
Chapter 1

Flashback to two months ago.

Avery was being rolled down the hospital corridor by his assigned nurse Darlene towards the vending machine until the young Doctor Cold came rushing down the ile with a stack of papers.

"Darlene! I thought I told you to fill out these papers! I-" Avery drowned them out with a small sigh as he examined the vending machine for a good snack that possibly didn't taste like stale hospital food.

"Hi!" A cheery unknown female voice startled him making him come short of breath but the young girl didn't seem to notice.

"Need any help?"

Catching his breath and gulping down a string of insults towards the hyperactive 15/16 year old looking girl he answered with "oh no I'm just... trying to pick something good from the vending machine-"

"Oh! Well that's easy!" She answered with her eternal smile forever stamped on her face "the nachos here taste like peanuts and mustard so that's a definite no, granola bars are safe but lack flavor so I would totally recommend the rock candy if you like something really sweat and sugary. You're kind of pale looking and could definitely use the energy!"

"I guess you had one to many..." Avery muttered trying to hide his amusement at her food knowledge.


"Oh, nothing!" He rushed to cover up not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"I'm Ave by the way" he held out his hand to shake.

The girl beamed before eagerly shaking his hand with a happy "Hi I'm Em! Now pick away young padwan! It's all on me cuz I've got a thing for cute guys on wheelchairs" she winked at the last part making young Avery blush a bit and look down at his clammy hands.

" I'll uh... go with the rock candy then"

"Great!" Em put in a ten dollar bill then pressed the rock candy number multiple times.

After retrieving the sweets she handed them to Ave with a small jump making her long brown curls bounce around her.

"It was nice meeting you Ave! I'll be in room 119 if you need me!" And with that she skipped off down the hallway taking Avery's heart with her.