
Act More Like A Villain

"..and, that is for today's class. Are you feeling well, Lady?"

"You are seriously asking me that? You are clearly abusing your power."

"I am clearly doing MY job, and my job is to teach you. You should have been ready."

'I forgot how I hated to study even after becoming an attorney.' She thought.

She have passed the complicated bar exam but after that she still needs to study her clients cases everytime and defend. God, that was so exhausting.

"Lady? You may have notice or your father have told you this, but, your beautiful. A lady shining under the eclipse."

CHAPTER 11: Act More Like A Villain

Pansy noticed her Lady's strange actions. Because for the past hours, her lady was shaking her head and for another second she was in dazed. Just like today.

Pansy has to snap her fingers in front of her to snap her out.

"My lady?"