
Flowers don't cry

Her existence was meant to end that night, her 18th birthday was her last day to walk amongst the living, to draw her last breath. A sacrifice she had no choice but to make. Waking up in the arms of warriors with only her name to remember was terrifying. But these men had no intentions to hurt her, she was no threat to them. At her lowest, she had to hold on to that hope and trust the unknown world she was part of. As confusing as it all may seem.

OneWayToFly · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The moment she spoke those words - when she told him what those crystal can do - she felt something inside twist and turn.

As if she wasn't supposed to let anyone know.

It made sense, in a way, that she had to keep secrets and only trust those who have shown her they would never use that to harm others.

We all have secrets to keep.

But this was different, unlike the expected surprise or distrust once she spoke words of hope, she only got a "Hn" before Madara took a step back, pressed on a button near his collar and – she noticed he had a weird wire connected to his ear, hidden under his hair – he spoke to someone. – "Get me Izuna on the line, I don't care if he is busy." – he spoke, after what felt like forever under the intense gaze of the man before her, a knock startled her.

The door creaked slowly as the man mentioned before entered, staring at her for a second before addressing Madara. – "I brought what you asked for. I was on my way here when you called." – her eyes diverted to a backpack settled on his back, the man placed it on the bed and took out some dark clothing. – "This is for you to wear. You must feel uncomfortable after days wearing the same." –

He placed the soft looking clothes on the bed, turning to Madara, she waited for him to explain what was going on – was she supposed to change here?

- "The door to the left is a bathroom." – was all he said before turning to his brother. Uncomfortable and unsure, the pinket took the clothes with a quick "Thank you" to Izuna before dashing to the bathroom, she wiggled the handle until it was surely locked.

Her reflection greeted her with recognition, it was the first time since she woke up that she could see herself.

Really see everything she presented to the world.

Long soft pink locks that draped over her shoulders and down her back. Bright and wide green eyes and soft skin. She did look different to the people she saw; her features were soft and almost unrecognizable if it weren't for her colourful tones.

No sharp edges, no scars, beaty marks or any identifiable feature that could tell here where she came from or how she lived. Nothing prominent enough to jug her memory even if it was the smallest thing.

She tried to scramble her mind over and over on that reflection. Trying to guess if her eyes were like her mother, if her hair was a product of a specific region, wondering where her own reflection came from.

It was easy to note Madara and Izuna as familiar matches, from their eyes to their hair. Even as Hashirama and Tobirama had wordly different features in comparison, they had the same jawline, the same nose and even their shoulders squared the same way.

They all had something to identify each other, if she saw a child, it would be easy to know if they belonged to one of the families.

So that child can return home… if they were ever lost…

That word echoed in her mind, a lost girl that could not recognize herself, she knew that reflection was hers as she waved her hand in front of the mirror and even touched her face… just to prove to herself. "Where did this face come from?" she wondered.

A knock on the door caught her attention. – "Sakura, everything alright?" – she hesitated for a moment, how long had she been stared and wondering at the mirror? – "May I come in? I'll show you how to turn the hot water on." –

She glanced at the shower at the end of the bathroom, light blue tiles layered the walls before bleeding into a white ceiling, a dim white light above that lit the place since the small window on top of the showerhead seemed to only work for air flow. – "N-no, just tell me if it's the left or the right." – she answered once the handle began to move, she was not going to let them see how agitated she became.

The pinket took a few deep breaths and undressed, they finally left her alone. There seemed to be everything she needed to clean up and dry herself, but she still glanced one more time at the mirror before closing the shower curtain.

Only to be stunned at what she saw, on her naked back, there was something she did not recognize at all.

White markings that started at the base of her nape – she lifted her hair to see better – swills of white ink that dance all the way down the middle of her spine and reached her tailbone.

It was a beautiful art on her back, like the soft petals falling from a tree that was whisked away by the wind. Softly falling down her back.

Her eyes began to water, this was the only thing she had to give her an identity. The person who did this or wherever it was common to have this kind of markings had to belong to somewhere.

Who to ask and when had to wait, for now, she would cover it up and let it stay hidden until she found someone that might know something.

As the water fell on to her, she listed the possibilities. A library, an old wise person, a shrine maiden, a historian? Maybe even a doctor could tell here how she must have obtained those markings.

Her mind was set on learning everything she could – not only of herself – but about this place. Who the people feeding her and keeping her safe were and what their true intentions were. She was a lost girl and the only way to find home was to find one at this point.

