
Flower blooms in Light and dark ( Variable )

#Trigger warning Contain strong word and tons of immoral activities. #Rape warning ............. With few sexes and more action, Mc uses the brain and isn't strong at first. Have no emotions toward any character, slow romance, and love. Daily 1-2 chapters Only available on web novels, if you want to post on other sites you can copy freely. ....... All tags #Adult #Actions #war #Adventure #school life #Bad to good character #Strong to stronger #rape #Arrange marriage #Strong love interest #Mind games #Dark #Manipulative characters #Depressed Mc #Op Mc #Fast development #Blackmail #Ntr ( netori ) #No loli #Dragons #Demons #Magic #Evil religion #Sacrifice to gain power #Based on a web novel #Mc bounded by Rukes

Mighty_Doomslayer · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Quick Transmigration - Part 3

Flowers bloom in the dark and light in a world filled with magic, legends, and myths.

Anything is possible in this world, this world also has both technology and magic, and it also has an ancient hierarchy system.

In this world, you can also buy a slave without any charges until Hero Alan grows when he grows he stops the hierarchy system of kings, nobles, commoners, and slaves.

How did he stop the hierarchy system? Of course with help of a powerful noble's daughter who is in his harem and a little bit of plot armor.

But that doesn't matter now...


It has already been 1 week since I transmigrated, and no matter how much I work out or do exercise my stats don't increase, it seem I need another method to increase my strength.

Sacrifice method!

Yes, in this world there exist evil gods who will give you power as long as you sacrifice a Virgin Women's Soul.

But the sacrifice method is hard, you need the name of God, and the sacrifice method or ritual. Everything must go perfectly otherwise you won't receive any power.

However, As its Author, I know step by step method of sacrificial rituals, afterall when the story reaches the midpoint.

Various strong people appear who have gained strength through the sacrificial method, but I know exactly an Evil God in my story who requires minimal sacrifice even to get strong power.

Even if I sacrifice 1 or 2 Women there is a high possibility of receiving a greater reward, her name is "Lilith" The Evil incarnation of lust.

She is not an evil God, but rather a powerful devil who is below God but, she gives great rewards as long as a Handsome male offers her a sacrifice.

It's her nature or characteristic that I wrote afterall, with my new looks I am quite sure I can gain power through her.


In front of a slave market...

Since I was from a rich family my so-called father gave me 300 gold to spend as I desire.

So, here I am in the slave market to purchase some sacrifice afterall no one care if the slave goes missing or murdered.

Looking around I saw quite a few amounts of virgin girls.

One of them was quite outstanding beauty but it's pity I can't enjoy it.

I need power, greater power as soon as possible so, she needs to be sure to be sacrificed.

Looking around I also noticed many other girls... But one was pretty eye-catching...

"Mother...can we get out of here? " a boy who seems to be the same age was behind the girl shivering in fear.

He was also lean and thin like suffering from malnutrition.

I looked at the girl he was calling the mom, but even after checking my for 3 times my Appraiser skill shows she was still a maiden.

So, I bought 7 sacrifices 5 Virgin girls worth 5 gold coins each and 1 virgin Elf worth 20 gold coins, and that boy worth 20 silver coins.

I didn't want to buy him but since the so-called mom or girl who adopted him kept begging me to buy him too.

I bought her, I don't wanna attract attention or anything so, I simply bought him.


After 2 days...


Finally, the Sacrifice circle was completed. The summoning circle should also be made from virgin blood too.

So, I had to kill one of The girls, it was my first time killing so, I felt quite an "unknown" type of emotion, and my thoughts were quite messy after killing her.

I kept saying they were just a Character, it's not real but the guilt of killing someone still keep bothering me.

Finally, after 2 days, I was calm and the guilt was gone. I don't know why but the "Ring of Wisdom" seems to have a hidden effect of keeping the mind sane.

After collecting my thoughts, I decide to sacrifice them today, after gaining power from the devil I will finally move to another grinding area.

Which can help me get stronger faster.

With help of My loyal knight 'Melissa' finally, all the girls were placed inside the sacrificial summoning circle.

My plan is simple, sacrifice them to Lilith, summon her to form a contract, and get powers.

After that, I will go to the never-ending dungeon and get loads of "Soul power"

[ Soul power: Think of it as an XP, in the world of Flower blooms in light and dark, after killing monsters and demons ( human for demons ) you get soul power which can help you become strong or increase stats ]

"Please lord.....let me ...live.....I will....do anything.....sob*....sob*....sob* " one of the girls pledge


Other girls were crying...

"Sob*...sob*...Even if you kill me, please... Save...my...son...sob*.....sob*....."

Looking at them crying and begging my hands were shaking, hey! They are supposed to be just a character in a novel I wrote...

I kept reminding myself, afterall the guild was overwhelming.

I was just a loser a few days ago, how can I kill someone if I felt guilty and show weakness?

I am not a saint or great hermit, I need power. I just wanna return to my world where my sick mother is waiting for me...

Even with my shaky hands, I slowly went near and



I stabbed the heart of a beautiful girl who was eye-catching because if her fair white skin and long hair...

I don't know why but it seems I am smiling, it seems fun...

Just a few moments ago their cry made me somewhat scared and guilty but now their cry seems to be praise...

I wanna kill! I don't care about other things, I just wanna kill.....

"Please let me go.....I will do anything....please...I will do anything.....please..."

"Anything? " I asked

"yes.... anything....ju- "



"Die, please," I said to her, their death has value for me.

I need to grow strong, this shittiest method is the best one right now for me.

After killing her, I looked at other...

3 of them were crying but it seems Elf was not crying nor begging, she might have accepted her Fate, so I guess I should kill her next.


With one slash he died, afterall I attacked her heart which is a vital point.

If others were also like her, it would have been easy for me...


"Right...it was supposed to be easy....so why is this happening "




After killing everyone, the sacrifice ritual was performed perfectly.

But... My prayer was not answered...

[ Ding, special Case Host can't use sacrificial method to strengthen himself. Sacrifice ritual is stopped by an unknown power ]

Yes, this useless system betrayed me, the sacrificial ritual was stopped, and this boy seems to have awakened his job and trait.

It was rare for a commoner to awaken the trait but he seems to have awakened a powerful one.


I finally remembered, those white hair and white aura... He is Alan, the hero Alan.

Since the story has not yet begun I meet him early and...



It hurts, his punch hurts like hell, and it seems my ribs are broken...




"You monster...why....why did you kill my mother... I will kill you....."



Aarghhh..... I can't see properly, it seems my eyes have been damaged, I feel my face has badly swollen.

[ Ding! the host has changed the plot by major... Fixing the... ]

Before I could listen to it finish... My consciousness finally blacked out...