
Flying flowers dance in the sky

Qi Jin accidentally rolled down the mountain while traveling in Tianshan, and by chance, he discovered a secret so big that it can't even be described as shocking. To this end, Qi Jin must call on the world to jointly develop earth civilization in order to reach the door to a safe world. But after entering the new world, we also face endless challenges...

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Chapter 18---Leaving

Qi Jin felt something was wrong from the second sentence he said. Until he listened patiently, he felt bad all over. He was so rich and powerful. But then I thought about it, where is my moral integrity? What's the bottom line? What about superior demeanor? The inner drama comes out.

"No, no, I still have a mission!

But if I join his Wang family, what he says is awesome, and rely on the strength of his family to build momentum for me, wouldn't it make me famous faster?

No, immortal cultivators have their own way of cultivating immortals, and there is no need for this kind of reputation!

But, that is a huge amount of wealth. His family is not short of money. As long as he shows what he can do, he can ask for hundreds of millions. I have always been poor and have never seen money!

As a cultivator of immortals, there is a difference between immortals and mortals, not to mention worldly money and things? Let other monks know how to practice Taoism in the future? Not being laughed at? "


After a fierce mental battle, Qi Jin finally decided to reject Wang Cheng. Then he said calmly:

"A cultivator is free and carefree. How can you be bribed for a little money? You leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will be ruthless and will kill you on the spot."

After speaking, he struck out with his left hand, knocking the three of them thirty meters away, and they fell to the ground at the same time. However, Qi Jin didn't mean to hurt anyone, so he didn't cause any harm to them. He just knocked them away. In fact, it was just a minor injury and a slight punishment.

The three people who fell to the ground were frightened for a while. It was so weird. Is this real?

"Ah, it hurts. What just happened?"

"I don't know, just look at the palm facing us and we flew out!"

"It's too exaggerated. Is this something a human can do? I've only seen it on TV. Do you think this Taoist is a real immortal figure?"

"I don't know, but it's probably true. He didn't kill us just now. He just punched us out and didn't cause any injuries. Let's go, let's go. If you don't go, you will die!"

The three of them got up and ran away in embarrassment, and drove away after a while. Others were also stunned by Qi Jin's move, and they respected Qi Jin extremely in their hearts. Everyone's eyes were shining...

"You can leave as long as you have nothing to do. I am leaving. It may be indefinite!"

After Qi Jin finished speaking, he was about to get up and leave, but Wang Xianying stopped him urgently.

"Taoist Master, wait!"

After saying that, he ran to Qi Jin and knelt down.

"I ask the Taoist Master to accept me as a disciple, or as a handyman, or as your follower..."

Seeing this, the others, except for the two police officers Lu Feng and Xiaona, also came to Qi Jin and knelt down to beg to accept it. But Qi Jin had no intention of accepting a disciple.

"You all get up, I have no plans to recruit disciples." Qi Jin said in a calm tone.

Then Qi Jin looked at the two policemen, Lu Feng and Xiaona. When Wang Xianying and others heard what Qi Jin said, they felt a little frustrated.

Qi Jin ignored them and said to the two policemen:

"You two have seen it. I didn't force them. They wanted to kneel down on their own. Don't say in the records that I am the leader of a cult!"

Qi Jin just changed the subject. In fact, he had expected someone to suddenly want to become his teacher, but he also had to practice, and his cultivation level was not that high. At the same time, I don't have time to teach them, and I am too lazy to teach them. However, for the sake of the mission, you can take in a few followers, and they will be able to help you and run errands in the future. So don't reject them outright.

"Well, we didn't think so. You are a good Taoist and a good god!" Lu Feng said quickly, and Xiaona also nodded in agreement.

"Yeah." Qi Jin felt good about what he heard, so he hummed and looked at Yu Lian, Wang Xianying, Queeni, Ayimu, and Zhang Yu. They looked at it for a few seconds, making the five of them very nervous. I thought that when the Taoist priest looked at them like this, he was choosing a suitable follower. Qi Jin then said:

"I intend to travel around the world, and I don't want to accept disciples. But since you are so sincere in wanting to follow me, I can reluctantly accept you. However, don't be too happy yet. I am not accepting you as my disciples, but You are following me and doing work for me. For example, running errands, working as assistants, etc. Are you willing?"

"I'm willing, I'm willing..."

The five people who were originally nervous were all disappointed after hearing the first half of Qi Jin's words, but after hearing the rest of Qi Jin's words, they suddenly became excited and excited. He quickly said yes. I'm afraid Qi Jin might regret it!

Qi Jin is very satisfied with their performance. From now on, these people will be his first team to do big things. There will only be more to come. Qi Jin was thinking...

"Very good, you go back and clean up. We will still be here tomorrow morning. We will go to Qinghai tomorrow!"

Qi Jin didn't know where to go for a while, so he thought that Qinghai and Tibet were the next provincial-level areas on the map.

"Well, by the way, bring more money, I don't have any money to give you." Qi Jin suddenly reminded!

The five people smiled and said goodbye and went back to prepare.

After Qi Jin saw them all leaving, he suddenly decided to take the first step, because he would not go to Qinghai by train or plane. Although I didn't choose Tibet because of the high altitude, Qinghai is also far away. In order to continue to maintain a high profile and cultivate myself, I left a note: You go to Xining City, the capital of Qinghai Province, the most populous square, I will be waiting for you there.

Then Yujian flew away.

In fact, there was a person silently watching from a distance with a telescope, but he did not intervene or show up. He is the middle-aged policeman. It gives people an image of being calm, reserved, mature and upright. He was actually observing Qi Jin to make sure there would be no problems. Because the two young police officers were watching Qi Jin, the middle-aged police officers were also afraid that they would be influenced by Qi Jin's magic and sorcery, which would lead to negative consequences. After several days of personal observation, he found nothing bad, so he felt relieved. Seeing Qi Jin flying away, he was shocked and quickly adjusted his telescope to see, but unfortunately he had already flown away.

"He is truly a man of God!"

But he did not report it to his superiors, nor did he find anyone to report it to the news. Because he was not sure and did not dare to guess Qi Jin's thoughts. Even if he reports to his superiors, they will only tell him that he is old and it is time to retire. If you look for news reports, you will be accused of being crazy... So nothing is done and it is just a dream.

Not long after, Wang Xianying, who was a single wage earner, came to the square with her suitcase, only to find that Qi Jin was no longer there. She suddenly felt abandoned and went crazy. Then he dropped his suitcase and ran to where Qi Jin was meditating. After searching, he found a note. After looking at it carefully, he felt relieved. So through the Weixin messages they added to each other when they left Qi Jin, they were drawn into a group. It was revealed that Qi Jin had gone to Qinghai first. Not long after, Yu Lian, Zhang Yu and others came out to speak.