
Flow Of Water In Naruto

A young male otaku is brought into a meeting with god after having run in front of a truck, believing that it would allow him to reincarnate into his favorite anime. Having an unexpected meeting on his first day in the Narutoverse, he realizes that this may not be the timeline he hoped for. P.s: just because the mc does reincarnate into anime does not mean it will actually happen (insert crying emoji here). This means I am not supporting suicide! Also, I obviously don’t own Naruto (or I wouldn’t be writing a fanfic about it) however all other stuff is mine, probably, maybe, I think, who knows? Finally, this is my first fanfic and I realize I should probably finish the entire Naruto series before I do this but screw it as such expect quite a few errors, and please post some arcs for me to try and do. Hope you all enjoy and don’t hate on me I have a very fragile ego, *fake weep* *fake weep*

Novel_Creator · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Training Plan, with a pinch of lemon juice ;)

That night, after showing Konan the house, they quickly realised a problem. There was only one bedroom in the house to sleep in. Yokoji obviously offered to sleep on the floor instead. But after seeing Konan pout at him due to her feeling guilty and trying to convince him to join her, he finally gave in.

Even though, he wasn't as attracted to the immature form of Konan. He can't say he was fully immune. Especially when she started cuddling up right next to him. And when she wrapped her arms around him while snuggling her head into his chest. Although he knew she was only 8 years old, he still felt rather uncomfortable in this position, after all, in his past world he never even got the chance to hold a girl's hand, let alone fall asleep with them in his arms.

He gently kissed Konan's forehead when he believed she had fallen asleep, yet he didn't realise the subtle blush on her face and the rapid increase in her heart rate when he did so. After all, he was barely anymore powerful than an average human.

*Time Skip To 2am*

As Konan slowly woke up, she had a blush crawl up her face after remembering what happened last night. 'He kissed me' she said in her mind with an expression of extreme bliss. She knew what the older guys did to girls in the streets of Ame and she was ready for it to happen to her as well. Although she didn't know what it was or what it was for, men seemed to crave it and the women seem to feel extreme pain or pleasure from it.

She was slightly confused but either way she had decided to let Yokoji do what he wanted to her in hopes of letting her be with him longer. After all why else would he bring her in? All she was, was a burden. Konan knew that the only thing of value she had was her body and didn't see a reason why else he would bring her with him to her home.

She thought last night was a test to see if she would let him sleep on the floor, and that she would get kicked out if she did. She was grateful that Yokoji didn't do that painful-looking thing to her. After all, all the women she asked about it said that it felt incredibly painful even if they had that weird expression on their faces. Yet, at the same time, a seed of disappointment started to grow in her heart. And who knew how it would grow?


Yokoji woke up to see Konan still resting in his arms but with a pensive look on her face. She looked cute when so serious, he thought. Deciding to mess with her a little, he slowly lowered his hands, acting as if he was still asleep.


Konan suddenly felt Yokoji's arms move on her, she thought he was awake but when he looked up his eyes were still close and his breathing stayed at a steady pace. She was about to make peace with it and fall asleep into Yokoji's chest once again when she felt his hands not stopping. They went all the way from her neck, caressing her back subtly on the way down, all the way to grabbing a hold of her but...

Konan let out a weak yelp at the weird feeling she felt building upon her, it felt weird but so good at the same time. She let out a barely audible moan. While her face went beet red once again.

She snuggled her face into Yokoji's chest once again, closing her eyes to the weird feeling she felt run all over her body. It was a weird feeling but she felt so good and she didn't want it to stop.


'Did-did she just let out a moan?' Yokoji practically shouts in his mind. His brain was going haywire as he heard her. 'I know that people in Naruto mature rather quickly but I didn't know it was this quick.' He mentions in his mind once again as a comprehensive expression came to mind.He felt her snuggle up to his chest once again, 'She seems to be enjoying it' he thought once again.

He quickly realised he was likely crossing multiple lines that he has already set for himself. She is still young at the moment, he shouldn't be having these thoughts. Yokoji slowly raises his arms once again, simply hugging her.

He decided that he should go to sleep again, it was still rather early in the morning after all.


Konan felt his hands raise up off her again. She quickly looks up and checks to once again see if he was still asleep, he was. She felt a sort of pit of disappointment and loss in her heart, once the sensation she felt disappeared. Her heartbeat slowed down again and she felt another faint blush fall on her face when she remembered the slight moan she let out.

