

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Celebrities
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41 Chs

Chapter XXXIV

"Well, I for one, am glad that this stupid project is finally over."

You watch as the designated leader of the group rolls her eyes to no one in particular, and it makes you want to scoff at her. She ties her long straight locks in a high ponytail, showing the people around her, her tan yet flawless complexion, her nape looking so bare to everyone. The sides of her shirt fall loosely on her shoulders, and it's hard for you to tell whether she's wearing a bra or not. The boys from the group stared at her in awe, some even licked their lips playfully, while the object of their lust fixes her crop top which does so little to the imagination. Suddenly you feel the cool autumn breeze of November, and you watch as she shivers from her lack of clothing.

You shake your head at the sight of her. Maybe if she had worn a more appropriate clothing for the weather, then she might not have to pull down her shirt so awkwardly. It baffles you how young women these days would prefer to look good, rather than wear something more comfortable.

You sit there watching her, debating whether you should take off the oversized jacket to lend it to her or not, but your thoughts were cut off when you hear your phone beeping.

Him: Is it over?

Him: Where are you?

You couldn't help but smile when you see the text messages. It was the same message as the one before that, and the one before that.

Him: Come home.

Your phone constantly beeps, and you can see from the corner of your eye how the people around you are looking at you, one person in particular scowling at how bright your smile seems to be. However, you did not even notice that, for you've received another message from him, one that has awoken the butterflies in your stomach.

Him: I miss you.

Mindlessly, you bite your bottom lip, unmindful of how the person sitting across you is staring at you with great contempt.

You: I'm at the park near the gym. We're almost done.

You type away as you cuddle yourself more inside the jacket, feeling so warm and toasty. Winter is fast approaching, and even though it's practically autumn still, you can feel a fast change in the weather.

Him: I'm coming over to get you.

You read the message, the smile on your face evident. Every single time you talk to him, you always somehow get stuck inside your own thoughts, thoughts consisting of him, and only him.

Him: Wait for me sweetheart. Stay warm.

You can feel the soft beating of your heart getting faster. Sehun has always had this effect on you, and when you remembered how he made you wear his jacket earlier today, it made you feel a little bit more light headed and happy. His jacket smells so much of him, and it makes you feel like he's there beside you, his strong arms wrapped around you tightly.

You: Drive safe.

You type away a reply.

Ever since the two of you got back together, Sehun has always been around you, sticking to you like a glue, and truth be told, you have no complaints about him being that way. He became more touchy, and maybe a little bit more possessive. It was alright in your book, since he did you no harm, but there's just one thing you want so much to confront him about.

With thoughts of him still running inside your head, you put your phone back in your pocket and looked blankly at the park, trying so hard to maintain a stoic façade. You heard none of the conversations your group mates are talking about, for you are much more engaged with your conversation with him. You admit that exchanging messages with him once more did so little to your poor heart. Funny how he can still make you feel giddy and warm inside. You guess it was all part of his charm, and even though you've been with him for a couple of months, you're still not immune to him. Sehun's charm is deadly, especially when he's acting the way that he is, and there's just something you're itching to know.

People say that if you can surpass all the struggles in your life, you will come out stronger. A person who can be bent cannot possibly break. This expresses truth, and you've proven that time and time again, and this time, you're not the only one who sees truth in this, for you are no longer alone. When you took Sehun back, your relationship only stood stronger. You are both aware how one feels, if one is doing fine or not, and you're happy that he has learned to open up to you more. But what devastates you, is the fact that he's there, but it somehow feels that he wasn't.

You and Sehun stayed together at your apartment, and being with him makes you feel so loved, with the way he looks at you, and the way he touches you, it was more than you could ask for. You can feel how sincere his feelings are, and it makes you fall a little bit harder each day. Your feelings for each other only grew stronger, and the passion between you is so vigorously aggressive, you feel like you're incapable to contain it. The love is strong, but the way you crave for his touches is fervid, you can almost feel your body burning with so much as a touch. But you're not alone. No. You can tell that he does too, with the way his eyes are laced with a hunger so strong, that you know he can do nothing but give in. But when night fell, and you're cuddled up in your bed with him, Sehun did nothing.

