

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Celebrities
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41 Chs

Chapter XI

The room is filled with a soft mid-morning glow coming from the huge windows. Rays of the morning sun enter the room, causing the male to slowly wake up from his deep slumber. He rubs his sleepy eyes tiredly, yawning while sluggishly reaching for his phone on top of the night stand.

He feels exhausted because he hasn't gotten enough sleep, and his phone ringing incessantly so early in the morning didn't really help with his condition.

"What?!" He snarls at the person on the other line.

"Where the hell are you asswipe?"

"Hyung." Sehun groaned when he heard Baekhyun's voice. "Why are you bugging me so early in the morning?"

"Early? Do you know what time it is?" Baekhyun whines. "It's almost 10 dipshit, I need the files you sorted out last night."

"I placed it near your computer." He mumbles sleepily.

"What about the-"

"The layout and pictures are already emailed to you." He cuts him off. "Now leave me alone, hyung, I need to sleep."

Sehun feels drained. He has put all his energy from last night's activity. He has worn himself out, he has worn you out.

He turns his gaze on the left side of the bed and sees you sleeping soundly. Your naked body is wrapped snugly around the blanket, while your back faces him.

"No." Baekhyun said. "Get your lazy ass off the bed and get to work."

"Goodbye hyung."

"Bastard." He heard Baekhyun sniggering on the other line.

"Remember, you were the one who asked me to let you work here, I'm your boss, now get up and-"

"I'm taking the day off." He cuts him off again.

Apparently, Sehun is a little too tired to actually care.


"No, make that three."

"Don't tell me you're backing out now." Baekhyun heaves an exasperated sigh.

"What about her? Are you gonna give her up just like that?"

Sehun's lips start to form a small smile at the mention of you.

When he found out from Chen that you're going to intern for Baekhyun this summer, he practically begged his hyung to let him work there. He looked silly doing it, but when Baekhyun finally agreed, he was so happy that he almost, almost wanted to give his sorry ass a bone-crushing embrace out of joy. He wanted to be able to spend time with you. If it means he has to tease his way into your heart, then by all means he will do it.

A soft look is plastered on his face as he watches you sleep. All his efforts have paid off, and he's in pure bliss now that you're finally his.

"She'll take three days off too." Sehun smirks. "I think I wore her out too much."

"You son of a bit-"

The male ends the call, even before Baekhyun can finish cursing at him.

Sehun turns to his side and places his hands on your waist. He pulls you closer against his body, positioned his jaw on top of your shoulder and buried his face on the side of your neck. The warmth that's coming from you gives him a sense of comfort, something he never knew he can feel again after what seemed like forever. He was about to close his eyes and go back to sleep, when his phone suddenly beeps, notifying him of a new message.

Baekhyun: Fine. I'll give you three days off, but be sure to get here tomorrow, both of you.

And then it beeps again.

Baekhyun: I can't believe you work so fast! Haha. Fuck you dude! I need to get me some booty!

And again.

Baekhyun: You better not toy with her, or else I won't think twice on stealing her from you if you do.

Immediately, Sehun types a reply when he read the last message.

Sehun: Try, and this friendship is over.

Baekhyun: You fucktard! You are so fucking whipped!

The male reads the last message with a stupid grin on his face, but it got him thinking how much truth there are in his friend's words.


Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. He's not entirely sure. All Sehun knows is that he will make every day with you meaningful and happy. He will take things slow, even when you two already did it. He promised himself that if you will ever take him, then he will do his best to make you feel treasured, to make you feel wanted and more. He wants to show you just how much you mean to him, because you, for him, is the only thing constant in his life right now. He cares for you deeply, more than he cares for himself.

Sehun doesn't really care about all the girls that keeps throwing themselves at him. He had relationships before, if having flings can even be considered as a relationship, and it all ended the same way.

If the girl starts liking him a little more than he wants them to, he immediately gets turned off.

Clingy girls are never his type and dramatic break-ups are never his cup of tea.

So he just tells the girl that the relationship is over and then fled off the scene immediately, not giving a damn if the person will burst out crying, or spit curses at his face.

Girls for him are the same. If they don't like him for his looks, then it's probably his money that they're after. He doesn't have some traumatic experiences, nor did he experience being heartbroken, because he has never fallen in love before. He is just simply that way.

Growing up from a prominent and wealthy family, Sehun never really liked being labelled as rich and popular. He just wants to graduate college, get his degree, while having a little fun with his buddies, move to another country and start a peaceful life. Away from the fame, away from all his responsibilities, and away from his family.

