
Flowers and Petals (STOPPED)

Flowers and Petals is a vampire book that can teach a lesson in a sense, to love yourself and mostly be yourself. It's a story about three women, two of them being a vampire and one being a human. The human thinks being in love was a bunch of nonsense and was hard on herself. Life can be beautiful. Sometimes. (This book has now been stopped. It didn't go the way I actually wanted it to.)

DarkWater120 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 - Meeting Them

Maria's POV

It was bright and early on a rather nervous Friday morning. I couldn't really sleep last night, as I was scared of this job for some strange reason. Maybe it was the nerves that were kicking my side, since it was going to be my biggest job yet. Come on, Maria. Just get out of the door and you'll be fine, right?

So, I grabbed my large black bag full of the cleaning supplies and left my small house, I set up this business for a reason, to move house so I could have some extra rooms. I was storing all of my supplies in my attic for crying out loud. Alright, Maria. Enough complaining about your current living situation, just get to the location.

About fifteen minutes later, I arrived at my location and simply knocked on the door three times. The door opened, revealing a young pale woman in her late 20s. I was very observant. Her hair was long, brown and straight. Her eyes were beautiful, a nice shade of light blue which almost looked grey, well, maybe they were actually grey which was cool because I had never seen it before, considering it as rare. I then snapped back into reality, giving the woman a kind smile.

"Hello, my name is Maria. We spoke on the phone yesterday?" I said, "Yes, we did speak on the phone. It's a pleasure to meet you, Maria. Come in and I'll explain my rules to you." she told me, opening the door further for me to walk in. Immediately, I felt a cold shiver down my spine as there was no proper lighting, only red spooky candles and the windows were all closed off with a wooden board that was painted black. I decided to not question the woman about it, as I didn't want to upset or annoy her.

"I'll get straight to the point. Please only clean the bathrooms and dust the living room, the kitchen also needs a good clean." she gave me the set of rules. I nodded, placing down my black bag. "Okay. Do you prefer me to call you ma'am or call you by your name?" I asked her politely, "My name is Sienna, but you can call me whatever you feel is appropriate." she replied, "Alright. I'll start the job now." I told her. She nodded, giving me a smile before she turned around and went upstairs.

I then unpacked my cleaning supplies and started with dusting the living room first. I always do the bathrooms last since they were a nastier cleaning job.

Roughly about half an hour later, I walked upstairs to start cleaning the bathrooms. I was stinking of chemicals, so a good shower was needed later. I went into the first bathroom which was connected to a spare bedroom, and it was quite a nice bathroom. It was what I was expecting, honestly. A walk in shower, a lonely black sink and a lonely black toilet. A couple of minutes later, I was finished with the first bathroom and went to clean the second one until I was hearing some heavy breathing noises from the other side of the wall.

I knew what they were doing.

I started cleaning the walk in shower, followed by the sink and the toilet. A few minutes later, I was all done for the day. It only took me an hour, which was good enough for me since I was tired.

I left my cleaning supplies in the bathroom as I went downstairs to write them a note saying that I was finished and needed the payment.

"Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting anything, but I just wanted to let you know that I have finished with the jobs that you've set me. I would like the payment now, and that would be 100."

I then went upstairs and slipped the note through the bottom of the door, seeing the note being picked up immediately. I stood back, expecting the door to open but it didn't. I waited for a few minutes until I saw the note being slipped back along with the payment.

I picked it up and read it.

"Thank you for your time. I apologise if my girlfriend made too much noise. Here's your payment."

I saw the payment and was shocked by the amount that they gave me. I stared at it for a couple of seconds, before I rolled it up and placed it in the pocket of my denim jacket. I then left them to it, picking up my cleaning supplies from the bathroom in the process and walked downstairs, shoving everything in my bag and finally left the mansion.

Once I got home, I grabbed the payment out of my pocket again and counted it, still in shock.

Surely this was a mistake or they did it on purpose by somehow reading my fucking mind...

Let's just say that it was enough to buy a new house and expensive jewellery.