
Flower On The Ash

What! I knew he would be scheming something to torture me. I looked at him with narrowed eyes and he winked at me. I suddenly looked away to confirm that no one saw him doing that. I was blessed. My father was discussing something with my stepmother and Sophia. I glared at him and he silently chuckled. ................................. Annabell Evans (protagonist), who was badly treated by her step-mother and step-sister, falls into the trap laid by her so-called elder sister. Her sister drugged her in a hotel and brought her to a room where she had a night-stand with Alexander Wilson. She left the man asking him to forget about that night and pretend as if they had never met. She leave the hotel but Alex gets interested in her. Fate brought them closer and they got united. But would this be all? Was there someone targeting them? Would their life always be happy and full of love? Anna must keep calm and face the challenges that are going to fall upon her. She will have to make herself stronger to keep her close ones safe and happy. It's about affection, desire, sacrifice, protection. Indescribable feelings that one has to face in the thrilling journey of love.

Web_Novel_9773 · Urban
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273 Chs

Another Scheme

After talking with my sister for a good fifteen minutes my head started to ache. It was like someone was hammering me on my head. I told my sister that I was not feeling well and wanted to go home but she just smiled looking at me in this situation. I was a bit confused by her reaction. She called someone and asked about a room. The man gave her a room card and she accepted it with a smirk on her face. She held me by my arms and made me stand. She started walking towards the elevator, dragging me along with her. I guessed she was taking me to a room to get rest. She opened the door of one of the hotel's rooms and made me lay on the bed.

After I laid straight on the bed she asked, "How are you feeling Anna." her voice didn't sound like she was worried about me but like she was going to play an exciting game. I was having a very bad feeling about this.

" I'm not feeling well. Please do something, sister." I said to her. She laughed hearing me.

" Sister? Interesting." she said and again laughed evilly.

I was in no mood to think about what was going on inside her head. I feel like my head is going to blast any moment now. I was having a burning and a weird sensation between my legs. I told her that I was feeling hot and she started to undress me but my mouth was shut. I didn't say a word in protest or did I push her away. I was feeling embarrassed when I was lying nude on the bed and she was staring at me but I wasn't able to go against it. It was like someone had tied my hands and legs with an invisible rope. No words were coming out of my mouth at that time. I could only think about what she is up to. My mind was also started to work slowly.

She said to me to enjoy my time and she went out of the room. I felt like I lost my consciousness and everything went blank.

I felt a harsh pain between my legs. I opened my eyes but everything was a blur. It took time for me to adjust my vision. My eyes landed where I was feeling the pain but there was a handsome man above me. For a second I thought I was dreaming. I rubbed my eyes and again opened my eyes to see the same thing. I was being used by a man harshly. My hands were held above my head by that man. My eyes filled with tears because of the pain as well as when I realized all the sweet talks and invitation for dinner as an apology was another scheme to torture me by my stepsister. I cried to stop him, but the beast wasn't stopping. I pushed him hard and he hit his back on the bed. Anger was visible in his eyes but I didn't waste my time looking at him. I climbed out of the bed. As I tried to stand up I wobbled and fell on the floor. 'This beast' I thought within myself before I forced myself to stand up again.

I picked up my dress that was scattered on the floor and hurried towards the bathroom without even glancing back at the man on the bed. I quickly washed myself to remove the scent of that man away from my body. I wore my dress and stepped out of the bathroom to see the man on the bed covering himself with a blanket and a red bloodstain on the sheet. I felt a bit of pain in my heart noticing the blood as well as anger towards my sister. Nothing is good to me in my life. I again looked at the man and opened my mouth to speak but before I could utter a word he started speaking,

" I know what are you going to say. Here are your two million dollars. I wasn't satisfied enough but you were a virgin girl, giving me your virginity is enough." he extended his hand with a check of two million dollars towards me. I got furious that how he was seeing me, someone who will sell her body to make money. I snatched the check from him and tore it into pieces.

" You enjoy your money, sir. I am not someone who will sell her body to someone like you. Today was just a misunderstanding. Hope you will forget about it." I said angrily, picked up my purse, and left the hotel. I took a cab and went home.

How can a sister do this to her known family member? She drugged me and made me sleep with a man. I didn't remember what happened to me in the hotel room after Sophia left. My eyes were moist thinking about it.

I reached home and paid for the cab driver. The lights of the house were on. I checked my watch. It was four in the morning. I thought mother and father were at home and awake. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door. My father opened the door and-


There was a heat coming from my left cheek where my father just slapped me.

" Where were you the whole night. Your sister was getting worried. She didn't sleep all night and was waiting for you to come home. " my father shouted at me. When I heard my sister's name, my blood boiled.

I started to speak to my father, " If you wanted to know where I was you should ask my dear sister for it. She took me away at night and then left me."

"What nonsense you are spouting Anna. I really don't know where were you. You are throwing dirt at me. I was really worried." and my dear sister started shedding her crocodile's tear.

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