
Flower blooms in Light and dark ( Variable )

#Trigger warning Contain strong word and tons of immoral activities. #Rape warning ............. With few sexes and more action, Mc uses the brain and isn't strong at first. Have no emotions toward any character, slow romance, and love. Daily 1-2 chapters Only available on web novels, if you want to post on other sites you can copy freely. ....... All tags #Adult #Actions #war #Adventure #school life #Bad to good character #Strong to stronger #rape #Arrange marriage #Strong love interest #Mind games #Dark #Manipulative characters #Depressed Mc #Op Mc #Fast development #Blackmail #Ntr ( netori ) #No loli #Dragons #Demons #Magic #Evil religion #Sacrifice to gain power #Based on a web novel #Mc bounded by Rukes

Mighty_Doomslayer · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Grind- 8



Currently, it was only me and lily who were doing the task.

It is a great achievement point farming tasks considering the fact there would be many goblins if our task is to kill the goblin king.

Killing thousands of globins will give us thousands of achievement points.


This time we are spawned in the jungle, according to the map there are thousands of globins surrounding us.

There is no time to waste looking at the map!



I attacked with my fire magic killing a few globins immediately.



Not only were the globins killed, but the forest was also set on fire...




Seeing their home starting to burn, they looked at me angrily, they were communicating in globin language but I knew what they were saying.

"Call the king, we have an intruder"

"Call the globin mage, extinguish the fire"

"Humans! Kill them "

" Defend the village, kill the intruder "

"Help, my son is stuck in the fire"

"Run! "

"Arrghhh! save me "

I could hear them cry begging for survival, some globins wanted to fight while some wanted to run.

Trap space!

This time it was not a small Trap space but a big one created by 11 talisman papers combined.


The space began to shrink and globins inside trapped space were brutally killed.

[ Ding, Killed a globin, Failed to activate killing spree ]

[ Ding, Killed a globin. Failed to activate killing spree because his stats are too low ]

[ Ding, killed a globin. Failed to activate killing spree because of his low soul power ]


Tip! Tip! Tip!


The ground began to vibrate and rain occurred, many giant globins and mage globins came to the battlefield.

The globins with water affinity began to calm down the fire while the giant globin directly rushed to attack lòng and lily.

The 2 giant globins were instantly killed in a trap space created by Lily.



I attacked the remaining giant globins who were rushing towards us with lightning.

Upon collision, their body was instantly turned into ashes...

[ Ding, killed Gaint globins, Gained 1 strength ]

[ Ding, Killed Gaint globin, Gained 1 strength ]

[ Ding, Killed Gaint globin Gained 1 strength ]

[ Ding, Killed gaint globin Gained 1 strength ] × 17

Surprisingly 3 Giants globins manage to survive, however unlike before when they were rushing towards us currently, they are running far away from us.

Sadly, they didn't manage to escape as light entered their body and their skin was penetrated by that light killing them instantly.

It was " light rays " which is why Is of simple attack of light magic used by lily, it seems when I was asleep she learned a few attacks and defense magic from somewhere.

"Run Even Giants globin were killed we can't survive "

"Hurry up and call the king"

"We are....goin..g...to...die"



I could hear the globin trying to run for their lives but it was meaningless...

Violent tornado!

Violent tornado!

Violent tornado!

I summoned 4 Gaint tornadoes moving in 4 different directions killing the globin in its respective path.

It was a wind magic spell that I had learned but it was my first time using it.



"Curse you human! our king will get revenge for us"

The goblins who were on the verge of death were cussing at me and giving me death threats.

They don't know that it's their king who will be killed at my hands, not the other way around.


The globin king isn't strong enough to kill us at all.


"Lowly human, You dare run wild in my territory"

I heard a loud voice, I guess globin king has finally appeared but I want to end it quickly.

Fire meteorite rain!


This time I use two intermediate-rank magic spells, fire meteorite rain is magic that requires affinity if fire and earth and summon a group of meteorites covered in flame.

A thunderstorm is a simple attack of many lightning strikes combined.



[ Ding, you have killed Globin king, obtained +1 All stats ]

After killing globin king a blue hologram appeared before me...

[ Would you like to return back to the lobby ]

<Yes >

I didn't press yes afterall I need to kill the remaining globins to farm achievement points so I can buy a lot of stats.

[ Ding, killed Globin mage, Obtained +1 Int stats ]

[ Ding killed regular globin failed to plunder stats ]

[ Ding killed regular globin failed to plunder stats ]

[ Ding, Killed regular globin failed to plunder stats ]

I stopped killing because my killing desire was currently very high which means the possibility of plundering the 99.99% of enemy stats is also very high.

I figure it, whenever I kill someone the possibility of me plundering all of his stats increases which also increases the killing desire but I have Ring of Wisdom which can help my mind keep calm and rational.

Killing spree: whenever you kill someone you have a 99.9% chance of plundering his 0.1% stats and a 0.1℅ chance of plundering all of his stats.

Description: Kill and become strong.

Special info: Every time you kill, your killing desire increases and the chances of plundering all of his stats also increases.

Current chance of plundering all of the enemy stats: 38.06%


[ Sorry there was no update yesterday as I have some work in another city so, from today chapters will be released continuously]