
Flower On The Ash

What! I knew he would be scheming something to torture me. I looked at him with narrowed eyes and he winked at me. I suddenly looked away to confirm that no one saw him doing that. I was blessed. My father was discussing something with my stepmother and Sophia. I glared at him and he silently chuckled. ................................. Annabell Evans (protagonist), who was badly treated by her step-mother and step-sister, falls into the trap laid by her so-called elder sister. Her sister drugged her in a hotel and brought her to a room where she had a night-stand with Alexander Wilson. She left the man asking him to forget about that night and pretend as if they had never met. She leave the hotel but Alex gets interested in her. Fate brought them closer and they got united. But would this be all? Was there someone targeting them? Would their life always be happy and full of love? Anna must keep calm and face the challenges that are going to fall upon her. She will have to make herself stronger to keep her close ones safe and happy. It's about affection, desire, sacrifice, protection. Indescribable feelings that one has to face in the thrilling journey of love.

Web_Novel_9773 · Urban
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273 Chs


She put her hand under the blanket and pulled my frock upwards till my stomach was completely exposed. My eyes went wide at the thought that Alex was in the same room. I became red and Aunt Sen noticed it.

" Why are you being shy? It's not like that your pregnant without doing anything." she said and laughed awkwardly a little. I was too embarrassed to look at even Alex.

" Don't be shy. Or are you scared as it is your first time?" she asked me but before I could answer her, she continued to say, "Come, Alex. Hold your wife's hand. She will feel less afraid." she said and I turned to look at Alex to see that is he going to do.

" What are you waiting for? Come quick." Aunt Sen said and Alex moved forward to hold my hand. He intertwined his fingers with mine and sat on the chair beside the bed.