
The Obligations

Mila was walking through the fields. A chilly wind passed through her. It was rare in Flovalwood. Mila never experienced it in the fields. It was always summer. She delivered a frock to Sabrina, and she admired the red rose flower embroidery on the sleeve. Sabrina was sweet and kind, not like what Lola's mother said. She was thrilled, but her father was not so. Maybe it was because of the roses or Mila. It was awkward. He is the only person Mila hates in Flowalwood and he doesn't like her either. It was hard. Mila wants everyone to like her. And Daniel has no reason to hate her. She remembered him saying, avoiding her eyes.

"Sabrina doesn't like these flowers. She like her dress to be simple. She is already pretty because of our God's grace and we don't want to go against our god". Sabrina went inside with the dress. Mila could say that the frock will stay on her shelf for a long time. Mila felt pity for a person in Flovalwood for the first time.

"I am sorry, Mila. Your work is excellent, but we prefer simple clothes for Sabrina. Your grandma knows that". Daniel tried to be nice, but he was bad at hiding emotions. He took a large bag of rice flour from the kitchen and handed it over to Mila. He said goodbye suddenly and closed the door before her. The wind stopped when Irvin ran to her.

"You were hiding here?" Mila was surprised.

"No, I came here to collect grass". His hands were empty, and he took the bag from her.

"Her dad hates you, and me. I know why he hates you but doesn't know why he hates me".

"So what? She does not hate me".

"How do you know?" Mila asked. She doubted that.

Irvin was silent.

"And from what Lola's mom said, I don't think she deserves you".

"Yes, I deserve her stealing and liar daughter".

"Don't say bad about Lola, she is my friend too." Mila protested.

"No, I was joking and for God's sake, don't believe her or her mom. You will get better friends than her".

"The girls are the same here. They are not like my friends. I miss them". For a moment Mila's stomach burned. There were no words from anyone. It has been days since they texted.

"Try to talk with Sabrina. She can be your friend and believe me, she is not like other girls here".

"How you know that?"

"No, she is alone most of the time. You know, most girls, including Lola, are jealous of her. And she loves to sit alone, I think both of you make good friends." Irvin smiled.

"And why her dad hates me?" Irvin avoided her eyes.

"Morning, she will be alone in the fields. Her dad will be busy and you can talk to her then." Irvin walked faster and Mila followed him.

"So you come here daily?"

Irvin blushed.

After a few turns, Lola crossed them.

"You got gifts from your in-laws. That's nice." Lola smiled.

"It is a gift not stolen". Irvin snapped and Mila suppressed a smile. Lola looked offended.

"Sorry Lola, come home in the evening. We are going to make cookies." Mila tried to cheer her.

"Give it to him. He might be tired, staring at her the entire day." This time Mila and Lola laughed aloud.

Irvin looked furious but said nothing.


Lola or Irvin didn't come that day, and Mila and Daisy were busy making the cookies. The topic of Sabrina came in between, and Daisy supported Irvin.

"She is a nice girl. Everyone is jealous of her. I don't know why. She stays inside her home always and only a few people know her better".

"How do you know about her? You rarely go out".

Daisy washed her hands after mixing the floor.

"Mila used to talk about her. They were best friends".

Mila wondered how old Sabrina is. She looked only a few years older than Mila and everyone in the village looked like immortals and there was no question of age there. And her mom was only thirty-four when she died.

"That's why her dad hates me?" Mila asked, and Daisy looked worried. She nodded softly.

"Mila, be careful with Daniel. He is the most important person in the village. He can do anything here." Daisy said. She looked worried, and Mila tried to change the topic.

"Looks like mom had a lot of friends here".

"Yes, but Sabrina was special to her." Daisy smiled.

Mila suddenly got an idea. If Sabrina knows everything about her mother, she knows why her mother left, how she fooled Peter, and probably more about her dad.


Mila has been curious, always. She wanted answers to everything she had in her mind. She left the next day towards the field with a packet of cookies. Sabrina was in the field, trying to repair a pickaxe that was so loose that the blade came off when it touched the soil. She smiled at Mila. Mila checked for Irvin, but he is nowhere around. After somewhat fixing it, Sabrina walked towards her. Her father threw a nasty glance at them.

"Hi, what are you doing here?". Sabrina wiped her hands on her white skirt, which was already dirty.

"Grandma asked to bring this to you". Mila showed her the packet of cookies.

"I missed these cookies. When Mila was here I got one, daily". She took the packet from her and sat on the soil. Mila imitated her, even though she was worried about her dress.

"Grandma said you were friends." Mila started.