College for Sehun is getting rather dull.

Getting anything you want can get a little bit boring. He wanted fun and excitement, and he really isn't experiencing those anymore.

But then, he saw you one day.

You were walking outside the University, the wind in your hair, earphones stuck in your ears, while your face is painted with a playful expression. You look like you've got no care in the world, and all your attention is just on that particular song you're listening to.

He doesn't know what has gotten into him that day. He was about to go and get his car from the parking lot. He was supposed to be meeting his friends at a club somewhere, but he went on ahead and followed you as you went inside this small café near the University. He remembered you standing in line, waiting for your turn to order. It wasn't like him to snoop around, but when he saw you fiddling with your phone and smiling, he couldn't help but take a peek.

Moves Like Jagger on repeat. That's what he saw.

He was gonna introduce himself to you, but then he saw his ex fling about to enter the café, along with her friends, so he hid himself and immediately left the place.

Sehun doesn't really care if his ex sees him, but you were there, and he isn't sure why, but he doesn't wanna cause unnecessary havoc. That girl is the biggest drama queen he has ever met. Maybe he wanted you to have a good impression of him, and making a scene inside a café with a bunch of people inside isn't really a good thing.

A few weeks have passed and he never saw you again, but you were constantly on his mind.

Few days later, Baekhyun asked him to help set up his photographs for his exhibit. He doesn't really want to, but he has nothing better to do, so he went and help him anyway. That decision, for him, is the best decision he has ever made in his entire life, because he saw you there, you were also helping out for the exhibit.

He remembered that day clearly. You were wearing a worn out overall jeans with a black shirt inside, paired with a pair of gray snickers. You were sporting a messy ponytail, and your eyes are focused on the task at hand, not giving a damn about anybody's business.

For the second time, he was gonna go and talk to you, he wanted to introduce himself, but again, his efforts were futile, because a bunch of girls blocked his way and started talking, no, it was more like squealing at him, like he was some famous superstar. It started a commotion, and he felt so uncomfortable being around people he doesn't even know, but then he saw you looking his way, and he couldn't help but smile.

You turn your attention to them, your brows furrowing at the noise the girls are making, and then you just shrugged it off and looked away. He saw you taking your phone and earphones from your pockets, and again, you wear that same playful expression he saw you with the first time he laid his eyes on you. Now listening to your song, muting the world with every beat and symphonies, he watches you carefully.

Curious. He is so curious.

That day, he went and boldly asked Baekhyun information about you.

Baekhyun didn't really mind, and he was too busy to even care or think why his friend is suddenly asking about a girl when he should, because Sehun never did put any effort on this particular aspect. He doesn't come up and talk to the ladies, it is always the other way around. If he decided the girl is attractive enough for him, then he gives her some of his attention. The longest 'relationship' he had was as good as a week. Girls will be lucky if the so-called relationship would last for more than that.

The moment he found out what your name is, he immediately went online and looked for your Facebook account. He saw you there and instantly added you up, he even changed his name to something so corny and hid all his pictures. Judging by the way you acted towards him and his fangirls, he highly doubt that you will even give his request a second look. He fears that you may just ignore him if he will show his face on his pictures, plus he thinks it was kinda cool, because it'll give him this air of mystery.

Two weeks have passed, and he was feeling impatient because you seem to avoid that friend request he sent you. Every day he checks his account only to feel disappointed. He wanted to just barge in your classroom and talk to you in person, but then one day, you suddenly accepted his request and he was over the moon.

You talk for the first time and he was so taken with you. You are nothing like the other girls he had met before. Judging by the way you talk to him, you gave this impression of a woman whose smart. You, for him, is so witty, playful, a little bit on the sarcastic side, which he loves, and very, very easy to talk to, that he couldn't bring himself to flirt with you.

He thought that maybe this friendship with you will be better to stay that way. He doesn't know how to be romantic, all he knows is how to please women, physically, sexually. He doesn't want your relationship with him to end up like that only for things to end after a week.


He wants you in his life. Because talking to you made him feel brand new, he saw things in a different light. Although it may seem corny, but it is the truth, and truths are corny most of the time.

One time, when he was talking to you, he suddenly remembers you listening to that particular song. That's when he had this stupid idea to post that song. He was trying to lure you to comment, and then maybe, just maybe, he can work his magic on you.