Make a home in the hearts of those she would learn to rely on as much as she wanted other to rely on her. Create memories when she had none, make the most out of it once she could feel safe, even if she parted from those warriors who found her, she refused to live in fear whenever they were not nearby.

The clothing she was given, now that she could unfold them and give them a good look, were very similar to those the men on the other side of the door had. Dark, soft, thick and with wide high necks. They were oddly comfortable and smelled clean. The top was a little baggy but adjusted to her small torso as the skirt was able to adjust to her waist by the long straps, she figured would end up tied as a ribbon at her back. The length flared at the bottom and just past her thighs.

Finally, women's clothing!

There was a symbol above her heart that she did not know what it meant, like a small white and red fan? She remembered the small symbol in the clothing of the men who wore dark blue.

The garment she wore before had the symbol Hashirama proudly wore on his gear, even Tobirama had it… was it a family or military symbol?

More questions… great.

Her head was spinning by the time she was ready to exit, the fog created a daze, and her mind was not able to filter the information it had gathered in the short shower.

It was becoming too much.

The urge for fresh air pulled her to leave the small room, she could not hear the men, for a second she wondered if all they did was whisper or silently stare at each other the whole time.

When her eyes reached the bright room, the men stared right at her – well this is awkward… Her smile was nervous, but it seemed to give them all they needed to soften their intense stares.

Izuna cleared his throat first. – "How are you feeling?" – he smiled, but his eyes scanned every inch of her.

- "I am fine, thank you." – what else could she say? Glancing to Madara, he seemed to be in a different mindset from before.

- "I told Izuna what you mentioned before, I hope you don't mind." – he offered before asking her to sit on one of the beds. – "We have decided to take you to meet someone." – the pinket only listened and stayed put, it's not like she had places to go or people to see.

A lot of time on her hands… time that was spent in thoughts that only caused her more worry and stress. Anything would be better.

Their silence became tense as she realised, they awaited her response. – "Oh! Yes, sure. Um…" – her nervousness constricted her throat. – "W-Where are we going?" – Sakura hated how she would stumble on her words over and over. She quickly stood and staired at the door. – "May I ask who?" –

Her mind concluded it was easier not to stare at them when she spoke. – "There's a place we would like you to visit. Many people would benefit from… those crystals of yours." – Madara finally spoke, gently as to not cause her to become even more agitated.

"Get it together!" she berated herself.

She followed Izuna as Madara walked right behind her, it was like a weird march they performed to keep her between them, for some reason it comforted her. Those men were protecting her.

Curious glances were directed her way, some were more subtle than others, but they eventually made it outside for her to bathe in the rich sunlight and delightful breeze. Her shoulders released the tension she felt, and her heart sang to the vision of beautiful, lush green trees, stone roads, sidewalks filled with pedestrians and birds chirping above the homes and shops.

It was lovely and welcoming. Until she heard a strange sound coming their way, the pinket held on to each men's sleeves and tried to cover behind Izuna. A strange black contraption approached them. – "Relax, it's our ride." – Izuna turned to smile at her.

But she did not smile back, what the hell was a ride? She had never seen anything like it. The door opened and a man she did not recognize exited the "ride". He dressed similarly and looked older as some silver streeks decorated his short hair. – "After you, miss." – he spoke to her as he opened one of the back doors.

Her body was still frozen in place. All her mind could do was ask "What is in there?" her eyes wondered and saw some plush seats; they did look comfortable… but what was this thing?

- "Sakura." – Madara spoke behind her. – "It's just a car, you will be safe." – that thing did not look safe to her.

- "What's a car?" – she blurted out. The men shared a look of bewilderment before Izuna placed a hand behind her back.

- "It will take us to where we need to go, trust me." – he spoke near her ear, as to avoid any unwanted attention from her frightened look.

She had to blink a couple of times before taking a step forward, the hand on her back pressing lightly as she was guided to the "car". – "Watch your head." – Izuna spoke as he placed his other hand at the roof where her head was about to pump into. The pinket stumbled onto the seats with a small squeak before finding her way to sit comfortably. – "Stay in the middle." – Izuna offered as the door on the other side suddenly opened and Madara got on.

She felt like a fool once she saw how smooth his entry was compared to hers. – "Strap on." – Madara spoke as he reached to her side and pulled a belt that he buckled on her other side. He was so close right now. Izuna then sat right next to her, keeping the pinket sandwiched between them.

She had no time to think as the driver sat on the seat in front of her with a wheel at the front and began to turn on the engine. Her mind blanked in fear as she squared her shoulders and pressed her body to the seat, her hands reaching whatever they could.


