
Folk tales of mystery

Butchers don't kill five-fingered pigs. The guardian of a village does not guard a village with a temple. Feng shui masters don't tell evil dragons what to do. Midwives' hands must be washed with rooster blood. There are 360 lines in the world, and there are rules in every line. Are these ancient and mysterious rules really formal? Would you believe me if I told you that there are rules you can't break, that breaking them could endanger your life?

FrankZe1hyr · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

coffin pig

Enlightened by the intriguing story, it appears that my grandfather

was indeed an extraordinary butcher, but was ultimately defeated by

a pig. Could it be because he violated industry regulations? Rumor

has it that my grandfather incurred misfortune due to his excessive slaughter, attracting calamity. Villagers claim that all things possess spirits, but isn't that absurd? However, I swear it is absolutely true, as such surreal tales are unique to my family. It is said that diligence

leads to success while idleness leads to ruin, but my grandfather

remained stubborn. He began his apprenticeship at the age of

sixteen and diligently honed his craft until he reached sixty.

Countless pigs met their fate under his skillful blade, each swift and clean. Unfortunately, tragedy struck in the last instance at the end oflast year.I clearly remember that day was snowing, goose feather snow, have sprinkled, it seems to meet the arrival of the New Year.

To ask grandpa to kill the pig is the next village of Xue Lao five.

This guy's about my dad's age, mid-40s. He wore a thick navy blue padded jacket and a sheepskin cap. As soon as he entered the yard, he grinned: "Uncle Mu Sheng, bother you to run a trip."

I was with grandpa in the hall fire, see a guest door, grandpa immediately put on cotton shoes to greet, and motioned me to make a cup of hot tea.

Xue Laowu put down the two bottles of inferior liquor in his hands after entering the door, slapped the snowflake on his body and smiled: "Three days have not been fed, the animal is hungry to eat through the pig pen."

Grandpa took out a wooden box with a butcher's knife from the cabinet and casually replied, "The longer you are hungry, the cleaner your stomach and the more convenient it will be to handle." By the way, is the hot water ready?"

Xue Lao five nodded and said, "It burned early in the morning, just waiting for you to let blood out."

Said, and took my new hot tea, smiling: "This is a small ning Zi, a blink of an eye are so big."

"Going to college next year." Grandpa sat on a stool with a wooden box and said, "My family Xiaoning son loves to eat pig head meat, I can tell you that after killing the pig, the pig head I have to take away."

Xue Lao Wu said quickly: "Add 20 kilograms of meat, and pig water, etc., which you like to take what." It's freezing, how can you just pick up a pig's head and go home?"

Grandpa smiled and said: "That into, the pig head gravy is good tomorrow to call you to drink."

After a polite greeting, to Xue Lao five after drinking hot tea, two people are ready to start.

I was bored at home and begged grandpa to watch.

"Wear a hat and a coat. You have a poor constitution, don't get cold." Grandpa was concerned.

I changed into a down jacket without saying a word, and my father said a sound, with grandpa to Xue Lao five live Taihua village.

Taihua Village is next to ours, more than two miles away. I helped Grandpa carry the wooden box with the pig knife, and it took about 15 minutes to get there.

Xue Lao five family is busy for the killing of pigs.

The washing of the washing tank, the boiling water of the boiling water, the brushing of the cutting board, the New Year is full of flavor.

See grandpa in the past, acquaintances greeted each other, Xue Lao five led grandpa to the pigsty.

"Uncle Mu Sheng, ask God incense I have helped you light, root into ash, safe and sound." Xue Laofive pointed to the brick gap in front of the pig pen and said, "You see, the incense ash is still there."

Grandpa looked down a few eyes, solemnly said: "Your point does not count, ask God incense must I come to point."

Xue Lao Wu was a little embarrassed, but he also knew the rules of Grandpa killing pigs, and quickly returned: "OK, I will give you a new incense."

"Don't bother, I've got it in my case." Grandpa took away the wooden box from my hand, took out three yellow incense after opening it, inserted it into the soft soil in front of him, and murmured: "All sentient beings are suffering, this crime, to send the spirit of incense..."

Two minutes later, Grandpa stood up and said to me: "Ningzi, look at the yellow incense, if halfway incense must tell me."

After saying this, Grandpa opened the door of the pigpen and walked in, and began the routine inspection before killing the pigs.

To an uninformed outsider, Grandpa's behavior at this moment seems a little ridiculous.

It's just killing a pig. It's like a vet.

But only I know that grandpa did this because of the rules of the butcher line, the so-called six evils of killing pigs.

What is killing pig six taboo?

The first taboo, avoid killing Lingguan pig.

According to legend, the Lingguan pig is the reincarnation of the celestial deity, who is sent down to the world. Only to die of old age, not to be killed. Otherwise its soul will evolve into an evil spirit revenge killing pig man, make its family destroyed.

The way to identify the spirit officer pig is also very simple, that is, Grandpa just point to ask God incense.

Ask God incense, it means that the pig soul God, not by incense and fire offerings.

To be clear, you're gonna fucking kill me, and I'm gonna take it?

Killing pigs second taboo, taboo killing five-finger pigs.

An ordinary pig has four toes, while a five-fingered pig has five toes, just like a human.

Legend has it that the pigs are reincarnated by humans and carry memories of past lives.

If you kill him, he'll be haunted.

Kill pigs third taboo, avoid killing white-headed pigs.

White-headed pigs, also known as mourning pigs, refer to pigs with large white hair on their heads, like humans wearing mourning.

There are rumors that if the butcher kills a white-headed pig, there will be a funeral in the family.

Killing pigs fourth taboo, taboo killing Buddha pigs.

To worship Buddha is not to say that pigs go to temples to pray to Buddha.

Instead, the hind legs of the pig will stand side by side, and the front legs will bow together, as if bowing to Buddha.

It is said that this pig has turned on spiritual intelligence, and killing it will bring bad luck to the butcher.

The fifth taboo to kill pigs, do not kill tailless pigs.

No tail, which means a pig without a long tail.The butcher believes that no tail means no queen, and killing such a pig will lead to the loss of children and grandchildren, and no blood descendants.

Kill pigs sixth taboo, do not kill pregnant pigs.

In the eyes of the pig killer, those who put into the pig fetus are those who have been punished by God for their bad deeds in the past life, such people themselves are angry at being reincarnated as pigs, and if they are killed before birth, their fetal spirit will become a fetal fury and haunt the pig killer for a lifetime to report the suffering of reincarnation.

When I was young, I heard Grandpa say the most is the rules of the butcher line, so I almost memorized the six evils of killing pigs.

I kept asking God incense on this side, and Grandpa's side was soon checked.

Xue Lao Wu whispered to ask: "Uncle, can you call someone to come and tie the pig?"

Grandpa walked out of the pigpen, I do not know whether the ground is loose or old legs weak, a stumbling out, is the burning of the three yellow incense all broken.

Please forgive me if the grammar is wrong.

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