"Yes, she was my only friend. I miss her". Sabrina looked like crying. Mila looked away.

"She used to bring me books. Dad won't allow books inside. So I had to smuggle them inside in the clothes she brought." Sabrina took a cookie and started eating.

"Sabrina, can I ask you something? How do you stay inside all the time? I mean, what you are doing there the whole day."

Sabrina smiled. Nobody would have asked her that question. "I and mom have a lot of work. We have a mill inside and have to grind these grains into flour, filter it. The entire village takes the flour from us and it should be good".

"Don't you get bored?"

"Me?" Sabrina smiled. "Everyone depends on others in this village. We never feel sad or bored. Someone will always be there for us. For me it was Mila".

"But she is no more".

"You came to me. And I know you will come back with books like Mila used to do".

Sabrina's father called her from a distance, and she ran towards the field with the cookies. She turned back once, smiled at Mila, and waved goodbye. Mila stood up. She thought about what Sabrina said. She was right. Nobody is alone in the village. Even Mila, a newcomer, has always got someone near her. Irvin, Lola, or Sabrina. When she walked to the road, Irvin ran to her. He was panting.

"Hey, walk slowly. What she said?"

"Irvin, you were here? Where were you hiding? I searched everywhere."

"You know I come here daily and I have my secret places".

"Grandma said her father is not an ordinary man. You must be careful. He will give you and her a hard time".

"I know. He will tell mom too. He already did that a lot of times". Irvin turned into a by-road and came out with his cow. A big one with a lot of bells tied to its neck. Irvin called him Tom. He dragged the cow with him.

"Where are you going?" He asked Mila.

"Don't know. I thought I would talk with Sabrina but she seemed a little busy".

"No, her dad called her because he hates her talking with someone".

"Especially me and you." Mila smiled.

"Yes". Irvin agreed but didn't smile.

"Why because of what my mom did?" Mila asked

"Maybe. He doesn't seem to like her either. You can go. I have to go straight to feed Tom." Irvin walked without pressing on the subject.

"I will come with you. I have nothing else to do".

"It is a long path. You will hurt yourself". Irvin warned. Mila continued walking with him.

Irvin was right. The path was rocky. Her soft sandals were not helping. They walked a lot. Mila's legs were hurting. She was not used to this.

"I told you to go back". Irvin said to a struggling Mila.

Mila walked again. She loved to explore more of the village. But all she saw were some barren lands and hills. Irvin stopped at an enormous field. Muddy paths divided the field. Mila counted nine large grass fields. The grass was so tall that they cannot see the end of the field. Irvin stopped with Tom at the first field, and Tom started grazing the thick grass. Mila walked further inside the field. The wind was getting stronger as she walked.

"Mila, don't go further. The wind will throw you." Irvin shouted through the wind.

Mila walked through the thick grass. The grass was growing taller and thicker as she went further. After a certain point, each grass was as long as a tree. Irvin was true, the wind was getting stronger. Mila tried to get support from the grass and walked further. But a heavy storm caught her, and she fell towards the field. She tried to stand up, but she couldn't. Mila was feeling dizzy. Her hair and the dress were flying around her. Finally, Irvin's powerful arms caught hold of her and dragged her outside.

"I told you". He said something but went indistinguishable from the wind. Mila tried to open her eyes but was difficult with all the dust obstructing her vision. When she could open her eyes, she was lying on the end of the fields, Tom was grazing near them, his bells ringing in the soft wind.

"What was that?" Mila tried to wipe out the dust from her face.

"There are heavy storms there." Irvin said casually.


"We don't know". Irvin shrugged.

Mila couldn't get up.

"Stay there. It will take time. I must have warned you more".

"Leave it, Irvin. If you have warned, I would have gone further." Mila smiled.

"This is not a joke. When someone says no here, obey them because you are new here and this differs from the places you lived before." Irvin was serious.

"But they said nobody goes sick or has an accident in here. So why worry about the dangers?" Mila slowly raised and Irvin helped her.

"Yes, but we, as people living here, must follow some rules. We should not take risks with our life. It will alter the balance of the village".

"What are you saying?"

"You will understand, slowly". Mila stood up and Irvin went back to Tom.

"Anyway, I am not staying here forever. Why should I care about the rules or obligations here?" Mila said through the wind.

Mila was worried the whole day. Not because of what she has faced in the fields. It was not about Daniel's attitude towards her. It was Irvin's silence when she said she has to go back that made her worried. At least he could have said something "your grandma will be alone" or something like that, but he didn't. He didn't talk at all after that. Mila went back to her home and stayed there the rest of the day. Her phone was still dead.