It did, you fell for it, and ever since that day, he made it a point to tease you. He practically ruined that song for you, but the reactions he gets from you is priceless that he finds it amusing and entertaining. At first he was just trying to have a little fun, but then one day, he just realized that all those flirting he did, all those stupid lyrics he teased you with, were all somewhat true, and that moment, he knew that he wants more from you, so much more.

Third week came and he admitted, in a not so obvious kind of way, that he was attending the same University as you and he boldly asked you to meet up with him.

Talking to you online, texting you or even hearing your voice over the phone is no longer enough for him. He wanted to be able to look you in the eyes while he talks to you. He wanted to see your face flush from all his teasing, and he wanted to witness that genuine smile on your face, while he tells you things he has never even told anybody before.

When you finally did agree, he was so happy that he didn't know what to do with himself.

The first time you met at the park, he was there even before you arrived. He was watching you closely, and he thinks you're so adorable while you try to soothe yourself.

If only you knew that he felt the same. If only you knew that he was nervous as well.

He never associates himself with the opposite gender, not as long as he did with you, and he has never felt so contented. There may have been a little understanding between the two of you, and he had almost lost you, but he wants none of that. Sehun knows that he likes you, more than he ever liked any girl, so he did his best to take you back, and he did it in his own little way.

He teased you, flirted with you, to the extent that you felt infuriated with him. But it worked damn well, because that day, when he courageously took his shirt off in the studio, you went and launch your angry self at him.

And then you kissed him.

He couldn't believe it, but you kissed him.

That's when he knew that he had you in the palm of his hands, and now you are his, you are finally his.

Sehun burrows his face on your nape, taking in your scent, and basking in the afterglow of your love making. He can already feel himself growing hard again just by being near you. He thought that his need for you would subside, he thought once he finally got a taste of you, he can control himself better, but he was wrong.

Last night, after you agreed to be his girlfriend, he couldn't contain himself. It was really embarrassing for him because he can't seem to get a hold of his hormones, but the desire is so strong that he wanted to take you again and again.

And he did.

There was a spark emanating inside him as your bodies move to the primitive dance, and it holds so many promises of passion with every burning flame. The satisfaction he felt is incomparable, but the more he touches you, and the more he feels your body moving against his, while you both dance to the sensual rhythm of your love making, the more it makes him want you.

It's crazy, really, and it is driving him mad. You are like a drug, and he couldn't seem to get enough.

Sehun's hands unknowingly reach for yours. He takes your hands, places it against his lips and gives it little kisses.

"Wake up sleepy head."

He doesn't want to wake you up, but he exhausted you last night, and you need to eat if you want to regain your strength.

You moan as you hear his husky voice. You are inside this dreamy state where you are both aware of your surroundings, while you are dreaming of things.

Sensual things.

A small smile starts to form on your lips as you feel soft lips brushing against your skin, giving butterfly kisses, tickling your bare shoulders.

Sehun doesn't know, but images of last night's events are currently running inside your mind, making you feel hot and excited.

The male gives little kisses on your nape, up to the back of your ear, sending delicious shivers down your spine.

"Baby, wake up, you need to eat."

You let out a quiet moan as you feel his hot breath blowing against your ears. You automatically press yourself against his, your naked bodies touching underneath the blanket.

"Sweetheart, no." He grunts, closing his eyes and biting his lower lip in the process.

He is trying to control himself this entire time, and you moaning and pressing your body against his is not really helping at all.

You, on the other hand, is dreaming about how he took you for the second time last night.

If you thought that he was being too much the first time, then you were so wrong.

That night, when he told you that he "fucks long and hard", you thought he was only scaring you, wanting you to back out.


He proved it to you that night, and you lost count on how many times he has given you orgasms.

"Sehun, no more, please. You're wearing me out." You say in between breaths.

"I just want to...uhh...make love to my girlfriend." He replies as he enters you in and out.

"Ooohhh…why are you…why are you so big." You complain as he repeatedly pounds himself inside you.

The male chuckles as he teasingly nibbles your ears.

"Because of you baby." He whispered.

"You made me this hard. Now you're gonna have to make it go away." He groaned as he started thrusting faster, leaving you a moaning mess.

"Babe I swear. Dont...tease me." He gasps when you snuggle yourself more.

Steamy scenes from last night playing in your mind made you feel aroused, and as you feel his body pressed unto your naked back, you couldn't help but move closer to him, your soft skin pressing against his hard member, teasing him even more.