Izuna had no idea how to answer or if he should say anything at all. He could tell the pinket was frightened out of her mind as her smaller hand gripped his knew with all her might. For a small woman, she had a strong grip. But that was not the issue.

The thing was… she was completely silent. His uncle kept glancing at her from the rear-view mirror with worry in his eyes. It didn't occur to them she had never been inside a vehicle before, not one like this and much less seen one by the way she reacted.

He glanced at his brother for guidance and noticed he was staring at her grip in his brother's knee. All they could do was reassure her this was nothing to be scared of – but that could be a lie, car accidents do happen – more often than not.

All he could do was place a hand over hers and smile when she turned to him. It obviously did not work as she looked like a deer in headlights and stared at the front once again.

They had to walk next time… he concluded.

Soon later they arrived at the parking lot near the makeshift hospital, he opened the door and noticed the pinket was finally returning to them. She was a little shaken and confused. But he would not cause her to feel embarrassed by pointing it out. Once again, he placed in hand over the same are she almost bumped her head as she entered.

She did it again.

It was almost comical how out of space she was when she stumbled out and held on to his arm for stability. Her curiosity caused her to stare around them as her body visibly calmed by the second. – "We must continue." – spoke his brother, his tone had softened since it was not a good idea to cause more tension to the skittish woman.

They really did not want her dashing away and having to chase her down…

Guiding her to the building was as easy as walking a child in a direct line across a themed park, she would stare at everything and anything, get distracted, stop, and almost wonder off. Good thing they stayed near her, and his hand resumed its position on her back to provide guidance.

She would occasionally ask what she saw was and they would provide short answers to appease her curiosity and resume their destination. Finally, they had arrived at the building, and she instantly tensed, once again.

He figured the air in here must have gotten to her, everyone suffered the pressure from the building and its inhabitants.

People die here.

But that was going to change, he hoped. He stayed behind with his uncle as Madara took her to the room belonging to his cousin. Izuna and Obito were very close since they were born in the same year, they grew up and went to school at the same time. Madara had taken him under his wing since they were young and felt the full force of the guilt when Obito succumbed to the black ink.

It was killing their people one by one.

Praying did nothing but give peace to those left behind when someone passed away. It created a whole in their hearts that would haunt them. Knowing they might be next.


He told her just enough before they reached the door to his room. She was stunned by the thick air around her and her heart squeezed at her chest with the intense need to find those in pain.

Find them and help.

That is all her mind could think of. His name was at the side of his bed when they entered "Uchiha Obito". She rushed to his side when he tried to sit up at the sight of Madara and noticed he was in pain. With a shy smile, she asked. – "Hello… May I hold your arm?" – his eyes narrowed at her before glancing at the man behind her.

Madara closed the door, and she could hear a soft click, it was locked now. He must have nodded at the man on the bed since he glanced back at her and gave her a struggled "Yes". Before resting his back on the headboard.

It was obvious to her how much he had suffered, the black ink covered one of his arms and half his face, under those clothes there must be even more. But that did not matter, she had to concentrate.

Her hands reached for his ink covered arm with a soft touch as she chanted in her head. Words that echoed in her mind like a mantra.

The small crystal formed in her palm against the mans skin and she continued, a warm sensation growing from their touch and spreading to clear out the darkness.

She continued until she felt a hand land on her shoulder. – "That's enough for now, Sakura." – what did he mean? how much time had gone by? Her eyes, now tired and foggy, looked at the man on the bed.

His gaze was intense and directed to her, glancing back and forwards from her hands and herself. – "How-" – he swallowed.

- "Obito, how do you feel?" – Madara spoke. Calm and collected.

Obito seemed to collect his thoughts for a couple of seconds, his hands clenched and unclenched a couple of times, testing the waters. – "I feel…" – he struggled to word it. – "There's no pain." – he finally concluded.

Those words, even if they were scarce, caused her to breath again. The tensed muscled of her body loosing up a bit as she found herself accomplished.

She did it.

With a bright smile, she turned to Madara and he seemed to fight the internal battle within him, wondering if he heard the man correctly.

- "I feel like I can go back and kick some ass!" – Obito cheered, causing Madara's lips to jerk in an almost smile. Sakura then noticed; he finally believed it himself.

A man that had accepted the fate upon his people could now believe in the future.


I will work on longer and better chapters. I want to provide the best reading experience as I learn to be better.


PS: comments are appreciated.

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