
Flourishing In A New World As A Lovecraft Dungeon: Lux Lovecraft

Dying In my sleep and meeting a "Goddess" I was Transmigrated as a Dungeon Master, while possessing a Lovecraft type of System In the typical Isekai World with Swords & Magic and a Demon King threatening to end the world. " *Yawn* So this is what they mean by living your life to the fullest... How troublesome..." And all this happen, because of a simple yet kind thing I did, back when I played DMMO-RPG for fun and some money on the side. ~~~~~~ [ TAGS: Lovecraft | Nasuverse/Fate Grand Order | Marvel | DC | Bleach | Naruto | Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z | Danmachi | Chivalry of a Failed Knight | Highschool DXD | Tensura | Monster Girl Encyclopedia | Monster Musume | [ 1-Disclaimer: I write for fun and my own pleasure] [ 2-Disclaimer: I don't own anything, other than my MC, OC's, and my Original ideas.]

GodOfLovecraft · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: And So Sleep Took Me~




How do you sleep? What helps you get to sleep? Everyone has this little comfort zone of normality. For some, it's total silence. Others? Absurdly cold, or warm. Some people can't sleep without something to snuggle up next to. People know what they like, and know when it's not right.

And how well do you sleep? Some people sleep like the living dead, and could ignore World War Three, a dozen hurricanes, and a meteor impact outside their window combined. Others would notice a pin drop on the other side of the house and be up with a baseball bat.

I'm none of those extremes. But like any sleeper, I notice instantly when my comfort zone is disturbed. The first sign that something was off was the same one that woke me. The quiet. I sleep in the same room as my computer. And the mild droning of the CPU fan is the white noise that lulls me to sleep, and the soft bluish glow of my screen provides a comforting light. It woke me before, when the power failed for some unknown reason. The sudden spooling down of the fan and the still air of the room became stifling enough to wake me up within seconds. But ultimately, that was never much to bother me beyond the usual 'oh great' response.

This time, however, the silence was different. The human mind can process a massive amount of data about the environment, and notices changes on a subconscious level. We think of these as 'instinct'. An almost in built ability to realize something isn't right. Something you take for granted most of the time, until something unexpected occurs.

The silence woke me, but it was the subtle acoustics around me that told me something more was wrong.

I sleep facing a wall not a foot away. That close you can 'hear' the wall's proximity, because of the way the ears detect that tiny reflection of sound coming from your own breathing, and the way it dampens other sounds. And I have a lot of furniture that breaks up harmonics.

I was nowhere near a wall. Rather when I have Awakened this up morning, I found myself in a stark white room.

Really, it's so white that it's impossible to tell where the walls and ceiling are.

Whether it's a narrow space or a wide space is also vague. Just looking at it is unusually fun to do.

" So you have finally awoken, My Reincarnator~"

" Hai… Good morning..."

" Such a lovely way of saying good morning~"

No, I just woke up badly. My head isn't working just yet, so just dismiss what I have just said.

Though for now, I'll just ask this disembodied beautiful female mature voice some questions.

" Where am I?"

" This is the Reincarnation-Void. Where you'll be granted a few random wishes from me~"

As she(?) said this to me, my eyes widened feeling and sensing something around me.

Sensation fades away as I become enveloped in a soft, white light. The illumination seemed to wash through not just my eyes, but through my entire being. I felt as I were floating, disembodied and without connection to the material world.


I try to gather my thoughts, but they're sluggish. What happened? Where was I? My parents hadn't been home…

In fact, I hadn't seen them in…

I don't remember exactly how long, but I'd made myself dinner...

Or had I? I remember the hunger. Then there'd been … white?


I can't tell how long I've been here, drifting in this gentle light. Has it been ten years? Or ten seconds? It surrounds me, enveloping me like a warm blanket. It feels warm enough that I want to snuggle into it. Get cosy. But that's a little difficult without the capacity to move. I'm constricted here in my own little world.


Sound begins to swell like a wave in the distance. It rushes forward, and just as it washes over me, I hear a voice, that same voice I hear early.

" Ara~ Ara~ Such a great person I have picked up~" The voice said, In such a fashion that would make grown men piss themselves, and yet I only smiled at, finding the voice a pleasure to hear.

Like this, I slowly lost my consciousness...

With the last bit of consciousness I had left, I hear her voice tickling my ear," Your wishes will appear when you wake up my lovely Champion~" And like that, I blacked out.


















"... Oh fuck." An otherworldly handsome young man said simply and blankly, upon regaining consciousness and opening his bright crimson-blood eyes. He's in black and golden Roman armor with a black and white jacket underneath It. Following his black theme, he also wears combat black pants and boots. Lastly, hanging from his waist down is a red cloth.


Upon reawakening, I have found myself In a room. The room itself is too open, the room felt too hollow, the bed was warmer than I was used to. And it wasn't just my breathing I could hear.

I was awake in an instant, sitting bolt upright at the unfamiliarity of my environment. It was dark, which precluded any semblance of my computer monitor casting a glow on the room. But it wasn't pitch black. And from what I could make out… I wasn't in my room.

The adrenaline kicked in, jolting my groggy brain into overdrive. My last actions before going to bed had been checking email for class, responding to a few random forum posts, and crawling into the nest of blankets and pillows I called a bed. I had not been drinking, the clarity was too sharp to be a dream, and I found it rather hard to believe someone could have gone through the lock on my bedroom door without waking me up.

Of course, the rapid motion of sitting up was not without side effects. In sitting bolt upright at my sleep being disturbed, I had inadvertently disturbed the sleep of the owner of the breathing.

The owner slowly sat up, muttering something sleepily in a tone that sounded tinny, slightly high," I'm...awake...I'm...awake...I'm...awake..."

Rubbing her eyes slowly, she looked at me and smiled. The girl herself looks around my age with long elegant white-golden hair and ruby-red eyes. She seems to possess that rare World-Topping beauty, possessing a curvaceous and voluptuous body that is curvy and shapely In the right ways. She wears a white very revealing dress.


Flapping her beautiful large white fairy-like wings, she smiled at me, while landing on of me, sitting by my morning wood.

" Dungeon Master, welcome to your, dungeon~" Licking my right ear, she giggled," I'm name is: Aurora, your Fairy companion from now on~"

' Well, and they say dying doesn't give you anything good. I think dying was the best thing that has happened to me.' I smiled, looking up with a profound comfortable expression.




