
Food Wars: A Dropout's Redemption (Rewrite)

This is a story of Kai's betrayal, redemption, success and love in the world of Shokugeki no Soma. This is my first time writing something so I hope you enjoy :) Although I do a grammar check before I release a chapter, please bare with me if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I've missed.

DeezNuts_809 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 4

Amara becomes ecstatic upon hearing my decision, jumping straight into my arms.

'Well, at least I can educate her out of her weeb ways. The new world should be relatively similar to my original world.'

I couldn't help but think positively about changing her stereotypes of Japan.

'Still, I wonder why Eros has so much power. He isn't a high tier god as far as I know - at least he's not associated with creation at all from my world.'

"Kid! snap out of it"

Woken up from stupor, I turn to look at Eros.

"This is probably the last time I'll see you. Well... there is the possibility of seeing you after you die because of my connection with Amara, but since it's unlikely, do you have questions? This whole situation probably seems a little crazy to you."

'He's not wrong'

'Now that I think about it, I not even sure why I have I accepted this all so easily. Maybe I was hoping for a fresh start deep down.'

"Eros, I don't mean any offence by this, but aren't you the God of love? Why do you have the power to reincarnate people?"

"I've only recently got this ability. Truth be told, it's not actually my power that will allow me to do it. I scored big and seduced one of Gaia's daughters. My ability sometimes even surprises myself." Eros says with pride.

'Well, as much of a narcissist as he is, I can only respect him for that. He's punching way above his weight' I give him a nod in recognition.

"I'll throw in a little gift when you start your new life" he says, clearly pleased with my reaction.

"Are you ready to go now?"

I look at Amara. She nods with a big grin on her face.

"Okay, I'm ready. Although a part of me thinks that's I'm on some kind of hallucinogenic right now, I guess I don't have any other option other to accept it."

"Eros, Cynthia, it's been nice talking to you" I bow to both of them respectfully.

Eros and Cynthia smile warmly at my bow. "Okay, kid. I'll send you on your way. Hey Amara, make sure you take care of him."

"Hai, Haiii" Amara nods impatiently.

[A few seconds later]

"Ugh, where am I?" I stand up and inspect my surroundings.

Upon standing up, I see a large sized living room; a great chandelier hangs above the living space before a grand marble fireplace.

"Looks like I've scored big with my reincarnation" I murmur whilst walking towards the balcony.

"It's been a while since I've been here. I have always liked Osaka"

"Well, I guess I should figure out who I am" I search my pockets and open the wallet, hoping to see the I.D. card of my new body.

After searching through the numerous cards kept in the wallet, I find an identification card displaying the name Yamashita Rin.

"Rin eh… not too bad a name."

"Still, I'm gonna need some more information if I'm going to be Rin from now on"

Almost like the heavens have heard me (they probably did), I drop to the ground in pain.

"AHHH", pain worse than what I ever bargained for, hits my body as I'm overloaded with information.

"Switzerland... Parents... dead... plane crash…. AHHHH."

I pass out from the pain.

Waking up after a few minutes, I try to organise the information that has just been transmitted into my mind.

"So the year is 2014. I'm 15 years old. My father was from Switzerland and my mother was Japanese…"

"It seems like my father was a multimillionaire, whereas my mother was the owner and chef of a well-established Michelin star restaurant."

"My parents died 2 years ago. I have no family, and the closest thing I have to a family member is my butler, Alfred."

'Ah... why am I crying?' tears fall from my eyes as I process the information clearly.

'Alike to my old self, this kid also has no parents and no one in the world. This kid was all alone too.'

"The kid also killed himself...".

The original Rin was depressed. He eventually seeked help because of the nagging of his butler.

He was taking anti-depression medication, but they were not working. He had lost the will to live, yet kept a brave face on in front of people.

"Turns out he overdosed on the medication". I look towards where I woke up and see an empty bottle of pills.

"Rin, rest in peace. I hope you live well in your next life. I'll make a difference in this world so that your name lives on not as the kid who lost his parents, but a man who influenced the world in a way no one else could" I say resolutely.

After sitting down for an hour to sort out all the information, I get up.

"Okay, I guess… I'm Rin now… I'm going to have to get used to that."

"I better inspect this body" I say to myself.

Upon entering the bathroom, I look at the mirror and my eyes go wide in shock as I look at the figure mirroring me

"Is… that… me?"

I see a 5ft 11 (180cm) figure with long unkept silver hair, a chiselled jaw line and sapphire blue eyes.

I touch myself to feel my firm six-pack abs, almost to confirm that I'm the figure in the mirror.

"Haha, I'm finally good looking. My old self was a 5/10 on a good day. I've scored big time!"

After taking a shower, I go back to the mirror after tying my hair back.

"No way! I'm a 10/10" I laugh hysterically.

*bing* *bing* the elevator sound breaks my laughter.

'That must be Alfred…'

"Master Rin! I have food for us. You need to eat."

"I'll be out soon, Alfred! I'm just getting dressed!" I shout loud enough so he can hear me.

After getting dressed, I walk towards the kitchen and see Alfred plating up takeaway food.

"Sorry master Kai, you know I've never been good at cooking. I think it has gotten wet though because of the rain…" he looks at me with a sorry expression on his face.

"I suppose that's to be expected, it is June" I sigh (June in Japan is the month with the heaviest rainfall).

"If you don't mind, I'll cook something up for us," I say to him with a smile on my face.

"What…..?" he looks at me with apparent shock written on his face

"But master Rin… you haven't cooked in almost 2 years" he says in disbelief.

'Ah.. the original body owner had stopped cooking after his parents died, so it must be shocking to hear me say that'

"Well… I still remember a little from my parents" I say to him, flashing a warm smile at the old butler.

"Oh, okay" Alfred finally responds with a shocked expression on his face.

"Ah, master Rin. I don't think we have many ingredients in as you rarely cook.'

I look through the cupboards and only find various seasonings and some shallots 'he really wasn't lying'.

"Hey Alfred, that's tamagoyaki, right?" (Tamagoyaki is an omelette type dish which is rolled up).

"Okay, I'll just make a simple egg fried rice for us both using the tamagoyaki."

I rice the shallots until they become fine and grab a wok from a cupboard. I then put some roasted peanut oil in the wok. Once fragrant, I pour it out and add some pork fat and crushed garlic.

I add the tamagoyaki and finely chopped shallots to the pan. Once the onions are soft, I add chives and crushed chilli.

I add the rice and then add MSG, white pepper and soy sauce to the dish.

'Damn. Does everything smell better in this world as well…' although I had cooked the same dish in the old world, the dish was more fragrant than I had remembered.

After the dish is cooked, I plate it up and hand a serving to Alfred.

I look at Alfred and say "Well let's dig in".