

Florin lived a comfortable life within the country of Nivonia. She had a loving family and limitless future prospects. However, after her birthday everything changed. Her world was turned upside down when everything she thought to be true was proven false. Monsters no longer hid in the dark and they were all coming for her, including a fiance!? Will she be able to safely survive the night or will she surrender to its intrigues? Follow Florin as she learns of her true identity while fighting to save her life and her kingdom.

KC_Dillon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Fate's Cruel Sense of Humor

The sun rose, bringing with it a new day. The birds could be heard chirping while the servants within the Viscount's home began busying themselves with the day's duties. The sun's rays entered the room, causing Tilda to slowly open her eyes. She looked around and noticed she was alone in the bed. Pulling the blankets up around her, she sat up. Her body was completely sore and if that was not enough, her skin was covered with love marks. She laughed at herself. "Love marks? Ha!" Love had nothing to do with what took place last night. To make matters worse, fate had a cruel sense of humor. After having her virginity stripped unceremoniously, she woke up to one of the most beautiful days that Drecia had seen in a while. The air was warm and even the clouds seemed whiter and fluffier than usual. The peacefulness of it all was a complete mockery to her own feelings.

"You're awake?" The cold voice sounded behind her.

Matilda turned to face the prince who became the monster within her fairytale. She nodded slowly.

"Good. Have the sheets replaced. I will send for you again when I'm ready. You may leave." With that Symounde walked past her and headed towards his personal bathroom.

"Replaced." Matilda replayed the word to herself again and again. She now held the same status as his sheets—even less since she was no longer clean. He could easily receive new, clean sheets. But what about her? Holding the tears back, she put her clothes back on and walked towards the massive bed. She looked at the blood-stained sheets and began to slowly pack them away, with the rest of her innocence. With the blankets in her hand, she looked at the shut bathroom door and walked quickly out of the bedroom.

Back at the Cartwright's Estate

I woke up to the shining sun and grimaced. I had another dream last night. Holding onto the necklace around my neck, I climbed out of my bed and walked to the bathroom to prepare myself for the day. After dressing, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

Seeing her young lady up so early, Nora immediately walked over to her. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"The sun is still new. Why have you awakened so early today?"

"I just felt like it." I had never spoken to anyone about my dreams. For some reason, whenever I thought about bringing them up, a sense of foreboding always enveloped me. "When are my parents expected to return?"

Nora looked worriedly at me, but she didn't continue with her prodding. "They should be here by early evening. Would you like to eat anything?"

"Yes, I'm quite famished."

"Okay. Why don't you head back, and rest and I will inform you when your food has been prepared? Would you like anything in particular?"

"I'm craving steak, medium rare please."

Nora squinted her eyes. "Are you sure you are okay?" Florin didn't like the taste of beef. She once said it was like eating a living creature, no matter how much it was cooked.

"I'm fine. I promise. I will go back to my room for now. Find me once breakfast is ready."

"As you wish, My Lady." Nora watched as Florin walked up the stairs. She tried to ignore her uneasiness as she relayed her mistress' order to the kitchen staff.

"Is there something wrong with the Young Miss?" a voice sounded beside her. Nora turned her head to see a handsome young man standing beside her.

"No, well maybe. She woke up early today and even wanted steak for breakfast."

The young man lifted his thick brows. "She must really be feeling unwell." He teased. "Maybe, her preferences are changing since she will soon come of age."

"I think it's is more than that. I can tell she is hiding something from me."

The man patted her softly on her back. "I sure when the Young Miss is fine. Don't worry so much."

"Mm. You're right. Has the house been prepared fully for the Masters' return?"

"Yes, we're basically done. Your mother has taken the lead. Honestly, I feel like our services aren't really needed. The Young Miss rarely asks anything of us, and your mother takes care of everything else. We're really lucky to work for the Cartwrights."

"I agree. I have heard some of the horrible things that servants have experienced within other noble households. We are truly blessed—"

Just as Nora finished her statement, there was a knock on the door.

The young man named Benson stopped Nora from moving and went to open the door. What he saw, shocked him. A middle-aged man, dressed in the finest wardrobe, stood at the door. "How can I help you, sir?"

"I'm looking for Duke and Duchess Cartwright. Are they home?"

"I apologize, sir. Our masters are currently away but are expected to return later this evening. Is there something I can help you with Sir..."

"Grand Duke Raimond."

The man named Benson was instantly shocked. "My apologies for not recognizing you, Your Honorable One."

The man chuckled lightly. "It's no problem. I don't usually venture out this way."

"Would you like to come in and speak, Sir? I would be happy to relay any message you have once the Duke returns."

The grand duke hesitated, but eventually agreed. "If, it's no trouble."

Benson guided Grand Duke Raimond into the sitting room, as a maid walked in with a cup of tea. She placed it on the nearest table, gave a small curtsy and returned to her regular duties. Grand Duke Raimond noticed the discipline displayed by the Cartwright's workers, and he silently applauded their efforts. "Please wait here, Grand Duke. I will go get the head butler at once and you can discuss your intentions with him."


Shortly after, Benson left out of the room to find the head butler. He left the main quarters and walked towards the back of the house. Tucked away, there stood a small hut. It was of decent size, able for one or two people to live comfortably. Inside, there were only 4 rooms, two bedrooms, a comfort space, and a small office. Benson walked straight for the office space. It was here that all the household's business was taken care of. While Nora's mother oversaw the daily duties within the house, then the head butler would be responsible for financing it. He was tasked with bookkeeping and allowances. Duke Cartwright had such great trust in him, that sometimes he would even help with some of the family's local stores. it was only right that Benson would seek his guidance with highly important matters. Hosting the Grand Duke was one such matter. Benson immediately knocked on the door.

Butler Oswald welcomed him into the small room. Benson was greeted by the elderly man with a warm smile. "Benson, my boy! What brings you here?"

"Butler Oswald, Grand Duke Raimond is currently waiting in the sitting room. He came by seeking Duke and Dutchess Cartwright, but they aren't expected to return until later this evening. I didn't want to keep him outside, so I invited him to come in for a chat. I hope I didn't overstep—"

"Of course not! Good, good, my boy. I will go greet him properly. Just leave everything to me."

"Thank you, Sir." Benson led Butler Oswald back to the main house, to the room where Grand Duke sat waiting patiently. "I apologize about the delay. Grand Duke Raimond, this here is Butler Oswald, he oversees our household and is involved in many of the family's business matters. You can speak freely with him."

"Thank you."

Benson turned to leave and left the two men alone in the room, pulling the double doors closed behind him. Butler Oswald gave a small bow and went to sit across the grand duke. "As my junior stated, I am Butler Oswald. What brings the Grand Duke to our humble household this morning?"

Grand Duke Raimond, took a sip of his tea and placed his cup back on the table. "Duke Cartwright has really good people working under him." He sat back in the chair, crossing his legs.

"We appreciate your praise, Your Honorable One. Many of us have been with the Duke since his childhood, so we have a very good understanding of his expectations within the residence."

Although Butler Oswald spoke kindly, his words were a warning. The servants within this household were not only loyal, but they were not susceptible to bribes from outsiders. Grand Duke Raimond stared at the elderly man who sat in front of him. He seemed harmless with his gentle eyes, but there was still a fierceness underneath It all. He chuckled softly and decided not to provoke the old man any further. Besides this was not his reason for coming today.

"Butler Oswald, the original reason I came today was in fact to offer a marriage proposal."