Selection, losing to Megumi by just one point and not making it to the top eight was simply bad luck!

Due to her family and personal experiences, she has a disdain for men, especially male chefs.

However, she respects strength.

Her reluctance to join Kuga's Chinese Cuisine Research Society was mainly because Kuga fixated on spicy dishes.

Zane was different. His Dongpo Pork was so high-quality that it reshaped her perception of Chinese cuisine.

So, she admired Zane.


"Owner, I haven't properly introduced myself."

Blushing slightly, Miyoko said softly, "I'm Miyoko, a first-year at Totsuki High."

"During the training camp, Megumi's performance was outstanding."

"I heard she used a modified French vegetable terrine to impress and win over Shinomiya-senpai. A female chef conquering a male chef with her skills intrigued me."

"Tonight, she came to this tavern."

"Out of curiosity, I followed her here."

"After tasting your Dongpo Pork, I understood why she likes this place!"

"I'm glad you like it."

Zane remained calm, even though Miyoko seemed different now.

In his eyes, Miyoko's specialty was Chinese cuisine.

Thus, she appreciated Dongpo Pork more than anyone else, understanding its technical skill.


"Owner, though you're the tavern owner."

"Your Dongpo Pork shows you have deep knowledge and understanding of Chinese cuisine."

Blinking with curiosity, Miyoko asked again.

"Not too bad."

"After all, I am from China."

Zane shrugged.


Learning that he was Chinese, Miyoko was stunned.

Soon, her purple eyes sparkled, and she said excitedly, "I knew it! You're the chef who can truly elevate Chinese cuisine and make it famous in Japan!"

"That's an exaggeration. I'm just a small tavern owner, not capable of elevating Chinese cuisine worldwide."

Really, it's just a bowl of Dongpo Pork. Do I deserve such praise?

"No, it's true."

"Even though I've only seen a small part of this tavern."

"I know your Dongpo Pork is different from the common ones out there. It's not just delicious, it's extraordinary!"

"I believe you can elevate Chinese cuisine!"

With firm eyes, Miyoko declared.

"Haha, that's a lofty topic."

"Let's leave it to time to prove."

Clearing the table, Zane smiled gently.

Miyoko fell silent, staring at the man with a gentle and sunny smile, feeling her heart flutter slightly.


"What's wrong?"

"It's just Dongpo Pork. Don't idolize me too much!"

Zane waved his hand in front of the dazed Miyoko.

Returning to her senses, Miyoko continued to look at him, finally gathering the courage to ask, "Owner, which dish do you think is the most delicious in Chinese cuisine?"

If Kuga were to answer this, he would undoubtedly say dishes like Mapo Tofu, Mouth-watering Chicken, or Kung Pao Chicken.

But Miyoko wanted to hear Zane's answer.

Boiled Cabbage?

Peking Duck?

Mapo Tofu?

Dan Dan Noodles?

Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles?

Wenchang Chicken Rice?

Or perhaps tonight's Dongpo Pork?

"Chinese cuisine is a broad concept."

"From a geographical perspective, there are eight major cuisines; from a consumer's perspective, there are home dishes, official dishes, street food, temple dishes, palace dishes, medicinal dishes, etc."

"China has one of the most diverse food scenes in the world."

"It's almost impossible to single out the best dish."

"And is it really important to define the best, worst, most delicious, or most complex dish?"

"Every dish has its value. As long as it makes people happy and satisfied, isn't that enough?"

Hearing this, Miyoko was silent for a long time.


The world's cuisine is meant to be diverse.

Wherever you go, you'll see bustling food scenes.

In Japan, sushi, tempura, and rice balls have heartwarming stories behind them.

In China, there are century-old soups, aged ham, carefully preserved dough, and well-raised chickens.

Even in the same place, within the same cuisine.

Dishes can vary in style, taste, and culture.

As the saying goes:

Each dish has its own style, and each flavor is unique.

Maybe Zane was right. In the diverse Chinese cuisine, is there really the most delicious dish?

Each dish has its own charm and taste.


"Silver, this is stingy, right?"

"You said you'd treat us to a feast after the training camp, and this is it?"

Entering the Tavern, Fuyumi Mizuhara complained to Gin Dojima.

"A tavern? I remember Megumi mentioning this place during the assessment…"

Following closely, Hinako Inui pondered with a cute expression.

"Don't you think this place is interesting?"

"Whether it's the dining atmosphere or the food, it's different from other taverns!"

Kojiro Shinomiya adjusted his glasses and spoke calmly.

"Everyone, I'm not being stingy."

"This tavern's owner has culinary skills that even the Director and I admire!"

Gin Dojima explained with a smile.

"The Director? He likes this place too?"

Hinako gasped, then looked around more carefully.

She then noticed Sonoka and Erina, who had performed impressively during the training camp.



"What's she doing here, working as a tavern waitress?"

Hinako knew Sonoka from the previous year's training camp. It was surprising to see her working in a tavern.

"Isn't this Gin Dojima?"

"You've brought quite a crowd tonight."

Zane greeted Gin warmly.

"Owner, these are the assessment officers from the training camp, all Totsuki graduates."

"They're leaving Totsuki Resort tomorrow, so I brought them here for a farewell meal to show my gratitude!"

Gin explained with a smile.

"Great timing, I've just created a new dish, Spirit-Calming Noodles."

Looking at Kojiro, Fuyumi, Hinako, Satoshi, and Donato Gotoda, Zane then turned back to Gin.

"Spirit-Calming Noodles?"

"Alright, I'll try a bowl. What about you all?"

Gin nodded and asked the others.


"I'll have a bowl too."

"The name is intriguing, I'd like to try it."

The others, curious about the new dish, also ordered the Spirit-Calming Noodles.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

With that, Zane returned to the kitchen to prepare.

"I knew he had something new."

"Spirit-Calming Noodles… What kind of ramen is it?"

Erina, acting as a temporary worker, was also curious about the new dish.


During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Han said:

"The Book of Physiognomy states that the longer a person's philtrum, the longer their life. If a philtrum is one inch long, they can live to be 100."

Dongfang Shuo responded, "Peng Zu lived for 800 years, so his philtrum must be eight inches long. How long would his face be?"

Face, or noodles in this context, came to symbolize longevity.

People started eating

 long noodles on birthdays to wish for a long life, calling them "Longevity Noodles."

This practice evolved into the famous "One Noodle."

Despite being just one noodle, from mixing the dough to serving it requires a dozen complex steps.

Thus, few ramen chefs are willing to make this intricate dish.


For 10 advance chapters: patreon.com/angelictranslating