
Flower blooms in Light and dark ( Variable )

#Trigger warning Contain strong word and tons of immoral activities. #Rape warning ............. With few sexes and more action, Mc uses the brain and isn't strong at first. Have no emotions toward any character, slow romance, and love. Daily 1-2 chapters Only available on web novels, if you want to post on other sites you can copy freely. ....... All tags #Adult #Actions #war #Adventure #school life #Bad to good character #Strong to stronger #rape #Arrange marriage #Strong love interest #Mind games #Dark #Manipulative characters #Depressed Mc #Op Mc #Fast development #Blackmail #Ntr ( netori ) #No loli #Dragons #Demons #Magic #Evil religion #Sacrifice to gain power #Based on a web novel #Mc bounded by Rukes

Mighty_Doomslayer · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Earning points - part 4


It is a pretty good skill, ita tier is also SS and it consumes less mana too.

100 mana every minute to hide the presence, it seems like a skill that assassins have.

Maybe, if I spin more I will get great rewards, I still have 13 spins left. With a 25% chance of getting nothing, I may get more than 7 rewards.

< Spin 10 times >

[ Ding, just have spent 9,500 points ]

[ Ding, host received no reward ]

[ Ding...no reward ]

[..No reward. ]

[ Congratulation you have received " Record of Runes" ]

[ Congratulation You have received the "Record of Barriers" ]

[ No reward. ]

[ Ni reward ]

[ Congratulations you have received "Dairy of Ancient sage" ]

[ Congratulations You have received the blood essence of "primordial Dragon" ]

[ No reward ]


Woah! I received 3 books and a dragon blood essence.

Record of runes

Tier: Special

Description: contain the knowledge and formula of Runes.

Record of barriers

Tier: Special

Description: contain the knowledge and formula of barriers

Dairy of the ancient sage

Tier: legendary

Description: Contain knowledge and formula of every type of magic.

"hahaha..these are ancient records, with this I can create talismans and barriers," I said looking at these books.

This Dairy was a great pull since I don't have any magic knowledge with this I can finally learn magic.

The previous owner only knew a few basic fire and water magic but for some reason, I couldn't use them.

I had received his memory but not completely, there are still a few holes in it.

But it seems this body had received some kind of curse so, my state was low and I couldn't use magic.

I guess I need to learn more about my situation.

But first! Let's pull 3 more times...

<spin 1 time>

[Congratulations, the host have received the Talisman paper of the best quality × 100 ]

"Huh? What is this shit, I don't care about papers can't you give me some good rewards system " I shouted at the system.

Indeed why would I care about these papers even if they are made from the best quality?

< Spin 1 time >

Let's give it another try.

[ Ni Rewards ]

"Yo.u...scam" I was angry as I only have the last pull left...

I can feel great luck flowing from my body, maybe this time I will receive some godly reward with a 1% chance.

< spin 1 time>

[ Congratulations, You have awakened a new talent "flawless magic" ]

Flawless Magic ( passive ) [ SSS ]

. You can use magic freely without chanting

.You can freely control the magic or manipulate it as you desire

.you can cast more than 1 magic in a single time ( multicasting )



While I saw still looking in the Status window in front of me, I heard a voice.

It was lily murmuring about stopping, it seems her breath has become weak and her mind has begun to produce hallucinations.

Save her?


I don't know healing magic nor I can resurrect her, another method to save her is to change the major event and let the "System" fix the timeline by sending me back in time.

But! If I went back in time everything I got in the lottery will be lost too.

The choice between Power and Women, I of course choose Power.



I can create a healing talisman with the help of Runes,

To create runes you need mental strength, with my stats of "41" wisdom I think I can create at least 1 high-tier Healing talisman.




I was flipping through pages in "Record of runes" looking for a healing talisman rune formula.


Rune is supposed to be an ancient language and just like how to cast magic casting is required or a mental image is required, To use magic from runes in form of a talisman.

You need to imprint runes on a paper or stone( Jade stones ) to use it


"Found it..."

High-tier Healing Talisman, looking at the formula I created the Talisman.

I don't know if I did it correctly or not if my Trait Master of all or Talent "Genius" was unlocked, I could make this in less than a minute.

But without them, it took me 10 minutes to create a single talisman...

"And....this rune letter over her-"


I don't know what happened, but my head suddenly began to hurt like crazy...

Aah! Once again this feeling, I slowly lost consciousness as my vision became blurred...

[ Ding, Forcing the host to sleep as the host has used too much mental strength and lost soul power by little ]

[ All Host Stats are reduced by '11', All of the stats are 30 currently ]

[ Ding, high-grade Mid-Tier healing talisman detected ]

[ According to Host's desire, Using Healing Talisman on Lily ]

[ Ding, Survivality of lily has increased to 90% ]

[ Ding, Host has received 1 Mail and a gift package from Constellation who like to read books ]

[ Ding, Host has attracted attention on Great Dragon Bell ]

[ Ding, Host received the Gift package from great dragon Bell ]

[ Ding, Great Dragon Bell have Sponsered 1 million coins ]

[ Constellation who like to read books have temporarily blocked the Donation channel from other constellations and entities]