He never gave you a goodnight kiss, nor did he initiate anything sexual, he just stayed there with you the entire night, with him lying next to you, his big, strong arms wrapped around your body, it was so uncomfortable. You wanted more from him, and him acting this way frustrates the hell out of you. The other night, you woke up to Sehun giving you soft kisses on your nape, his big calloused hands rubbing the sides of your waist. You thought at first he was dreaming, but when you heard his moans and grunts, and how he so sensually moans out your name, you know he's awake. You felt your cheeks grew hotter by the minute, and you want nothing more than to give in to his advances.

"I miss you so much sweetheart."

You remember him saying those words while he gives butterfly kisses at the back of your ear. You did your best to stay put, to pretend that you're still asleep just to see how far he will go, and when he pulled you closer to his body, you can feel his manhood poking against your back. It made you blush profusely, not because of embarrassment, but because of how hot you suddenly feel all over.

"Yah! Are you even listening?"

The girl across you gives you a sour look, and you blink your eyes repeatedly as you're swept away from your thoughts.

"Uhh, sorry." You managed to cough out.

She rolls her eyes and grabs her clutch bag, eager to go and leave the place.

"Stupid. No wonder Sehun broke up with you."

You heard her mumbling, and it makes you furrow your brows in annoyance.

"Excuse me?"

She clicks her tongue, looks at you from head to toe like you're the most disgusting thing she has seen on the face of the earth, and slowly, ever so slowly, gives you the sweetest smile she can fake.

"You're so pathetic."

She grabs the brown envelope consisting of rolls of films from the previous shoot your group held, and she carelessly dropped it on the concrete floor.

"You need to stay inside a dark room, and lock yourself." She scoffs. "You'll give us all a favor."

You can feel your blood boiling from so much anger, your fist clenched in a ball. You have never wanted to slap someone's face so hard before, and given the fact that your classmates are around to watch such a scene unfold, you feel that you can no longer take it. No one seems to want to salvage you from such hurtful words, and when you feel like caving in to your emotions, you hold yourself back and take deep soothing breaths. Meanwhile the girl only smirked at you, feeling so proud of herself. You looked away. Having such petty conversation with her will do you no good, and you refuse to stoop down to her level. You bend down to take the envelope that is still lying on the ground, when suddenly, a firm hand grabbed you by the arm, and took the envelope instead.

You blink a couple of times, while his chocolate eyes stare at you, his expression unreadable. Slowly, you get up, your heart in your throat.

"Talk to my girl that way one more time, and I swear I'll break your pretty little neck."

You watch how his teeth clenched, his adams apple bobbing up and down. You can tell that he's trying so hard to contain himself. Sehun then throws the envelope at her with a force, then takes your hand and pulls you towards him, but before he starts to walk away, he turns his head and looks at the girl.


He scoffs, and you witnessed how the girl's face turned into a pale shade of white. Sehun then intertwines his hand with yours, pulling you away from the crowd of people.


"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

Sehun scoots a little closer to you, while you sit comfortably on his lap.

"I am."

"Liar." He looks at you with a worried frown, then proceeds to wrap his arms around your waist. "You're a terrible liar sweetheart."

"Fine." You give him a pout, which he returns with a smile, and unmindfully, makes you smile as well.

"You scared me earlier."

"Did I?" He tilts up one brow playfully. "I was so close into punching her, I almost lost my shit."

'You wouldn't dare hurt a lady." You gasp, half amused and half concerned.

"That was no lady." He retorts. "But you have to learn to defend yourself. I hate that people do that to you."

Sehun cups your face, facing you towards him, so you come face to face with his concerned eyes.

"Fight, baby." He says.

"Stop letting them talk to you that way. Please fight for yourself." He heaves a sigh and looks straight into your weary eyes. "I'm not always around to defend you."

You heave a heavy sigh and look away.

"It's just that-"

You bow your head down, you refuse to look at him. The incident earlier made you question a lot of things. Your relationship with him. Why he was there with you, and not someone who is a lot better than you can ever be.

"Don't you want me anymore?" You ask, uncertainty laced in your voice.

"Sweetheart?" He looks so confused all of a sudden, but nevertheless, proceeds to answer your question.

"Of course I want you." His voice sounds so tender and mild, and it makes you doubt yourself even more.

"Then why?" You look directly into his eyes. "Why won't you touch me anymore?"

You remember all those sleepless nights, how you lay there on the bed with him, and how you question yourself why he didn't even attempt to sleep with you. But then you wake up to his touches and kisses, and how you feel how hard his erection is. It was devastating, incredibly so.