Konan wanted him to put his hands on her but once again, to feel that electrifying sensation run up and down her body. She even felt her legs start to get a bit wet. Konan suddenly got worried, thinking that she peed herself in his bed, while next to him and all. Her parents always used to get mad when she did that when she was younger. A faint horror appeared as she slowly started to cry, worrying about if Yokoji will throw her out after this.


Just before Yokoji started to fall asleep he heard the faint sob coming from Konan. He looked down and couldn't help it anymore, as her expression practically dug his soul out of his body again.

"What's wrong, why are you crying?"

I slowly ask her with a worried look on my face. Trying to look as comforting as possible to cheer her up. I knew I shouldn't have put my hands on her but, I'm such an idiot to think she enjoyed it!!

"I-i think I just p-peed the b-bed..." Konan slightly mumbled towards me, fear once again written on her face.

I was baffled, i knew she didn't pee as I would have smelt it. After all, I slowly realise what it was as she looked down towards her chest. I could see faint tear marks over her face and my heart once again felt a knife stabbing into it.

Although he didn't know what to say Yokoji still decided to try and comfort her as much as he could so that he could see her cute angelic face smile again. He decided with determination rising within him.

"Don't worry, it's not pee, otherwise it would smell right?" he asks her with another smile on his face. Wanting to show her it wasn't her fault.

"T-then what was it?" Konan looks up at me with small tears beading on the corner of her eyes. He knew it was his fault this time. But if anyone else ever makes her look like this he would make sure they would die with their hand jammed down their throat. Silently making the commitment in his heart, Yokoji holds Konan's hand to his chest.

"It's just something that happens to a girl's body when they feel a really good sensation throughout their body."

He once again feels ashamed in his mind after what he had done to her, however, he realises that she truly did enjoy it. That still didn't mean he'll do it again unless she lets him, but at least he didn't make her feel uncomfortable.

While Yokoji is silently comforting himself, Konan was feeling something else entirely. 'Why did he grab my hand.' she wonders over this as another blush appears on her face as she just now once again remembers what made her feel so good. She decided once again to make sure she help's him in any way possible while wondering why his hands felt so good on her. Konan realised to think about this later in the day as she was starting to fall asleep again.

"O-ok, Yokoji, I'm going to go back to sleep now, goodnight."

"Goodnight" Yokoji responded with a complicated expression on his face.

That night both Konan and Yokoji had trouble going back to sleep, once again cuddling in each other's arms until morning.

*That Morning"

Konan woke up, just to feel a little empty. She realised quickly that it was because Yokoji wasn't next to her and she wasn't in his comforting arms.

Abruptly sitting up in worry, she ran into the living room, still in her sleepwear. Konan was afraid of Yokoji abandoning her in this place alone, although it was a completely irrational thought, she wasn't thinking rationally at that moment. She didn't want to be alone again, she wanted to be with Yokoji. That is what she decided upon last night. And that is why she is so worried that he wasn't in bed with her when she woke up...


As Yokoji woke up he realised that he was intertwined between Konan's arms as she snuggled up to him. He still had his arms around her, but he quickly came to notice that she was no longer resting her face on his chest. As he looked forward, he saw her blue hair brushing over her face. He felt his heart rate rise as her sleeping face seemed to draw him in. However, before doing so he also noticed that due to her awkward position of her going up to his face. Her clothes got pulled down a bit.

As his eyes went down he noticed that two little cherries were poking out just above her nightshirt. Yokoji and Konan obviously didn't have any sized nightclothes, so they had to use two small pairs they found in a draw. Her's was already baggy and showed off her neckline perfectly, but now that it was pushed down...

Yokoji gulped at the sight, her two little pink bumps were barely raised at her age, due to not yet being developed. However, it was enough for Yokoji who hadn't even touched a girl other than his sister and mum until last night, to almost have a nose bleed. Her chest slowly raised and lowered with her heartbeat. Showing that the two little tips were attached to her.

He gently, raised Konan's arms up and away from him, his eyes never leaving from the exquisite sight of her bare chest. He knew it was wrong to think this way about Konan when she was still a young girl but he couldn't help it. Yokoji decided to quickly leave the bedroom before he did something he would most likely regret later on.

