
The Beginning!

-Time Skip No Jutsu, Next Morning-

Yokoji, Konan, and Nagato were all in the lounge room. They were eating their breakfast together, while each had different thoughts running through their heads.

-Yokoji POV-

Damn, I shouldn't have been so aggressive with her. I knew I should have stopped. We are only 10 years old for goodness sake.

However, she did seem to like it.

Is Konan an M?!

Hmmmmm, that would be both nice and cool at the same time. I may still be a half-virgin, however, that won't be the case in a few years.

I don't want to hurt Konan, but as long as we both enjoy it we should both be fine...I think...?

-Konan's POV-


I can't believe we did that last night. He was so rough, but it was so nice.

I don't get why those girls in the alley all looked pained from doing it.

Although it did hurt a lot, it felt so gooooood at the same time.

I wonder when we'll do it again?

-Nagato's POV-

Damnnnnnn, these potatoes taste good!

-End of POV scene. Back to what I used before...-

While all of these thoughts ran through their heads. Yokoji had an expression of nervous anxiety and relief, Konan had a look of infatuation and utter joy. While Nagato had an expression of delight.

Obviously, Nagato knew why the other two had those looks on their faces as well.

'Ah, they like the potatoes as well, huh.' Nagato thought, looking at their expressions.

Of course, Nagato was also still in love with the 'angelic' Konan, and he was determined not to lose towards Yokoji so he decided to be a bit more forthcoming.

"So what's our organization called?" he asked.

Yokoji had told him about their goal of creating an organization yesterday but forgot to ask the name. Now he decided to bring it up.

"Ummmm, name, does it really need one?" Konan asked, as it was still the beginning of the group, she thought it wouldn't be necessary for now.

"Hmmm, I guess it wouldn't hurt, what are your guys' ideas?" Yokoji asked them, even though he already had chosen the name in his heart.

"I would name us the nambawan!! It means number one, as that's what we'll be!!!" Nagato said, lifting his hand in the air. Glancing at Konan to see if she was impressed with his naming, only to see her start laughing.

Konan and Yokoji were both laughing actually, thinking that the name was rather dumb and childish. They tried to quiet down as to not hurt Nagato's feelings but he was still pained.

"Hmph, you guys just don't understand! What about you Konan?!" Nagato says, trying to get Konan to speak to him, for some egotistical reason.

"Uhmmm, I don't know, but I bet Yokoji has a good name for it!" Konan says, looking at Yokoji who has never seemed to fail, in her eyes.

"Yep, I thought of a great name! What about Hananokai?" Yokoji pronounced.

"Hananokai?" x2

Konan and Nagato were both a bit shocked at this.

'I was going to call our organization Akatsuki, like in the anime. But I don't want this organization to end the same way that one did. I'll make us new. And i'll make us better. As Hananokai!' Yokoji said within his heart.

Konan blushed at the name, understanding the hidden meaning within it. She looked up at Yokoji with a smile on her face as she thought about all the memories they were going to go on to make together.

Nagato on the other hand didn't understand the meaning within the name. And honestly he thought it was a bit girly. Like seriously Flower Sea?!. Either way, he smiled as well. Happy to finally be a part of something.

Nagato decided to try and put his past behind him and start anew. Living with a new family, in Hananokai!

(AN: Thats it for today. and although it's a short chapter (extremely short), more of a filler. I have boiling hot heat here in the UK and I can't write anymore. I'm going to go out into my mini pool now. I hope you all enjoyed and the name Hananokai means 'Flower Sea' in japanese. I tried to stick with the theme but I didn't want to use Akatsuki either. I feel like the so called 'hidden meaning' is obvious, but whatever. I will go more into Yokoji and Konan's relationship later, but for now, I ope you have all enjoyed!)







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