
Flourishing In A New World As A Lovecraft Dungeon: Lux Lovecraft

Dying In my sleep and meeting a "Goddess" I was Transmigrated as a Dungeon Master, while possessing a Lovecraft type of System In the typical Isekai World with Swords & Magic and a Demon King threatening to end the world. " *Yawn* So this is what they mean by living your life to the fullest... How troublesome..." And all this happen, because of a simple yet kind thing I did, back when I played DMMO-RPG for fun and some money on the side. ~~~~~~ [ TAGS: Lovecraft | Nasuverse/Fate Grand Order | Marvel | DC | Bleach | Naruto | Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z | Danmachi | Chivalry of a Failed Knight | Highschool DXD | Tensura | Monster Girl Encyclopedia | Monster Musume | [ 1-Disclaimer: I write for fun and my own pleasure] [ 2-Disclaimer: I don't own anything, other than my MC, OC's, and my Original ideas.]

GodOfLovecraft · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: The System & The Twins




' What are your functions, System?'

As if in response to my question, something appeared in front of me. It looked like a touch screen, floating in the air, disembodied. I reached out to touch it with an experimental finger, the screen shimmering as my finger passed straight through.

' Cool, a real Hologram.'

I looked at the ground and the nearby hedges for some kind of projector, but as I started moving, the screen followed. There was text on the screen, which I started reading.

[ New Quest: [Stranger in a Strange Land]: You have awoken in a place you do not know. Explore the area to discover more.

• Objective: Explore the hollow Dungeon Master room: 0/1.

• Rewards: 1 Summoning Ticket | 10,000 DP(Dungeon Points) | 1 Weapon Ticket. ]

' Easy enough for a first mission.' Thinking this, I slightly moved Haku off my chest and sat up.

Rubbing my eyes and yawning a few times, I got to my feet, off from the King size bed I was on with Haku.

Looking around, I studied the room and smiled,' 20 by 20, I good-sized room, If I do say so myself.' The Room Itself reminds me of Obito Uchiha Kamui's Dimension, just smaller and darker. The only thing in this room accompanying me is a black slimy tower of otherworldly horror, with three eyes.

' Oh fuck... Three red eyes are never a good thing, being Related to Lovecraft.' Walking to the tower, I smiled grimly," We good? Because I don't feel like dying in my sleep for a second time. So let's be on good terms In this new world."

" Hum two times for a yes and one for a no," I added, yawning a bit with sleepy eyes.


Hearing those two humms, I smiled and put my hand out," Put It there comrade."


Feeling slimy tentacles around my hand, I chuckled," Handshaking an Eldritch horror, you don't see that often."


" Heh, even you agree with me." Pulling my back, yawned once more and then blinked my eyes, remembering something I need to check.

' System what are the wishes that Goddess talked about?'

[ Wishes: 1- Limited Creation : Can Create anything non-living/\Cons: Can't create abilities or skills and bloodlines.| 2-Personal Domain: You possess a Personal Domain, an area in which you have absolute power, through magical, supernatural, scientific, or other means. Domain may be a physical area or an entire universe, depending on how powerful you are./\ Cons: Can't take out anything from your Personal Domain and bring It to the real world. Pros: Can bring things from the real world Into your Personal Domain | 3-True Fairy Emperor Bloodline.]

' Oh, I got the God package...' My mouth twitched hearing my wishes from that Goddess In the White-Void room.

In a sense, she made me the Last-Boss to this world, an overpowering one.

" Luxxxxx~" Hearing the pouty and sleepy Haku, I smiled and yawned walking to the bed and laying by her on the most comfortable bed I ever slept on.

" Better." Locking me In with her legs, she fell asleep, smiling beautifully.

" What a needy wife I have..." This was my last thought, felling asleep too.










" Hurry up, Rowan!" Rowan grumbled as his cute twin little sister (by three minutes) yelled out at him, hoisting their pack higher onto his back. They had been traveling for almost a week now, and they were getting close to the town of Aerilon, home of the Starter Dungeons, for novice Adventurers like them, who only signed up and passed with a Gold Star(basically getting a 100% In this world).

Rowan didn't know why it was called that, but apparently, Dungeons had name tags over their entrances that helped differentiate them. He finished adjusting his pack and looked up at the rest of the groups in front of them.

There it was! Aerilon! Even though it was almost night-time, he could tell they were still about an hour's walk from the town, but still! They were so close! Rowan couldn't wait to go on his first Dungeon crawl! He'd been dreaming of this before he even got his class!

