
Foes of Eternal

Daoist_Mamu · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 1

Imagine growing up to experience nothing but rejection from everybody around you. I don't blame some of them they do it simply out of fear and the rest it's mere disgust.

It's funny how the world can overlook the same notion with different points of view. The humans are scared of me while the vampire clans are disgraced by my existance. ofcourse you must be wondering why.....

Nothing is right with Lenora Kingsley to begin with. My father is from among the strongest vampire clans and my mother is an ordinary human being. This match isn't contradicted by both societies like I am, I'm neither a human being nor a complete vampire I don't even know what to call myself. I can't say I am a human being because I don't have the genes and I can't say I'm a vampire because I'm not a victim of light.

I am that fuse box of human race and vampire blood.

My parents raised me to ignore the shunning and rejection from both races and to stand in my own spot ofcourse it's not easy the words and the actions do sting sometimes and that's why I never had real friends. Trust is something you just don't endulge in if you're from a reprobated group.

The world is in chaos as the human race is verbally attacking the vampires as blood suckers and creatures of Doom and distruction just because they feed on blood. and the vampires ofcourse they fire back claiming the humans as inferiors and weaklings subjected to the course of nature.

In this cold war I get to be in the middle, I belong to both societies but then again they refused to accept me,Their natural calamity.

Back in highschool I used to walk in and out of classes alone in freshman year. no one dared to cross paths with me hell even to get close. The human students will call us Draculas, monsters and other displeasing names behind our backs.

I couldn't socialize with vampire students since they known better than to befriend a dhampyre I was left in solitude and it never bothered me.

Well I wasn't the only extraordinary race in school because the ware wolves from Lycan blood pack attended the same school too.

They experienced public bushing and cynicism from both humans and Vampires.

The Lycans are the most highest ranks of werewolves origin and bloodline they reek of power and dominance. they conquered several minor packs adding them to their territory. Their Alpha was a real definition of Bad news.

Vampires and ware wolves are born foes for as long as the beginning of existance. Two sides of the same coin never meet I guess. they are both supernatural beings, both feed on blood both have weaknesses but one is bad omen to the other.

Things changed in senior year when I met April Stevens she was a normal human being with specialness. she had a link to the blood line of powerful witches from the 18th century, that's what made her special the witchy genes.

Witches are best allies with vampires wherareas they helped them with the ability to walk under the sun in exchange for protection and safety.

"Why are you so lost today?" she brought me out of my reverie. I twist my head to peek at her, brown orbs stared back at me accusingly.

"something is up.. I have a weired feeling in my gut this whole week" I replied back seriously. she looked taken back as her beautiful facial features distorted to unveil worry and confusion.

"Is this about what they say about you...? does it affect you nowdays?"

I shook my head while tucking the wild brownish locks behind my ear.

" I never cared, you better than anyone knows that.. "

she sipped on her drink while I played with a straw of mine.

"What is it then...?"

"I overheard Mom and Dad last night talking about something... some danger they didn't continue since Dad obviously sensed I was awake" I explained briefly.

"So you didn't clearly hear the thing...?" I nodded sideways while she raised her hands to the air.

"so what's so suspicious there...?"

I huffed out a sigh, I couldn't ignore the sirens inside me even if I wanted to. I know whatever Mom and Dad were talking about was really serious especially if they had to do it past midnight when they expected me to be asleep.

I picked up shufflings of multiple footsteps approaching behind us. I gave April a signal to stay silent because someone was coming she turned to check who it was to swiftly turn back.

"Don't look...." she said it rather too late as I was already eye to eye with Luke corhen my Archenemy.

"If it's not Lenora Kingsley... the abomination to the vampire spicies"

"Go away Luke I'm not in the mood!" instead of retorting back like always, I brushed him off uninterestedly. clearly I was not in the mood to argue with him.

the corhen family are the clan leaders of vampire bloodline. Luke happens to be the young brother of Athan corhen my tongue felt on fire as I mentioned his name the clan leader.

