

we follow the story of a adventurer group that goes by the name Flock. Watch as they travel around the world accepting jobs and battle their past.

ihatepower_45 · Action
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32 Chs


"King is really showing off if only a certain person would help me." I say staring at the ceiling getting no response from anyone as expected, although slightly disappointing.

"The next life form is a hundred meters away from us." Twilight diamond says us. 

Her codex is very useful in this situation since it can give her control over the element of earth. Although it's been thrown off due to the makeup of this place. 

"The walkie talkies have been destroyed or at least rendered useless." Princess says tweaking around the iron box, we have been trying to contact the others for an hour now it hasn't been working.

I even sent some of my undead outwards to find the others, but this place can be even bigger than the city of Delmare if she took time to plan it out. 

"Let's move towards the life form hopefully it's another world-class monster." 

"Hades, will you be coming back to the royal capital?" The Princess ask while trying to avoid the eyes of a certain person behind us. 

"Not for long I must visit another member for another job." Plus it would be awkward to stay there now especially with her there.

"I see that's Unfortunate my brother wanted to have you as his personal bodyguard." This again, unless they are fighting against one of the seven they are safe mostly. 

"They are moving towards us." Twilight Diamond says pointing to a group of people who appear in everyone vision. 

"Hades, don't attack we aren't with Grandmaster." The one called blitz from Ouroboros says raising their hands up in the air.

"Even if that's the case I'm assigned to protect the Goule family and you guys are their biggest rival. Besides a certain person is itching to attack." Suddenly a skeleton covered in black robes with a long knife appears right behind the one called false life.

"Our apologies, it was just a precaution against anyone trying anything, false life disengage." 

With that, the strange aura around us disappears. 

"Now answer my question have you seen a golden door." They begin to stare at each other then shake their heads to show that they haven't seen it. 

"Okay, then you may leave now." The skeleton disappears then they walk us staring at me. 

"That was awfully lenient of you. If you had killed them you could have solved the Goule problems." Death Spade says looking into my eyes. 

"If I did that Grandmaster would definitely go to no ends to get back at me, also Princess Laura is here with us so I can't go all out." I rather not have another eternal grudge with someone else. 

We begin to move forward trying to find that gold door although, we are mostly just following life patterns. Which led us to a peculiar situation. 

(Team Undead has found Game Lover worth 1000 points) 

(Team  Half Prince has found Game Lover worth 1000 points) 

Meeting the prince isn't an oddity the oddity is the monster itself.

[Master Hades is that you, I miss you so much why haven't you visit me in five years. Either way, I have to make this match fair.]

Standing at ten feet tall wearing a white gown with eight wings behind her and a single giant eye along with a golden staff with a giant purple jewel in it is a familiar monster. White Widow.

"So that's one of the administrators, this will be annoying to say the least." Princess says rubbing her forehead. 

"Can you explain?" Princess Laura asks pointing towards us and the monster. 

"She is one of many administrators who are people given slight control over a part of this fake dimension." So these things are controlled by humans so unlike everything else, they won't just randomly attack us. 

That's the least of our worries though.

"They can and will force you to play their game and it's all random." So anyone can win the points associated with the monsters. 

[The game chosen this time by our leader is Hunt. This where teams are dived into teams of five-person squad each with a role to play, with the ultimate goal of either taking out the opposing general or scoring five-time. 

The roles are: 

General: they are the only ones allowed to score if anyone else does the enemy gets two points. 

Hero: they are the only ones allowed to knock out the opponents if anyone else does it, it's instant disqualification. 

Guardian: they are going around taking the brunt of the attacks, they are allowed to knockout enemies if attack first.

Priest: They go around healing and assisting the team members. They are given a map of where all their allies are.

Scout: They are given the location of the cubes and it's constantly available to them.


No killing 

Only the general can score 

If someone illegally knocks you out then you may rejoin 

Otherwise If knockout stay out of the match otherwise I will erase you.] 

At least it's simple rules this time unlike many time before where it was impossible for me to win. 

Suddenly a bunch of badges and scrolls fall to the ground. It's time the battle has begun.

"Hey Twilight Diamond create a wall around us and above us." The battle has already begun information is power. 

After thirty minutes our team is ready and it seems the prince is also ready. 

"Remember stick to the strategy, otherwise improvise accordingly." Like that everyone splits into groups of two. Princess with Death Spade while Princess Laura goes with Twilight Diamond, I'm by myself. 

"( You who helped the bow God rule the world,  you who killed with no honour, you who killed for no world vices come forth and serve once again, shadowguard)" Raising from the ground is one hundred silver four-armed skeletons dressed in a black robe in their hand a black bow. 

"I want four of you to go to my allies the rest of you go around and pick up the cubes remember to not attack anyone." 

They all bow and disappears before my eyes, now it's time to…. 

Before I could even react I'm Suddenly hit by a bolt of lightning destroying the entire area around me. 

"Impressive, everyone else I've used that move on is dead but you survived." His once black hair turn white his entire body is surrounded by lightning. 

