
Flower and Vase

A long time ago, a war erupted along the Pacific Ring of Fire. This war caused a lot of spiritual barriers to be destroyed allowing those of the spirit realm to run free and run amok. Only those identified spirit whisperers are able to sense them and seal them away once more. Years later an organization for spirit whisperers has been established, the DoReMi Corporation with its different branches all over the Pacific Ring of Fire has the goal to once and for all close the opened dents of the spirit realm. [Magical Realism]

Mai_Luna · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Basics101: Characters so far up to Mission 10


- an orphan who lived with her grandfather growing up because her parents abandoned her for being the harbinger of bad luck in the family.

-in her early childhood, she discovers she can hear even the tiniest drop of dust and that there were voices all over the place.

-she was then recruited to DoReMi at the age of 8, as a prelude of her spirit whisper training.

-she secretly loves to read books but hates listening to lectures as she would rather go out and apply what she learned on her own.

-she was trained in Aikido, Judo, and Hapkido at the age of 9.

STRENGTH: Combat and Hearing

WEAKNESS: Concentration and Control


-nobody knows her real identity, but she is Prim's ghost best friend whom she took into DoReMi as a companion when she was younger.

-Prim found her at an abandoned school when she was out on one of her first missions as a whisperer and had Jona become her friend.

-she can usually pass-through walls, but because of DoReMi's cutting edge technology, spirits are like humans inside the base as they are supposed to enter using the designated doors.

-she looks like a Junior High student with the uniform she is wearing, but who knows how long she's been wandering around.

STRENGTH: can float around

WEAKNESS: can't touch things


-the youngest son of the commander, Olivia Chang.

-he's called the genius spirit tamer of DoReMi as he has developed his skill at a very early age. however, experience comes later when he is paired with Prim to become her partnered exorcist.

-it was revealed by their first interaction that these two had bad blood as they've met earlier in time.

STRENGTH: Soul Resonance


OLIVIA 'Commander' CHANG

-President of DoReMi Branch 082 in the Ring of Fire.

-In charge of handling Southeast Asian branches.

-Mother of Vincent Chang.

-As of now, not much is to be told about her since she is full of mystery.

STRENGTH: Mind Interception

WEAKNESS: Her children


-golden hair too long, unkept curls all over his head but he manages to tie it into a low pony which still does not help.

-wears round glasses but isn't really that bad of eyesight.

-he likes to bake and entertain guests at his house since he's the only stationed Messiah for branch 082 as of the moment.

-mentor of Prim and Vin

-he is the exorcist assigned for Rem and Josh.

STRENGTH: Versatile (seriously, this guy is secretly a monster. he can do almost anything.)

WEAKNESS: Cute Animals


-the famous redheads of branch 082, the identical twin spirit whisperers. although they may seem like normal twins, only one of them is alive and the other is the host of that spirit.

-alone, one is powerful, but with them working together, they're indestructible.

-Prim was the first one who actually almost defeated them in battle, however, the method she used could have also potentially killed them both.

-they are both 25 years of age and is Prim's spirit whisperer superior.

STRENGTH: 'Doppel Ganger'

WEAKNESS: Rem: Girls; Josh: Rem