He almost tripped over in his excitement, but steadied himself, the extra weight of his bag helping him from falling onto his face. He looked around to make sure no one had seen his blunder and was glad to see that everyone was ignoring him, like usual(except his twin).


" Alright everyone, listen up!"

Rowan raised his head again as the caravan leader, a lanky [Traveller] in brown-black leather armor named: Joe yelled out to all of them.

" At the pace we're going, we'll reach Aerilon within the hour! Now I know you're all excited to rush right into the Dungeon straight away, but I highly suggest taking the night to rest! We've been travelling for a while now and even the first few levels of the Dungeon can be dangerous when you're tired!"


Rowan nodded, even though he knew that Joe couldn't see him. The man continued to yell as they walked. " I know very few of you are actually going to take me up on this, but if you actually do wait until tomorrow morning, I'll pay for your room at the Inn, tonight only."

A smile crept onto Rowan's face at that. He had managed to scrounge up a couple of silvers before they started traveling, but having his first night at the Inn be paid for him was a really good thing. It meant that he got to get at least one dungeon run in before he had to draw out of his savings!


Joe fell silent again, and Rowan ignored the chattering between the other adventurers, knowing that none of it was directed at him. Instead, he held out his palm and allowed his stats to show, giving them a check to see if anything had grown throughout their travel.




∆: Rowan Cyrusfall.

∆: Human.

∆: Rank: 1.

∆: Class: Holy Knight.

∆: Mana: 100/100.

∆: Stamina: 80/80.


∆: Strength: 15.

∆: Agility: 15.

∆: Endurance: 15.

∆: Intelligence: 15.

∆: Charisma: 10.

∆: Luck: 20.


∆:Available Abilities:  Holy Magic | Fire Magic.

∆: Available Skills- Double Strike:  Your attack does double damage, before any reductions. 

2 Stamina per Attack.


> Lunge: Instantly dash forward a distance equivalent to your [Agility] and perform an attack.

4 Stamina per Attack.


> Defenders Shield:  When standing within 5 metres of an allied creature, you can reduce the damage they take from an attack by an amount equal to your [Endurance].

2 Stamina per use.


> Identify:  Allows you to see the stats and abilities of anything below a danger rating of 2.

> Determined:  Nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. Resistant to the [Fear] effect

This is a Passive skill, working all the time, till Death.




" Still the same, huh?" The handsome redhead's smiling face twitched, hearing that beautiful low girl voice.

Beautiful. Rowan couldn't think of another word to describe those features, of his twin little sister standing by from of himself. Her beauty was like a painting of a goddess, evoking a solemnity that left no room for wicked lust. She simply captured the eye. She is a beautiful young woman of average height with a beautiful face, white skin, and ruby eyes. She has long crimson hair tied into twin tails using yellow ribbons. She has a bewitching body, with both large breasts and a voluptuous figure.  Rowan likens her appearance to that of  a painting of a goddess, and that her beauty  left no room for wicked lust. She wears the same clothing as him, which is a black leather padded armor, covering their whole body. Hanging from her waist is a beautiful golden broadsword with red markings on the hilt.

" Here, look at mine~" Moving her hand to him, her stats let up In the form of a blue Hologram screen with white letters.




∆: Stella Cyrusfall.

∆: Human.

∆: Rank: 2.

∆: Class: Fire Dragon Knight.

∆: Mana: 300/300.

∆: Stamina: 150/150.


∆: Strength: 25.

∆: Agility: 25.

∆: Endurance: 25.

∆: Intelligence: 25.

∆: Charisma: 50.

∆: Luck: 40.


∆:Available Abilities:  Fire Dragon Magic.

∆: Available Skills- Dragon Rider: Lets the user ride Dragons reasonably.

10 Mana per 30 seconds.

> Dragons Friend: Allows the user to be on good terms with anything related to Dragons.

This is a Passive skill, working all the time, till Death.

> Friend of The Fire Spirit: With this skill, all Fire Magic is 50% cheaper to cast.

This is a Passive skill, working all the time, till Death.

>Prodigy: You learn things more quickly and more easily than others. 

This is a Passive skill, working all the time, till Death.

> Determined: Nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. Resistant to the [Fear] effect

This is a Passive skill, working all the time, till Death.




' And she's still getting stronger.' Rowan sighed, seeing Stella's stats compared to his.

As if picking up his signing and what It means, Stella patted Rowan's back and smiled cheerfully," Don't worry big bro, you'll get stronger than me, I'm sure of It~"

" Stella!"

" Shoot, I'll be right back!" Patting his back once more, Stella ran off to a group of girls chatting together.

' *Sigh*... I sure hope so.'




