
Food Chronicles

In a world where magic is the norm, young male prodigy Kazuki stands out with his peculiar abilities. While his peers focus on elemental and combat spells, Kazuki delves into the art of cooking and gastronomy. Through a twist of fate, he unlocks the Food Sage System, making him the most powerful "Food Mage" the world has ever seen. Equipped with his trusty skillet and vast knowledge of magical ingredients, Kazuki embarks on a journey to explore various realms.

Divine_Conqeuror · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: New World

Kazuki's POV

I opened my eyes and saw myself back in my room. I felt a warm breeze, and smelled a sweet fragrance.


I was hungry yet again, but before I could cry out for food, I noticed something strange. A small screen floats in front of my eyes, displaying various information and messages. I blinked, trying to focus on the words. They were written in a language I could not recognize but somehow I could understand them.


[Congratulations! You have completed your first trial!?]

[You have unlocked the Food Sage System! You have been reincarnated in a new world! A world of sword and sorcery, where strength is everything! A world where you can eat and enjoy delicious food to your heart's content! A world where you can become the strongest and most powerful Food Sage ever! Are you ready for your new life?]

Food Sage System? Food Sage?

What was this nonsense?

I tried to ignore the screen, but it persisted, popping up with more messages and notifications. It seemed that this system was somehow deeply ingrained in me, and there was no escaping its influence.

I sighed, realizing that I had no other choice but to accept this new reality. If this system could grant me the power to enjoy this life, then perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. I had spent my previous life searching for something beyond power, something that could truly satisfy me. And now, in this new world, it seemed that my desires were finally being acknowledged.

But first, I needed to understand the workings of this system. The floating screen provided a plethora of information, explaining its various functions and features. It seemed that the Food Sage System allowed me to enhance my cooking skills and manipulate magical ingredients to create powerful spells and dishes.

As a Food Sage, I possessed the ability to infuse my culinary creations with magical properties, granting them extraordinary effects. From healing potions disguised as soups to offensive spells hidden within delectable desserts, the possibilities were endless. The system provided me with a catalog of recipes and cooking techniques, along with a wide range of magical ingredients that I could gather and experiment with.

"System, can you give me more information on how to utilize these magical ingredients?" I directed my question toward the floating screen.

[Of course, my esteemed Food Sage! Magical ingredients are rare and powerful components that can enhance the taste, aroma, and effects of your dishes. They can be found in various locations throughout this world and are often guarded by formidable creatures or hidden within dangerous territories. By combining your cooking skills with the properties of these magical ingredients, you can create dishes that possess extraordinary abilities, from boosting physical strength to casting powerful spells.]

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. This new information had piqued my interest even further. I had always believed that food had the power to nourish not just the body, but also the soul. Now, it seemed that food could also be a means of harnessing and channeling magical energies.

"System, how do I gather these magical ingredients?"

[You can gather magical ingredients through exploration and combat. Many dangerous creatures possess rare ingredients within their bodies or habitats. By defeating them, you can obtain these components. Additionally, there are also hidden locations and dungeons filled with magical ingredients waiting to be discovered. Remember to exercise caution, as these areas may be guarded by powerful guardians or traps.]

A sense of excitement surged through me. Exploring new territories, battling fierce creatures, and discovering hidden treasures — all in the pursuit of delicious food and unimaginable culinary creations. It was a life I had longed for but never dared to dream would be possible.

"System, tell me more about my abilities as a Food Sage. How can I best utilize my skills in this world?" I inquired.

[As a Food Sage, your primary ability lies in your culinary expertise. You possess an innate understanding of flavors, techniques, and the art of cooking. By infusing your dishes with magic, you can create powerful spells that can aid you in combat, healing, and other aspects of your journey. Additionally, your Food Sage System also allows you to analyze ingredients, create new recipes, and even communicate with magical beings related to food.]

I nodded, absorbing the information. It seemed that my passion for food and my cooking skills would not only bring me joy and satisfaction but also be a formidable weapon in a world dominated by strength and magic.

With a newfound determination, I stood up from the bed and clenched my fists. A fire ignited within me, a burning desire to explore, create, and conquer. I was no longer just Kazuki, the cunning prodigy. I was Cain Von Silford, the Food Sage, and I would make my mark on this new world, one delicious dish at a time.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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