
Fly With The Wind

Aella, an Outstanding Student when it comes to Academics and is always active in Extra Curricular Activities except She does not like Sports. She always thought that "Sports is a Joke. It is fun, but once you get injured, Your Sports Career is Over." Kei, an Outstanding Student and second to Aella when it comes to Academics, but He loves sports, with a motto "Sports before Girls". Regardless of the learning aspect, a playful destiny will tie them together.

precious4chim · Teen
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23 Chs


"Don't y'all find Aella weird?"


"She is an outstanding student when it comes to academics , she's always one of the representatives we can trust when it comes to Extra Curricular, like she can manage preparing the programs of the school."

"Then? What's weird?"

"She hates sports."

"Ohhh that ... I think she has a dark past behind sports that's why she doesn't like it."

"It's a waste, with her height she can be a volleyball player."

"Right, she's actually very beautiful, tall and she's fit to be a volleyball player or maybe model."

I actually don't know why they're always talking about my hate about sports. I don't understand why they're exasperating but shouldn't they just mind their own business? My hate in sports doesn't hurt anyone. Or so I thought so.

Yes. Sports was fun. Once you're into sports, sometimes you're unstoppable and your thinking is reckless. Once you're injured and your doctor and coach says 'You cannot play anymore in the team' 'Quit doing sports. It's for you.' you'll feel suffocated and the pain is excruciating.


"Hey dude, you know Aella right?"

"Not really. She's the leading student when it comes to academics right?"

"Yeah, second one is Kei."

"Oh, what now?"

"I heard the other class gossiping about Aella."

"Why would they? I know Aella is gorgeous and intelligent."

"Yeah yeah. Well I heard she hates sports. Any kind of it."

"Kei wouldn't like that."

"I know right."

"But she's tall - she could be a volleyball player if she's into sports."

They're talking again about that 'Aella'. I don't even care if she hates sports. Her opinion doesn't matter to me as long as she doesn't cross the line where she'll lecture me about the consequences of doing sports.

Yes, Sports is dangerous - that is if you're not careful enough. We can't avoid accidents and even injuries but as long as you are cautious then you're safe.

I can't judge Aella. Maybe she has reasons. I don't want to judge people without knowing the story behind. Maybe something happened to her with sports that made her hate it.


"A woman's Heart is a Deep Ocean of Secrets."

- Gloria Stuart -

They know nothing about me. They don't know how my past impacted the present me. But I don't want to cage myself, keeping myself distant to things that I might regret in the future.

I smiled in my inner thoughts.

"There are no secrets that time does not reveal."

- Jean Racine -


"She puts on an unclear mask ... maybe, she showed it but until now, but is that also a lie?

She holds out the insufficient heart I wanna meet, so I'll steal the diamond before you notice."

Real Personality? Real Instincts? Is it real?

As I close the book I am reading, I became interested to show her how Sports can change someone's life.

"Lies and Secrets, they're like a Cancer in a Soul. They eat away what is good and leave only Destruction Behind."

- Cassandra Clare -