Suddenly I'm surrounded by men dressed in a white suit, I guess they think I'm the general or they want to eliminate me first. One Is missing from the group. I guess that one is their general. 

"(Black bones)" 

Princess P.O.V 

"Hades is currently In battle." I say to Death Spade who doesn't respond to me but keeps on running ahead. Around us is nothing but trees, apparently, they are 4 zones: 


High raising 



"I know you and I have our differences but we can't allow it to destroy both of our goals." I say to her but she still doesn't respond. 

"Someone is up ahead of us." She says drawing both of her swords. 

"We will talk later." I then draw both of my pistols then get ready to fight. 

Within a second two black shadow jumps out towards us without a second thought I begin to fire on it.  

A second and forty bullets late I came to realize it's one of Hades assassins.

"I think you destroyed it." Death Spade says lifting up the skeletons. 

"We only need the heads everything is else is useless." Yeah, I'm totally not embarrassed that I didn't realize it at first. 

"Alright then, but beware someone else is still out there." Oh, I see. 

We picked up the heads then begin to move around with slight caution. Our job is to hunt down members of we found a cube we leave it and report it back to Hades.

 I take out my map on it Hades aura is rapidly increasing and decreasing at the same time while Princess Laura group is moving towards our base rapidly. 

"The bird took flight." Death Spade nods in acknowledgement then Suddenly goes into a weird stance. 

"( black god code: sword of law)." She then suddenly sends out a giant sword beam in front of us causing all the trees around us to be sliced into pieces or what it seems since they just disappear.

To our surprise or rather to my own, two-person appear from what to seem to be a ball of light.

"You Futam are truly maggots, you should always introduce yourself before you attack." One of them says taking off their helmet rustling with their blue hair. 

"Keep your helmet on don't give them a way to identify you." The other one says with a hurried voice. 

"These people are peasants and as the proud fourth son of the Royal protector of Mappan I must introduce myself with pride, I am Thomas El Demonio Whales." Oh, a polite one let's oblige them. 

"I am Princess yes just Princess, (warp)." Without warning, I put one of the guns through a portal then bang! 

To my surprise slightly the person dodges appearing in behind me what seems a white flash. Fortunately, Death Spade was behind me to stop them from doing fatal damage. I then turn my attention to the other person who I will be calling Tom from now on. 

Instead of being terrified he looks annoyed well his opinion doesn't matter to me. 

"You, bitch not only did you violate the ancient rules of combat but you mock royalty your death will be worse than a thousand needles pricking your skin.  (Wake up from your slumber Hydra!)." 

Suddenly the entire area Is surrounded by water and appearing from it is an eight-headed blue and red serpent. It's around nine meters tall and with its massive aura reserves it quite the beast but sure we can handle it.

"You dumbass don't use that thing, if you knock them out you will be disqualified."

He says but it's too late since the monster already is attacking. 

"(Open sesame)." I immediately use my ability to save both of us but the random nature of the ability kicks in since we aren't that far away from the two. 

"That ability was pointless,( Let the void overtake me.) Suddenly all the aura in the air begins to congregate into one person causing me to fasten my breathe to not choke out. 

While Death Spade face is slowly covered in a purple mask with an X on it, while she gets covered in a long shin-high dress. Behind her, two black wings made of pure aura flows out. Even her purple sword is affected by this change since it's leaking out her purple aura. While her other sword glows a bright yellow.

"(Black god law: punishment)." She swings her sword towards the Hydra who fires out eight beams of light. When they are about to hit Death Spade attack curves around the beam and slices straight the Hydra causing blue blood to fly everywhere. 

Suddenly a white orb appears behind me with zero thought I back off then. 

"(Transfer)." Then from a portal Tom appears with the other one with a sword in hand swinging at him. 

"You idiot, what would happen if you hit me." Tom says barely dodging the swing from the other guy who looks on to me. 

"Try again bitch." This time with the right targets in front of me I then with no hesitation begins to unload on to them. 

Bingo I would say if they hadn't disappeared. So instant teleportation this will be troublesome. Especially since I'm out of bullets. 

I throw away the guns and take out silver knuckles. The moment when I do that I can hear a popping sound in my ear then a slam. Getting up I feel my head the realized all the blood flowing down from it. 

It's hurt but it tells me all I need to know about them. Anyone in that situation should be more than strong enough to knock me completely or kill me but they didn't, checkmate.

"They aren't the Hero, so we can go all out with them." I say to Death Spade who lands right beside me. 

"I see then I can go all out then brace yourself." She says raising her aura even more.

"That still leaves the guardian who can fill the role of Hero once attacked, which means the other one is the guardian." 

"Even if that's the case let me them come I will vaporize them all." 

I'm so glad we are on the same page now. 

"Hades, we have found their guardian and possible a scout or support." I say to the skull that was wrapped around my waist.

"That's cool and all but I'm in a strange predicament now, so I will contact you later." 

Well, it's time to bring home the bag.



I guess even more Hydra is on the menu. 

this mode is inspired by a game made up in a anime/manga called air gear. Warning it's not shy on violence or nudity. if you have any thoughts or questions please comment. oh yeah which reached chapter thirty.

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