

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Celebrities
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41 Chs

Chapter XXX

After the encounter you had at the coffee shop, you always find him to be everywhere. You find him most of the time in uni, and find out from Baekhyun how Sehun was all over the place a few weeks back. According to him, Sehun was running about trying to fix some things that his grandparents left for him, and when he was done, he got back to school and went back to be the student that he is. After all, he is graduating, and you know that he wants nothing but to finish uni. Back when you were still together, that was all he ever talked about. One would think that he was sick of going to school, and you thought that he was too, but when you spent those sleepless nights studying for an exam, he was always on his books. Back then you can tell how much education means for him, and it made you fall for him all the more. Sehun has always been a responsible guy, which is why you find it hard to process how he can so easily leave without so much as an explanation.

"I know I asked you never to break his heart, but I never thought he would be the one who would break yours. I'm so sorry, love."

You smile a bitter smile when you remember last night. You never expected for Baekhyun to come and visit you, but he was an old friend, and you welcomed him to your home.

"He's going through a tough time right now, please, bear with him."

You have no idea why he was there trying to save Sehun's face, when the latter did so little to do the act.

"I can't tell you what is happening right now, only he can, and I wish for you to understand."

No, you don't understand. You refuse to understand. He was the one who left in the first place, so why should you be the one to wait for him?

"I know he will come back, and when he does, promise me that you will listen, promise me that you will take him back."

Baekhyun was hopeful, but you've lost the will to believe anything anymore. If Sehun really is having it tough, then why didn't he come to you? Why did he break up with you instead? Doesn't he trust you enough to tell you what he's going through? So Baekhyun left a failure, and you stayed there with a bitter smile lingering on your lips.

No matter how much he convinces you to stay strong and fight for his friend, you will never ever trust such a man, not anymore. So when Baekhyun came to visit you again the next day, and the next, you refuse to have him in your home, knowing he will do nothing but tell you to do things you never want to do.

Why should you wait for him, when he has clearly moved on? Yes, you saw him with another woman once, but that is enough reason for you to move on, for if you don't, you will never be happy again, you can never move on from the pain he has caused you. You chose to be strong and forget all about him. You chose to forget that there was a fraction in your life where you were happy with him. If he had the will to throw away your relationship, then why can't you? After all you came to Seoul to study, not drown yourself in misery, so when the days passed by, you spent it to work better at school, you pushed yourself to be better, and better, you became. Only one semester left before you reach your next and final year in uni. Only one semester left before he graduates. Only one semester left, and he will forever be out of your life.

It was for the best, that's what you keep telling yourself. If you can never see him again, it should be fine for you, for he is only a living proof that you are no more than a weakling, a mere victim of love. His very existence haunts you, and when the time comes that he will finally be out of your life, then your little heart might heal again, and maybe, just maybe, you can learn how to love someone else, someone who won't break your heart.


"That's enough alcohol for you." The man beside you took the shot glass you have at hand, but you moved away and took a swig of the strong liquor.

"Midterms are done, and I passed with flying colours." You asked the bartender for another shot and looked at the male beside you. "You don't get to tell me what to do."

"I said that's enough. You clearly can't take your alcohol." The male gives you a wary look. "You're drunk princess."

He then tells the bartender off, and you are left with a pout on your lips, and an annoyed expression on your face.

"Jongin." You frown.

"Princess." He replies with a worried face.

"Just because you own this damn club, doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do. I'm a paying customer."

After burying yourself with school work, you decided to celebrate the hard work. Sadly, Chanyeol is currently at a seminar in Jeju, and given the fact that he is unable to come with you, you went to the only place you know you will never see Sehun. Little did you know that Kai is there on a Friday night, and he made it a point to pester you the entire time you are here.

"Come, let me take you home."

"I don't want to leave just yet." You say in a bitter tone. "Leave me alone, please."

After the incident that happened here a few months back, Sehun and Kai never did talk to each other again. None of them made a move, to somehow ease the tension, and you feel so guilty because of what happened to the two.

"No, you're drunk. I'm taking you home, and that's final."

Jongin is more than determined to do as he said, but you merely brush him off and call for another bartender to buy yourself another drink, so when you feel his big hands wrapping around your wrist, the male pulling you towards the door, surprise isn't enough to describe what you're feeling. He's half-running towards his car, and a sense of nostalgia rushes through you. You remember this scene all too well, you getting pulled to this very parking lot, but you refuse to have him cloud your mind.

"I know what you're going through princess." Kai heaves a sigh and turns to face you. "Please be strong for me."

You almost rolled your eyes at the mention of those words. It's so easy to tell someone to be strong, but if they are the ones in the situation, they'll get sick and tired of being told what to do.

"There's someone out there who can love you, all you have to do is look." Kai says softly, his voice pleading. "I hope you'll come to see that you're not alone."

"Do you even understand what you're trying to tell me, Jongin?" You asked, and he was quiet for a while.

"All I'm saying is don't turn a blind eye, don't forget how to love." He touches your chin and tilts it so you come face to face with him. "Forget about him. Forget about Sehun."

Hearing his name once again, it finally broke the mask you've been hiding to for so long. Hearing his name again only made you a lot bitter, so when you feel your eyes wet with tears, you push him away and lash out on him.

"Don't you think that I'm doing just that?" Don't you think that I'm trying my best to move on?" You said in sobs, and he is left speechless.

"I get it. I'm angry, I'm impatient, and after all this shit storm, I only planned on doing nothing but resent him."

You turn to him, wiping away your tears as you do, yet somehow, you couldn't stop yourself from crying.

"So if you're only going to mention his name, then leave me alone and let me go home by myself. I don't need another person to remind me of him."

You turn around to leave, but Kai is fast on his heels. He takes your hand and pulls you against his body, wrapping you in his warm embrace.

"Leave me alone, please, just leave me alone." You sob quietly against his chest, but he refuses to let go, and pulls you in a little more.

"It's alright princess. Just let it all out." He caresses your hair and kisses your temples to sooth you, and when you find the will to stop, you let him take you to his car and take you home. You keep quiet the entire ride, and Jongin did his best to keep your thoughts somewhere else. He holds your hand and intertwines it with his, and it somehow made you feel a little at ease. A few minutes later, you arrive at your apartment, and he is more than willing to walk you to the door.

"I know you want to forget." He says once you are on the front door. "Let me help you out."

"How?" You ask, you'd give anything just to be rid of the pain.

You watch as he hovers over you, and not a second later, you feel his lips brushing against yours. You were caught off guard. Your eyes widen, and your heart beats erratically against your chest. You freeze on your spot, and when you feel his lips moving against yours, with his hands gently touching your face, you feel your knees slowly getting weaker by the minute.

"Kai." You said in a whisper your lips quivering from the shock.

"If only I knew that this is all it takes for you to call me Kai, then I would've done this a while ago." He smirks, his thumb holding your bottom lip in a soft caress.

"Sleep well princess."

He says, giving you a soft peck, before he walks away and leaves, leaving you dumbfounded and confused. The only thing that has woken you up from your state was when you heard his car leaving. Slowly, you turn around and reach for your keys, unmindful of the presence of another person hiding in the shadows.

Short Chapter, next chapter is already available.

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