
Fluorite Eternity

300,000 years ago man appeared on earth. Man began to develop various forms, including feelings, emotions and the so-called 'humanity'. Martha, who appears to be an altruistic and benevolent woman, is actually a sad, lonely and depressed person. She tries to hide herself by always appearing happy and altruistic, but this is not always the best solution. The world has turned its back on her, betrayed her. After giving up by killing herself, she suddenly wakes up in a World completely different and very... Happy. (English isn't my first language)

lHuca · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Ah... I don't like this place."

"Ahaha it'll be fine"

"Where have I heard that before..."

Martha and Lela started walking towards that door made of trees. Inside that "tunnel" were different kinds of vegetation, things she had never seen, never known.

Monstrously beautiful fruits and microscopic animals, it looked like you could see bacteria with your naked eye.

"By the way Lela, how did you know my name?"

"Ah...ahah...who knows."


While Martha continued to be perplexed and weirded out, Lela meanwhile didn't utter a word, as if her mouth was sewn shut.

Not even the sound of her footsteps could be heard; it was completely non-existent.

"Maybe it's my hearing that hasn't cleared up yet,' Martha speculated.

But that was quickly dismissed, because she could hear everything around her: the sound of the grass blowing in the wind, animals running and her own footsteps.

"Um, Lela..."



This time her voice was loud and clear, could it be a power type? Maybe a stealth type or something.

Lela had stopped in one spot at that moment, looking at something strange but everything suggested it was that shiny thing. It was some kind of gemstone.

"Ohi Martha, look at this."

"Eh, what is it"

"Something absolutely precious to us."

"Um, that thing I saw coming out of your hand was because of this thing here?"

"Well, you hit the nail on the head."

"But how can that be, how can a solid turn into something like that?"

"Well look, people like me have such a stone implanted in their bodies."


"Ahahah it's amazing isn't it? Watch Martha..."

A small spark began to form from Lela's shoulder, which then turned into a full-blown electrical discharge.

"As you said, this is a very important stone..."

It was a purplish colour, and it slowly spread all over his arm, creating small distinctive marks.

"This is the foundation of our lives...


Then, as it reached his hand, the various electrical discharges formed during propagation grew larger and larger, until they formed...


"This is a phenomenon that manifests in us, because of it we can live and defend ourselves, we can run this world, keep it up."

Then he extended his hand, and a small rose began to form through that "something" that no one could describe.

"This Martha...

is Fluorite."

The rose grew bigger and bigger, until it touched that ceiling made of trees, and as soon as it opened, purple petals fell in a shower and some of them settled on Martha's face, enraptured and admiring such splendor.

"How...how beautiful."

At that moment Lela looked like a dryad, happiness and beauty added together with nature and the paranormal completely enveloping her, she too was admiring her own creation, she was smiling in a satisfied way.

Then she snapped her fingers and the rose shattered into a thousand pieces.

"Well, now that you have seen such a work, let us continue."


Hours, days, weeks and months passed. The tunnel seemed endless and constantly darkening with every step.

Martha couldn't stand upright after quite a few days, so she fell down and fainted completely.

"Ah... how annoying, you humans are always like that."

Lela picked her up and continued walking for a few kilometres until she came to a small cave.

"Oi, Martha, wake up."


"That's right I'm beautiful Lela, now wake up and eat."

"G-Thank you."

Lela looked a little melancholy though, maybe she was waiting for me to finish eating? Was she impatient? She hadn't eaten anything since Martha had met her.

"Listen Martha, if someone were to tell you that you don't deserve to exist, putting false rumours about you, what would you do?"


"Sorry, that's something too weird to ask you."

Actually, it wasn't strange, quite the opposite. In fact Martha was stunned by the accuracy of the event Lela was describing with her of problem before she died, she was speechless.


"Oh, sorry. I could actually understand that."

"Huh! Really?!"

He looked very happy Lela at that moment, but seeing her with that serious and melancholic look he let it go, because it seemed to him that she was aware of a very similar fact, surely she had something to do with this.

"Aaaaah, it's time to move on, what do you say?"


As they left the cave, they began to have fun, playing and joking, talking about this and that, occasionally picking up the pace with a jog.

But everything was interrupted by a very loud and disturbing noise.

The roar of an animal, it sounded like a lion.

Then another kind of cry, it was a howl. Finally, a third, slightly lower-pitched sound was heard, but it sounded like an aggressive cat.

"Be careful Martha"


Lela positioned herself in front of the dark, black horizon of the tunnel, from there came out between types of animals, they looked very dangerous, as if with one blow they would kill you.

"Now I'll show you how we defend ourselves."

The Fluorite began as per protocol to expand all over his arm, it also did so on his neck and right leg.

The speed of one of the animals was imperceptible, it attacked Lela without any hesitation, hitting her straight in the neck.


The animal strangely pulled back, only to look up where something gruesome and disturbing could be seen.

Its jaw was melting.

It was the larger one's turn, to which the other joined in, and together they attacked one arm and the other leg.

"Oi, you're getting my suit dirty."

He raised his hand and concentrated the fluorite on it, a huge lump of discharge began to form.

He coldly struck the two animals, incredibly cutting off their heads with a single blow.

"Aha ahaha ahahahah, pathetic! Miserable living beings!"

Martha came out of her shelter and with a fearful look approached Lela.

"This is how we defend ourselves, Martha."


Against all odds, she was utterly fascinated.

Then little flowers went to wrap the dead bodies of the three animals, where the first one that had been attacked died shortly after the fact.


"Ehehe, nice huh?"


They continued for a few more stretches of road, until they stopped at the end, where there was light, where there was probably...

A new life.