

Florin lived a comfortable life within the country of Nivonia. She had a loving family and limitless future prospects. However, after her birthday everything changed. Her world was turned upside down when everything she thought to be true was proven false. Monsters no longer hid in the dark and they were all coming for her, including a fiance!? Will she be able to safely survive the night or will she surrender to its intrigues? Follow Florin as she learns of her true identity while fighting to save her life and her kingdom.

KC_Dillon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Fallen Kingdom

Barkley Travers began the lesson. He specialized in both history and politics as it pertained to the six kingdoms. He laid books and maps on the study table and waited for Florin to take a seat. She eyed the items but did not show any reaction. As per usual, he carried on with his teachings. The lessons would carry on for two hours before they would break for tea and snacks. Afterward, they would usually carry on for another few hours before lunch and finally the end of the lesson.

"Today, we will focus on the Kingdom of Nivonia."

Momentary shock flashed across my face. I turned to finally look at the man who stood before me. He stood fairly tall and slim. His light brown hair that was tied neatly in a ponytail gave his long face a boyish charm. Currently his green colored eyes were staring at me with a slightly confused look on his face. Trying to control my curiosity, I asked him, "I thought that kingdom was destroyed decades ago with all traces burned in a large fire. How is it that you have information regarding its history?" I seemed to have excited him because he started grinning at me.

Clearing up his throat, he began. "Although it is true there is very little information regarding that kingdom, my family has always been able to gather information on outside nations." His voice held a hint of arrogance. I nodded slowly. Picking up the nearest book, I rubbed my fingers through the pages. I then turned my head to stare at the maps. The kingdom appeared small. It was located on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Drecia, the northernmost kingdom within the entire continent. It was an easy place to overlook.

Noticing her reactions, Barkley continued with the lesson. It was rare for Florin to take interest of anything. He would not miss the chance to take advantage of this opportunity. "Nivonia was the youngest of the six kingdoms. Apparently, it was only around a century year old. It secluded itself from the political rivalries of the neighboring nations and kept to itself. The people were simple but proud. They toiled the land year-round and somehow survived within the infertile region…"

Mr. Travers continued to discuss the kingdom and its people. At first, this place interested me, but as I listened on, I found that there was nothing remotely interesting about the fallen kingdom- at least not the surface level material Travers regurgitated. Sitting back in my chair, I waited for the lesson to end. Typically, this man would talk incessantly about the most insignificant things but after about fifteen minutes, the room became unusually quiet. Glancing back at him, I asked, "Is that all?"

"Yes, basically. Even though the kingdom thrived for a century, very little is known about the royal family and how it governed its people. There aren't any pictures available or witnesses with a live account. It is as if once you entered the kingdom, there was no way to leave."

"If that is the case," I questioned, "then how is it that you know this much?" I couldn't understand how he was even able to gather this amount of information, even if it was negligible.

Mr. Traver's face brightened at her question. He walked over towards the table with the books and picked up a book. It appeared old and battered, barely able to maintain its shape. "This is one of my family's treasures." He placed it in front of me. I could smell the smoke coming off its pages. For some reason the images from my dream began replaying in my head. It had to be some sort of coincidence. I looked at its cover. Slowly, I rubbed my hand over it and felt its uneven ridges. It appeared that some sort of emblem was engraved. Intrigued, I opened to the first page. The writing was in a language that I had never seen before.

"Do you understand what's written here?"

Mr. Travers shook his head. "My family has been attempting to translate this book since it had first come into our possession but to no avail. Even with all my family's resources, we have not been able to make any leeway after all of these years."

I nodded in understanding. I turned my attention back towards the book in front of me and gently flipped through the pages. The strange language was written on every page until I reached the book's center. There, with dark black ink, stood an emblem I could never forget. Although my face remained calm, my mind fell into disarray. Grabbing the pendant on my necklace, my fingers traced over the carvings—this feeling that had always provided me with a sense of calm and warmth, today caused a storm in my heart. I traced over the rose which was placed inside of a six-pointed star. Below, the rose's stem was replaced with a sword. I looked at the identical symbol on the page. I could see all of the details my necklace failed to capture: the dripping blood oozing from rose to land on the sword, the crown which rested in the center of the rose, and something else that seemed to weave itself throughout the entire image. I stared intently at page. 'Was I somehow related to Novinia?' After a few more moments, I closed the book. "May I keep this for a little while longer?"

I looked into the young man's green eyes. But before he could give me answer, a servant knocked on the door. "My Lady, Young Master Travers, I have prepared tea and snacks for your liking."

"Enter," I requested. The young servant girl placed her offerings on a nearby table and after giving a quick bow, took her leave. I turned my head back to man who hadn't taken his eyes off me, waiting for an answer.

Barkley Travers seemed to forget how to speak. He stared at the usually quiet young lady and complicated thoughts ran through his head. This was the most she had ever spoken to him in all of the three years that he had become her tutor. When she accepted the book and started to run her fingers over its entirety, he couldn't help but notice her white, elegant fingers. They looked so fragile that he didn't want her to hurt herself while turning its pages. Swallowing his saliva, he continued to watch her as she explored every page. When she suddenly brought her hands up to grab the necklace that always rested on her chest, his heart quickened. He looked at her swan-like neck and felt as if he hadn't truly noticed the pearl that was in front of his face until this very moment. It was no secret that Lady Florin was beautiful. In all Drecia, there was probably no one more beautiful—or cold. He had never once seen a smile grace her bewitching face. He watched silently as the girl, no the young lady, in front of him silently combed through the pages of the book. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice when she opened her mouth to speak to him again. The sudden sound from the knock of the door brought him back to the present.

"Mr. Travers?" Florin asked once more. "Do you need more time to think about it?" It appeared as her words were a great shock to him. "You did mention this book being apart of your family's treasures, so if you need to consult with the duke first?"

"Ah, um, no," he stammered. "Actually, today will be our last time together. I have already spoke with your parents regarding this. There is nothing more that I need to teach you. Besides, with your intelligence, I don't know if I ever taught you anything in the first place." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. He pointed at the books and maps on the table. "You can consider these items as a congratulatory gift for completing your lessons with me." Barkley then pointed towards the mysterious book. "Unfortunately, this one here, I can only loan you. Since you will celebrate your birthday soon, I will collect it after your celebration. That should give you enough time to cure your curiosity. Consider it an early birthday gift."

Hearing this, a small smile graced Florin's rose-colored lips. "Thank you, Mr. Travers. I will take great care of the things you have given me. I appreciate your guidance for these past years." After saying that, the room became once again quiet. Barkley Travers felt as if his throat was dry and grabbed his tea and began to sip. He picked up a couple lemon cookies and ate those as well. Florin quietly stared out the window as in deep thought. The spark that was once in her eyes quickly died out and indifference returned. Seeing this, the usually arrogant Barkley Travers sighed and began gathering his lesson plans. Disappointment was clearly reflected within his eyes.

Following teatime, Florin had Mr. Travers escorted out and told the servants to place all her newly acquired books and maps into her room. After eating lunch and freshening herself up, Florin changed into her afternoon wear and called Nora. "Nora, let's take an afternoon stroll."