You awoke to him stroking your thighs, and how his soft plump lips pressed against your neck so sensually. He takes your body closer to his, and mindlessly, made you wrap your legs around his waist.

"Go back to sleep baby." Sehun whispers against your ear, his hot breath sending delicious shivers down your spine.

"No." You whisper back. "I've caught you doing this a couple of times."

You burrow your face on his naked chest, and give him soft little kisses.

"I can't take it anymore." You kiss him on his chest, up to his sensitive neck, and you feel yourself getting hotter when you hear him hitching a breath and moaning your name.

"Don't do that sweetheart." He says, his voice a little hoarse.

But you kept on kissing him, lust taking over your body.

"Stop." He whispers once more.

"Make me."

You press your body closer to his, and when you feel him grow a little harder, you nibble on his neck. Sehun's hands roam around your body, and it makes you grin at his actions. How he so easily gave in to you feels so wonderful, but when he suddenly turned you around, locking his arms around your body, making you face away from him, it shook you. You feel devastated, even more so when he pressed his body so close to yours.


"But Sehun." You whine, the frustration consuming you.

"Go to sleep my little vixen." He whispered against your ear.

You did your best to move away, feeling so dejected, and frustrated as all hell, but your strength is nothing compared to his, and with his warm body pressed against yours, his erection poking you once more, you can say it was another rough night for you.

"It's not what you think, sweetheart." Sehun says, his eyes filled with so much guilt.

You heave another sigh, and when you attempted to get up from your seat, he pulled you back to him, and hugged you in a tight embrace.

"I just don't want you to think that it's all I want from you." He says.

"I love you sweetheart." Sehun cups your face with his hands. "I love too much. You're not just another girl I want to sleep with."

"But it gets frustrating." You pout.

"I know. I've experienced it firsthand." He gave you a soft smile, and for a long moment there, you just stared at each other, both lost in each other's eyes. You can see the longing inside his eyes, and how much you want him to just pounce on you and leave you breathless, just like how he always does.

"I missed you so much baby." Sehun whispers, his face only an inch from you.

You have no idea how to express yourself as you stare at his plump lips. You crave for him so much, but you will yourself not to kiss him, for you know that if he ever rejects you again, it'll only leave you devastated and hurt. You nibble on your bottom lip, your eyes heavy with desire. You feel so turned on just by looking at him, and when you lick your lips unmindfully, Sehun could no longer contain himself. He lunged towards you, and gave your lips a brutal kiss. His lips move against yours hungrily, giving you no time to even catch a breath, and when you feel his tongue seeking entrance, you open up to him willingly. His hands grab the sides of your head, his fingers burying in your soft, soft locks, and when you feel him moving closer, his body pinning you down on the couch, you give in and let the fire consume you.


Sehun whispers against your lips, his breathing a little ragged, his lips swollen, he looks so tempting, that you can no longer stop yourself. You grab onto the collar of his shirt and nibble on his neck, to that same sensitive spot you know so well.

"Fuck me."

You say, while you continue your ministration.

"Please fuck me, Sehun."

Sehun groans and moans, and it makes you wet just by hearing how turned on he is by your actions.

"No." You hear him say, and it feels like you've been slapped right on the face.

"I don't want to fuck you." Sehun says once more, giving you cold feet, and a feeling of embarrassment so strong, that you wish that the ground will just swallow you whole.

You watch as he smirks at you, grabs you by the waist and then carelessly takes your shirt off of you. It was too abrupt, that you were not even able to react to his advances.

"I'm going to make love to you sweetheart." He removes your shirt effortlessly, then proceeds to undress you with his expert hands. You whimper when you feel your bra getting removed from your breasts, and when he leaned closer, burying his face on your chest, suckling on your nipple, while his hand plays with the other, you moan out his name.

"You deserve to be made love to, baby." He groans as he nibbles on your nipple, and when he feels how hard you've gotten, he sucks on it again and again, making popping sounds as he goes.

"You deserve to be made love to." He repeats as he moves up to face you.

"Hard and rough." He smirks, then he aims for your jeans, pulling it with your underwear as he goes.

"I'm not gonna hold myself back." Sehun sits up and takes his shirt off, then he wraps his big calloused hands around your thighs and pulls your body towards him, your sex just inches away from his face.

"You asked for this." He says, and when you felt his tongue licking your sensitive clit, you almost lost it.


You breathe in and out, your eyes heavy with lust.

