
Food Wars: A Dropout's Redemption (Rewrite)

This is a story of Kai's betrayal, redemption, success and love in the world of Shokugeki no Soma. This is my first time writing something so I hope you enjoy :) Although I do a grammar check before I release a chapter, please bare with me if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I've missed.

DeezNuts_809 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2

[Rin POV]

'I guess this is death,' I conclude.

'Objective complete. I'm dead, not prettily, but it did the job.'

"Well, that'll put anyone off anal," I smirk, remembering my intentions of dying a noble death. "Hey, is anyone there??" I shout as I look around the space.

Met with silence, I decide to walk around hoping to find something.

"Well, this is a pain in the ass…"

Stuck in isolation, I speculated about where I was and, in-fact what I was. Although my body feels real, something felt odd.

Lost in my thoughts, I was oblivious to the presences that had just entered the space.

I hear a ringing from what it seems is a mobile. I look around and see an old man with white hair and a long Viking-looking white beard approaching with two girls, who looked around 14-15 years old.

'Oh, great... a fucking lolicon' my lolicon detecter beeps as I look at the approaching man with disdain.

'Lolis must be protected!'

*ring* *ring* I hear a phone ring coming from the man's pocket.

The man pauses and answers the phone.

"Yeah, he's here."

"Yes yes, I know. See you later."

"Hey, you okay?" the old man pays attention to me.

'Do I have to answer to this pervert?' the look of disdain had yet to leave my face.

"Hey, snap out of it" he waves his hand in front of Kai's face.

"I don't mean to make you the butt of the joke, but your death was pretty gruesome."

'This cunt.'

"You should see your face. At least lighten up a bit, its not like you still have a nice up your ass, so stop acting like you do."

"I hope you don't mind me asking this, but where am I? in fact, who are you?" I put on my best fake smile and respond to him.

"You know it's rude to not introduce yourself before asking for someone's name," He says with a smirk, without acknowledging my questions.

"Hello, I'm Kai. I'm sorry if I came across as rude, but I'm slightly confused about the situation I'm in," I say and hold my hand out for a handshake.

"I know, kid. Believe it or not, this situation does not happen often... this is my first time experiencing a situation like this."

"I will answer your second question first. I have many names, one of which is Eros. It is hard to explain my existence, but you humans refer to the male and female of my species often as gods and goddesses."

"So you're a god?" I ask, unconvinced by his explanation.

"Well, yes and no, I am one of the many parts of consciousness of the original Eros."

"So, Eros, where am I? what happened to me?" I humour the idea that I'm talking to a god.

"Well, as you already know, you died."

'Yeah, no shit' I roll my eyes.

"However, you seem to have been transported into my domain instead of the usual route to the afterlife."

'Okay. If I think about it, this situation is already baffling to me. Maybe he is a god…' I speculate.

As an atheist, being greeted with knowledge like this isn't easy to accept. Yet, considering the odd situation I'm in, I cannot help but feel forced to acknowledge that the figures in front of me were gods - or at least something equivalent to that.

"Ahem!" the old man coughs in order to get my attention.

"Kid, to explain it in the easiest possible way. Your soul is reluctant to move on. There is something that is tying you towards life."

"Nope" "I was hoping to die" I shake my head at the very thought of my pathetic life.

"I lost hope and the will to live. I'm not sure what you want to hear, but I never want to return to that life."

"Kid, do you have any regrets? I have seen your memories, and you have done a lot of good for the people surrounding you, yet you never felt fulfilled in life. I can give you another chance," Eros sighs and looks at me with pity.

'I am glad I died. In fact, death has been on my mind for a while now…'

'… but I can't deny there are many things I regret in life. I should have pursued a path which didn't rely on others. I should have explored and pursued something that I could say I enjoyed…'

'Although I recognise people have gone through worse experiences, I'm angry at myself for not dealing with my problems. I'm pathetic.'

'Looking back, I wasn't fun to be around. I didn't have any passion and was content with living a steady, normal life. "

"It would be a lie if I was to say there is nothing I regret in life. I regret a lot of things, but I would still choose to never go back to my life," I say after thinking deeply about it,

Eros, keeping a straight face until now, gives me a slight smile.

"Kid, I'm in a good mood today. One of my wives is pregnant, and it hurts me to see a good kid experience such emotional hardship only for it to be returned with betrayal."

"Kid, there are many things that people of your world cannot comprehend. There are alternative universes. I believe a term you could describe it as is the multiverse."

"Kid, I'll send you to another one of these dimensions. Only if that is what you seek?".

'Well, I've already achieved my goal, it can't hurt to explore something new' I ponder on his offer.

"Kid, this is the first time I've talked to a human directly. I believe people jump at the chance of starting a new life."

"Eros, if I want to start again, then I want to leave everything behind. I want to keep my memories, but I want to cut ties with anything physical from my first life. Is this possible?".

"Well, aren't you quite the demanding kid" He says playfully.

"Very well. I'll give you a new body so you have no ties with your original world. A brand-new life which you have full control of. I'll even throw something special in for you…."

"However, you'll have to give me your rights to the video of your death. I'll need it for official purposes," he says, seemingly seriously. Yet I could see the smirk that is threatening to leak.

'If it was for an official purpose, you wouldn't need the rights to the video. In fact, why do they even record it?' I roll my eyes at his obvious lie of a statement.

"Do what with you want with it."

"Sick bastard…" I murmur to myself.

"By the way... please tell me these two children are your kids? If these are your wives, then I'll lose all respect for the gods," I say in part curiosity as my eyes wander between both of the childlike looking girls next to the man.

"Hahaha" Eros laughs and smacks his knee in amusement.

"Kid, they're even older than me. The one to the left is Cynthia, and the one to the right is Amara."

For the first time, I pay attention to the two goddesses. Looking at them, I almost instantaneously feel the radiance and pressure emitting from their eyes.

'Note to self, don't comment on a woman's age.'