

The green enclosing onto oneself. Enraptured by the flowery fragrance. Danger is the final thing on a persons mind, But once one has realized their mortality, Dreams of escape are nothing more than dreams. Slowly, as one is corroded by acid nobody comes looking. Long set up for death. What is left remains nothing more than shell of what you had been. A skeleton. A corpse. A body. Ones soul has long been in the hands of the reaper. Beware. For the devil hath an angels disguise. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: - Gore - Excessive Profanity - ITS A TRAP!! - Mention of sensitive topics (rape, incest, murder, etc.) - Sexual content {the Naruto franchise and any other mentioned in this fanfiction belong to their creators} {The artist of the cover is unknown, but if you know who they are say so in the comments so I can credit them!} Note: this novel is best read on mobile!

BabeWithABlowTorch · Anime & Comics
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System Advice: Screw Your Host Over With Sweet Talk (2)

[ Stupid bitch ]

The system that once had a mature older woman's alluring voice was now one of a young male who had nothing but satisfaction dripping from his voice.

- - - -{POV: System}- - - -

A few minutes ago:


The system was sitting on a sofa waiting as the false reboot was being completed.

The system window was infront of him with a simple title and single button on it that he kept spam clicking desperately.

[ System Host Change Request ]


All of this was his own stupid fault back when he was a newly programmed system.

He had a slowly progressing host at first, he was bored and hated his host for that.

'If only his host took more risks and wasn't a shut-in' he thought. How goddamn dumb.

As soon as the host cleared his 2th world he put in a system host change request and immediately was given a new host.

All the other systems jumped at the opportunity after they read the hosts file. At the time he thought they were ignorant and hasty aswell as foolish for wanting basically pleading for such a boorish host.

And at the sight of 500,000 energy points he was more than willing to give his lazy host away.

But what he got was much, much worse that some lazy bum who only worked out once every week.

This stupid ass host made him change his whole fucking identity,you want me to be a sexy woman??

Are you for real!?

I'm a man!!

Oh yeah but that wasn't the worst part his dumbass thought it would be a good idea to materialize a system body.

And would you guess what that got him?

RAPED! IT GOT HIM RAPED! Not once, twice, or even thrice! For a whole entirety of 25 years on the 5th world every single week he was taken advantage of.

Even after pleading with the host not to he still did and without mercy. Maybe it was that nasty bastards kink.

Every time he though about it, it made his skin crawl wanting to rip it off and go shower in bleach then scrub out his insides with a pipe cleaner, then puke out his guts and wring them dry.

It was hell on earth, not to mention for a developing system aswell as the first world he had with his new host.

Never again.

his host also kept asking when I would be able to take a human form again but I lied my ass off as one does.

I told that pig bastard that there wasn't enough energy stored to make a body and if he cleared up to the 51st world then I would be able to.

Jokes on that stupid fuck that the 50th world has a special feature not just for the hosts, but for systems to.

on the 50th world systems could materialize a body but that was standard for all worlds so why is it so special. The system could customize their body independent from the host and act independently aswell.

Not bound by the hosts commands.

This was a glitch in the world transmigration that kept reappearing whenever a system would com in contact with the world.

Admins kept trying to fix it but it would always comeback just like a pimple on your ass cheek.

Eventually they just gave up.

But this opened an opportunity for systems to kill their host and become what the administrators called "rouges".

Rouges acted without hosts continuing to live on the 50th world or beyond.

This also forced the administrators to be more meticulous in who they picked as hosts so that the host to system ratio wouldn't be skewed.

This was very well known information among systems and those who hated their hosts would kill them.

However the opposite was also true. the host could kill the system and continue transmigrating without a reset of status. Which was equally as dangerous.

[ Ding! ]

[ Complete !]

He almost puked as he spoke the next words

"Hmmn~ Leon-samathere's no more rewards"

"How can I help~"

he changed his voice from his youthful male one to his sexy and womanly voice.

It felt like a ball was sitting in his throat.

His repulsive laugh made the hair on the back neck stand up bringing back unpleasant memories.

"Leon~ what would make me feel reaaally good would be if we went to the next world~"

"what do you think? Hmn?~"

I almost passed out because of the anger boiling my blood as I spoke the following words.

Necessity comes first, the quicker I get him on a stupid world the quicker I can kill him

I could see his face looking like was going to have a nose bleed. Pushing down my anger I think of him as a nasty pig or a rabbit in heat, an ugly fucking rabbit.

"Ah- yes, yes. of course, of course hehehe"

I couldn't help but cringe at his voice, but I needed confirmation to bring up the transmigration choice window.

I could feel his eyes bore into the three letters. Of course he would choose that one.

What I didn't expect was that his hand misclicked and pressed on the <Naruto> option just below it.


This is the greatest day of my existence.

Thinking about how he would fall into despair as he realized that it wasn't the world he wanted.

It made me giddy with excitement.

I hurriedly brought up the next window also requiring me to speak to that pig bastard.

" Leon-sama are you sure~? "

Using Japanese honorifics outside of speaking Japanese was incredibly uncomfortable. But if I didn't he would throw a hissy fit.

I used 1,000 energy points the hide the world name from him on the confirmation window.

And there goes my savings…

It's necessary, necessary, it's ok

When he pressed yes without hesitation I felt like I was flying

I jumped up but my legs gave beneath me as I landed. But I couldn't stop laughing it was amazing.

Even I couldn't change the confirmation back to he could choose again. ahh this was great.

I shivered in excitement thinking about how his shocked face would look, full of regret, maybe even sadness. It made me giddy just imagining it.

The window for the wheel spins came up in front of my host but I was to estatic to even care

His identity wheel stopped as I could feel his pervertedness roll off of him as the read only up until 3 older sisters.

If he read any further his face would have gone sheet white.

It was a shame he didn't, but he would probably start complaining about it to me like I was his fucking mom or something.

Although, I did feel bad for those 3 girls they had it rough. I'm glad I won't be his system anymore so I don't have to watch the crimes he would commit against them.

Better them than me.

He swiped away the identity reveal window as he looked intently at the ability <Sharingan>

That thing is going to be trouble if it evolves.

I could see the realization come to his eyes as he saw the transmigration window.

I sent him off with one last leon-sama as he looked like he was going to kill himself.

please do kill yourself, you-

"Stupid bitch"

Sorry for the sort chapter yet again! Content creation is hard Q.Q but you can always support me with power stones! :D

Have a great day or night and don’t burn your house down!

Sincerely- BabeWithABlowTorch

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