He didn't want to just use Konan for her body. He wanted to truly be with her, however, he doubted that would happen if he forced himself on her now. Plus he was also an 8-year-old child, he doubted the mast would even get up.

Proving his point, even with the most interaction with a girl in this life and his previous one was happening right now, his little brother decided to stand down the whole time. Otherwise, he might not have had the self-restraint. Knowing he couldn't do anything to her anyway calmed him down. As he came off of the bed he noticed Konan's shirt was still down. He knew he couldn't risk going near the two cherries poking out on her chest as it was. If he went near her he knew something bad would happen. Yokoji thought that she would probably notice it when she woke up, which would be soon as he noticed the time.

With that thought, he went to get a few slices of bread ready for breakfast and sitting down on the scruffy sofa while waiting for her.

*20 minutes later*

All Yokoji saw was Konan running towards him, her eyes tearing up again as her two little cherries slightly swayed a bit from side to side. He realised if she came any closer something bad would happen, so he quickly raised his hands and pushed towards her, closing his eyes out of embarrassment, hoping she would notice her clothing after she was pushed off.

However, a slight miscalculation occurred on Yokoji's part, as his two hands didn't have the strength to push her away without the use of his chakra, which he didn't use for not wanting to hurt her. And that his hands landed directly on her chest.

Yokoji, felt two soft little pillows fall into his hands, he tightened his grip to try and feel what they are, however as he moved his hands and felt two little buds fall into them, he decided to pull them. It still felt weird as he wondered what they were, so he tried twisting them, a cute little moan was heard and he wondered what it was. Before he realised it he was both pulling them lightly and twisting them at the same time. A loud moan was heard this time as he put two and two together. He opened his eyes to see Konan with her eyes slightly rolled back and her tongue just poking out.

Something that felt like water, but clearly was not, fell onto his lap where she was sitting. He noticed his knee was also digging into her, right between her legs. Konan let out another moan as if to confirm how lewd this situation already was.

At this moment Yukoji knew just what kind of cliche he fell into. This was not going to be a good situation for him when Konan regains her senses.


Konan jumped towards Yukoji who was sitting on the sofa, she could feel something in-between her legs which made her feel good. She also noticed Yukoji's hands now resting on her chest. She didn't know at what point her shirt felt down but she did know that his hands felt extremely good.

Just as Konan was wondering what to do, she felt Yukoji squeeze her chest, forcing her to stifle down a groan at how good it felt. She felt a bit of water leak down her again at the sensation it gave her. Then, as she was about to calm down, his hands moved over to her tiny buds 'Not there' she thought as she felt him.

She moaned out a little at the feeling of her nipples being pulled but fortunately, it was barely audible. Her mouth just opened a little as some saliva came out. Then she felt them being twisted tightly. She let out a slightly loud moan at this as her eyes opened up at how good it was. She felt more juices leak out at her nether region. Saliva now falling down off her chin as she was up in bliss at the feeling she was being given.

However, it was not over yet as, she felt Yokoji's hands and her tiny nipples return to normal, she felt him both pull and squeeze her. This time her back arched forward. Her tongue was literally hanging out of her mouth, as she was simply staring at the ceiling wondering how something could feel so good. At this moment juices seemed to almost gush out of her, staining Yukijos knee.

As her senses came back to her, she felt immensely embarrassed of what just happened, she tried to cover herself up as she just felt Yukoji give her buds the release they needed. She lifted her nightshirt as she quickly stood up and ran into the nearby toilet. Her liquid falling out from under her as she went, covering the floor in the juice.


Yukijo was simply stunned in his seat, unable to even stand up. He just finished with his weekly training plan, when this happened. He decided to leave it at the table, for now, putting it out of his mind and running over to the bathroom to try and talk to Konan about what just happened.

'He wished he could turn back time, why did he have to be such an idiot, Konan deserves better...'

Yukoji thought as, his and Konan's relationship, which has barely even started, is already having many twists and turns...

Hello all, i hope you all enjoyed the chapter, please tell me if there are any issues. Also don't worry, Konan and Yukijo won' be having anything go between them until she gets older at least. This does mean they will be together but things will be complicated...

Hope you all have a good day, and the training plan will be shown in the next chapter.

See you tommorow :)

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