The originals are always the most feared of vampires they had double abilities and times three of strengths.

I have never met Athan in person but I really didn't have to meet him to know how dangerous and fierce he is. I would always stay out of radar whenever the clan leaders had meetings or gatherings at home.

I needed some fresh air to clear my systems. Negative scenarios raged havoc in my brain.

"Uuhhhhh! somebody woke on the wrong side of the bed I see, or have you started PMS-ing like humans?"

The rest of his crew broke into a fit of laughter he joined in too laughing at my face.

"Screw you corhen!" I spat back bitterly swinging my back pack over my shoulder to walk away, he was getting on my nerves and today was just not the day. I urged April to follow me. Luke and his crew kept on with their remarks and to avoid any inconveniences I decided to tune them out.

April secretly had a crush on Luke. it didn't require a NASA-Genius to detect that. The way she'd be fidgety and nervous when he's around was sure a hint. I can't blame her, the little devil is.. gorgeous something I'd never say out loud if I value my sanity.

I check the time on my wrist watch, Few minutes left to the end of lunch break. April and I walked to our last lecture class of Biochemistry. I have always admired science and it's remarkable answers about nature and everything in existence even me. providing cure to the humans and other species it's just magical.

it's my second year of med school in University of Arizona college of medicine of phoenix city.

I was born here in phoenix, studied from grade school to university right in this small city. it has been my home. I live down in West Washington street eight minutes ride from main campus. so there was no good reason for me to stay in campus and I chose not to.

I walk through the front door, the sweet aroma of creamy spaghetti carbonara hit my nostrils and I released a small moan. Mom and her cookings.

"Len hunny is that you?" you would expect her to shout since she's in the kitchen but she spoke normally why shout if I can hear even the sound of a pin when it drops.

"Yes it's me Mom!" now I was the one to shout back

with super speed I was in the kitchen standing on the threshold. mom was behind the stove flipping the pasta.

"How was day at school today...?" she sensed my presence in the kitchen. Being around vampires for long Mom has enhanced her senses like she could tell if I was right behind her just like what she did now.

"Apart from the time Luke corhen being a total douche bag... the rest of the day was fine"

Mom stopped stirring to give me a concerned look.

"Ignore him, the last thing we need is to start another war among ourselves.." she abruptly fell silent as if sensing she had dropped a hint to something I wasn't supposed to be aware of.

"Another war...?" I asked calculatedly "Mom are you and Dad hidding something from me?"

"No we are not..." Dad spoke from behind me as I turn around to glance at him.

"I overheard you last night... I know there's something wrong and Mom just proved it"

Dad walked over to me to pat my head and hug me.

"It's not a big deal the council is looking into it"

I break loose from Dad's embrace to scoff sideways to his attempt of sugar quoting the 'small matter'.

"Explain why Mom's heart is currently beating in her throat?" I cross my hands against my chest. it's not my fault I have these acute senses.

"Look Len.. this is not to be out in public just yet.. that's why we can't risk telling you sweety..." Mom spoke softly.

"Don't you guys trust me..?" I asked irritation clearly in my voice.

"Are you going to let me worry and probably kill myself with anxiety not knowing what danger this is?"

I left the kitchen without waiting for their reply. I hated the fact that I had to worry if danger is somewhere around the corner and I had that human side of emotions where I have to worry and generate numerous ideas about this matter could be about. The intuitive part of me screamed the same word Mom slipped out of her tongue in the kitchen. War.

whatever this is it was not good.


hello guys

thank for choosing to read my work, I'm very great full to you all.

I hope you're enjoying the book so far, feel free to drop your comments about what you think.

if I nailed it or it just went overboard.

lots of love.


Lenora isn't a human nor a vampire she's a dhampyre.

she's a very rare creation. most of them don't survive but she did.

vampires are against this race because dhampyre are unpure to the vampires and the most interesting part is they can be used to kill vampires. so don't take Lenora as weak cause she's not!!

Daoist_Mamucreators' thoughts