"Mmm…" He moans against your sex, while his tongue continues to play with your now swollen clit.

"Ohh I'm so close." You say, but the male suddenly stopped and it made you groan out of frustration.

"Take my pants off." He commands, and you did so eagerly, wanting so much to feel him bury his length deep inside you. You get up from the couch and started pulling his jeans off, and when you did, his sex springs out from his jeans, already hard and pulsating from so much anticipation. You take his meat and stroke his entire length, but he stops you, even before you can do more.

"No, none of that sweetheart." Sehun says as he stands up and takes his pants off. You look at him in all his glorious nakedness, and it makes you feel a lot more aroused than you already are.

"Tonight's all about you baby."

He pushed your bodies back on the couch and kissed you full on the lips. You can feel his sex against your entrance, and when he enters his meat slowly inside you, you moan out in pure pleasure.

"I'm gonna make you cum over and over again, until you beg me to stop." He enters another inch, and then another, until he's all the way inside you, then he pulls his length slowly, only to slam his big, fat meat inside you over and over again.

"Ahhhh!" Your breathing starts to get shaky, and the more he moves in and out of you, the wetter you became, making it easier for him to fuck you.

"Oh you're so wet for me baby." Sehun chuckles, a smug look painted on his handsome face. His hands start to roam your body, aiming for your breasts. He gropes them roughly, while he keeps on pistoning his cock deep, deep inside your pussy.

"I'm so close Sehun." You moan, and it only eggs him to move faster.

Sehun can feel how your walls are getting tighter, gripping onto his sex so very tightly, but he keeps on moving faster, filling you to the brim with his cock.

"Cum for me." He says as he moves his cock in and out, harder and faster still. "Cum for me baby."

"Oh god!"

You bite your lower lip painfully as you feel your walls convulse. You feel so tight and so full down there, and it is making you feel how big he actually is. You push him away, trying to make him stop. Now that you've had your fill, you suddenly remember how wild he can get when he's so into the activity. Maybe you had wished for something you can't handle, and maybe it was too late to stop him, because seeing you so helpless and so naked, only made him want to fuck you harder.

"Sehun, slow down." You moan. "Please slow down baby."

Sehun grabbed your hair and licked your lips, and plunges his cock deep inside your now swollen core.

"No." He groaned, fucking you harder and harder, making you whimper underneath him."

"Please Sehun." You plead, while he moves his cock in a circular motion, his entire length deep inside you. "Don't be so roug-Ahhh!"

He pushed his entire length inside you, pulling it almost at the tip, only to push it back once more. He does so over and over again. You can hear the slapping sounds at the four corners of the room, and how wet your sex sounds like. It was so deliciously scandalous.

"Can you feel that baby?" Sehun moans against your lips. "Can you feel me deep inside you?"

He keeps on pounding you, his cock sleek with your juices.

"You're so fucking tight. I can't get enough of you." He groaned, leaning closer to kiss you, and when you kissed him back, it egged him to move a little faster. You can feel yourself about to convulse once more, and you know that he can tell, for he went faster and faster still.

"Ohhhh!" You pull away from the kiss as you lose yourself. You can feel your sex pulsing as your climax sets you on high.

"That's it baby." Sehun groans, his voice so deep and husky. "Cum for me." He proceeds to move faster, and when you feel his sex pulsating, you know that he's near.

"Fucking cum for me you little cunt!"

He moves faster and pulls your bodies up from the couch. He sits up, his hands wrapped around your waist, then he continues to move his hard member inside you once more.

"Goddamnit! You feel so fucking good!" He curses as he pounds you faster, spurting ropes of cum deep inside your swollen pussy.

You writhe and moan as he continues to move, making you a whimpering mess. All of a sudden Sehun stands up, carrying you as he goes, his cock still buried inside you. He walks towards your room and lays your weary body on the bed. You close your eyes out of content. You can already feel sleep consuming you, but when the male starts to move once more, pounding his cock in and out of you, you shoot your eyes open.

"I'm not done with you yet." He smirks, his face smug as fuck.

"B-but." You swallow. "But you just came." You say, making him chuckle at your state.

"I told you sweetheart." He buries his cock all the way to the hilt.

"I'm not fucking done with you yet." He says, a lot firmer this time, and he starts to pound on you again, fucking you all throughout the night.

This story is nearing it's end, kindly leave a review for me ^^

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