
Chapter 7: The Disappointing Thing

Ling Tianyu looked at the kitchen knife in his hand, soaked in blood, and slowly walked towards Brother Hao.

You ran my brother over, extorted my sister-in-law's family into selling their house, and even bullied them. Do you really think my sister-in-law's family has no one to stand up for them?

Well, I am that person!

"You... you damn well stop being so arrogant!" Brother Hao suddenly panicked, pointing at Ling Tianyu, then turned tail and ran out. Ling Tianyu's right hand flicked, and the kitchen knife spun swiftly, flying towards the fleeing Brother Hao.


The kitchen knife embedded itself accurately into Brother Hao's entire back, blood spurted wildly, and a scream rang out. Somehow, he mustered the willpower to ignore the wound on his back, rushed to his car, stepped on the gas, and sped away from the entrance.

Ling Tianyu was slightly surprised; he had thought that one strike with the kitchen knife would surely bring him down, and then he could settle the score with him properly. He hadn't expected Brother Hao to still have the strength to run.

His gang still lay on the ground, crying out in pain. Ling Tianyu had been heavy-handed; he didn't want to kill anyone since, after all, it was a society governed by the rule of law, and he could only injure them.

"Scram!" Ling Tianyu said coldly, and everyone as if hearing the voice of the Grim Reaper himself, helped each other up and left.

Su Ruoxi covered her small mouth in shock, barely daring to breathe. Could her younger brother really fight like this? No wonder those he fought eight years ago couldn't get back up.

But having injured so many people, Brother Hao would definitely call the police. The police came when her brother had a car accident, and it all blew over, but this time he had hurt people, so surely there would be retaliation, right?

No, she must make him leave quickly. It didn't matter what happened to her; she wasn't going to live much longer anyway. Even if they tortured her, it was meaningless. But Tianyu was still young; he couldn't go back to prison.

She would take the blame for injuring people.

Right, weren't the Northern Sea Two Young his brothers? If he reached out to them, wouldn't everything be fine?

Su Ruoxi's worries eased upon thinking of the Northern Sea Two Young. She couldn't believe Brother Hao would dare to mess around if her brother went to them for help.

"Tianyu, go inside," Su Ruoxi urged Ling Tianyu to hurry back to his room. She needed to quickly wash the blood off the floor with water before the landlord returned, or who knows how they would react.

Ling Tianyu nodded and went back to his room, but Su Jinhua's face looked extremely ugly. Fresh out of trouble, and already stirring up more, that was Brother Hao, a man who could make a car accident disappear without consequences, someone with power and influence.

Your actions, injuring so many people—if they call the police, you could be charged with assault and face several years in prison. Really... truly disappointing!

"Tianyu, hurry and go, listen to Uncle Su, just go," Su Jinhua urged Ling Tianyu anxiously, telling him to leave as far and as fast as he could.

"Uncle Su, it's okay," Ling Tianyu knew what Su Jinhua was worried about. Brother Hao was nothing. Today he let him run, but tomorrow, he would let him know what pain felt like when one is stepped on by others, and let him taste the bitterness of being bullied.

The extorted money had to be returned to him a hundredfold. He wanted his family ruined and devastated.

Whatever they did to my brother, to my sister-in-law, they had to pay it all back.

"Do as you're told and go!" Su Jinhua didn't allow Ling Tianyu to speak further, pushing him to leave immediately.

Ling Tianyu didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to his sister-in-law and was pushed by Su Jinhua to leave the house directly.

"Ah, such a disappointment!" Su Jinhua expressed his frustration, feeling like Ling Tianyu was wasting his potential. Just out of jail and now poised to go back in, how would his parents, and his brother in heaven feel?

Such a disappointment! If he had known it would come to this, he wouldn't have taken on so much for his family in the first place.

Su Jinhua was very disappointed with Ling Tianyu and coughed his way back to his room.

Su Ruoxi carried the prepared meal back to her room, only to find Ling Tianyu's figure missing. That's odd, she thought, maybe he went to the bathroom.

But as time passed and he still didn't return, she asked her father and learned he had been kicked out. She immediately became angry. Even the Northern Sea Two Young had to call him brother; could Brother Hao really be more formidable than them?

Why didn't her father at least ask?

He had just come out; where could he stay?

Su Ruoxi wanted to search for him, but where to start? She didn't even have his phone number, so she had no choice but to let it be.

The departing Ling Tianyu, walking on the sidewalk, watched people come and go. He took out the cell phone he bought on the street when he was released from prison, which had only two numbers in it: one for Dongfang Yan and the other for Nan Feng.

Meeting them was a coincidence.

At first, he didn't realize they were the Northern Sea Two Young. He thought they were like him, imprisoned for fighting or perhaps for murder, only to learn later that they had entered on purpose.

In their words, this was called "enjoying life." They refused to let their families visit or reveal their identities, preferring to be seen as ordinary inmates, sharing a cell with him.

As the new guy, he was inevitably bullied, and the two couldn't fight off the attackers, until Ling Tianyu couldn't stand by and stepped in to teach those people a lesson. From then on, he protected them, and they ended up recognizing him as their big brother, albeit a bit confused.

It wasn't until their release half a year later that Dongfang Yan and the other revealed their true identities to him.

Ling Tianyu didn't call their numbers but pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket instead. The Old Man had left it to him before departing, saying his descendant lived in this place.

"Mo Yu Perfume Company!" Ling Tianyu looked at the line written on the paper, hailed a taxi, and headed there.

It wasn't far, right in the center of Northern Sea City.

Ling Tianyu checked the time; apart from the security booth, the entire thirty-story building was dark. With no choice, he stayed in a nearby hotel for the night, waiting for daylight to return.

According to the Old Man, the company was founded by his descendant, and the president of the company was his relative.

The next day, Ling Tianyu arrived at Mo Yu Perfume Company. He didn't plan to directly approach anyone; the Old Man had repeatedly cautioned him not to reveal his identity but to protect them secretly. He had to figure out another way to get in.

"Recruitment!" Just as he was about to turn away to find another way in, he saw a recruitment poster on the company's display board.

"Now hiring a security guard! Requirements: high school education (including high school) or higher." Ling Tianyu didn't even look at the salary listed below, and immediately went to the recruitment address provided at the bottom.

"Hello, I'm here to apply for the security guard position," Ling Tianyu said to a beautiful lady working at the office desk.

"There are forms on the desk next to you that need to be filled out. Take one and fill it out outside," the lady said, tapping away at her keyboard without lifting her head.

Ling Tianyu glanced at the adjacent desk, walked over, took a form, and went outside the office to fill it out seriously.

"Cousin, someone has come to apply for the job!" Before Ling Tianyu could finish filling out the form, a voice filled with surprise rang out beside him, catching his attention.

"It's fine, cousin. You'll get the job with just a word from me. He's just a simple country bumpkin."