Sehun knows you were exhausted from last night. He acknowledges the fact that he was your first and he couldn't be happier.

Last night you made him feel like he's the luckiest man in the world. The feeling of him buried inside you had send him over the edge. He wanted so much to let loose and fuck you senseless. He has this huge hunger to just pound you, to show you how much he wants you, to let you know how much you affect him, but he didn't.

did take you again, but he saw to it that you were enjoying it as well. He couldn't even let his entire length inside you, because you were so tight and he knows you're already sore. He may not have stopped himself from doing the act. He may not have stopped himself from taking you longer and harder. But he did stop himself from taking you again for the third time. felt restless, he couldn't sleep. He just watched your sleeping figure until his eyes can't take anymore and just lull himself to sleep.

Yes, he did succeed on that last night, but the sensation he's feeling right this moment has overwhelmed him, and he couldn't control himself anymore.

"Fuck! You asked for this!"

He grabbed the side of your waist sinking his fingers on your soft skin as he lowers himself.

Parting your thighs carefully, he placed his hard member between your folds, and he moaned wildly as he felt how moist you are down there.

So wet and so ready for him.

"Oh fuck baby! You're so wet already." He whispered sensually against your ear as he slides his shaft against your wet lips.

"Oohhhh...Sehun...." You moan sleepily

Sehun moves up and down between your wet folds. His thick shaft teasing you, rubbing your clit with his length.

"Oohhh...baby, please..."

You moan, eyes still closed and still unaware that all of this is not merely part of a dream.

"You like this baby?" He whispers as he nibbles on your ear. "You like the feeling of my dick against your wet pussy?"

"Sehun... Mmm.."

Hearing you moaning his name wantonly, has ticked something primitive inside him.


The male groaned as you started to grind against him, your wet sex sliding against his long and thick member. The slopping sounds that it makes made Sehun more aroused. He wanted his release, yet he cannot entirely fuck you. He wanted to bury himself deep inside your wetness, but he knows you are tender down there. He can't simply abuse you, he already knows that you're too sore to handle his rough ministrations.

"Sehun, you're so big..."

He heard you moan again and this time, he couldn't stop himself.

He positioned his hard and throbbing member directly against your hole, and in a very rough fashion, enters you inside, his entire length now deep inside your wet and sore pussy.

"Oh my god!!!" Feeling his member buried deep inside you has rid you off your sleep.

"Aaahhhh!! Sehun!!" Your eyes shot open and you scream his name at the sudden attack.

"Sehun no..." You say with shaky breaths.

"Baby... I'm sorry." He gave your shoulders tender little kisses to soothe you. "I'm sorry."

"Please…please take it off." You plead in a soft whisper, closing your eyes shut.

You feel so full down there, that you couldn't help your muscles to throb violently against his big member.

"Uhhh. Baby don't...dont do that." Sehun groans as he tries his best to push himself off of you.

"Please." You plead again. "I can't take anymore baby."

Your walls clench around him, and Sehun's expression suddenly turned dark. It just feels so good to be buried inside you, and he finds himself trapped inside this erotic trance.

"You want me to pull out baby?" He asked sensually as he moves his lower body in a circular motion.

"Ooohh." You moan,

Slowly, you start to feel pleasure from the way he's teasing you, making you grab the pillow nearby as you try to contain yourself.

"Tell me…do you want me to stop doing this?" He whispered, voice a little husky, his movements a little harder. You can feel him moving inside you, the circular motion is stretching your tight walls, and you start to feel yourself start to convulse.

"Fuck! Sehun I'm cumming! I'm cumming baby!"

"Fuck! Yes! Cum for me sweetheart!" He groaned, moving slow agonizing thrusts. He made sure that you can feel him, all of him.

"Ahhh!!! You scream as you see white. You are riding your orgasm and Sehun keeps on pounding on you. Deep, deep inside your sore pussy.

"Goddamnit! You feel so fucking good!" His hands started to play with your breasts, as he lets go of his control, making your orgasm last longer than it should.

"Ahh fuck, yes!" The male continuous on plowing inside you, the feeling of your tight walls clenching on his entire length has made him lose all his control.

"Hunnie." You whisper quietly as you bite your lower lip.

Hearing you whisper that softly has awakened him from his sexual high. He sees you biting your lip, as you control yourself from stopping him. He can see that you are tired and he felt so awful.

Slowly, the male lunged towards you and kissed your lips softly. He is now on top of you, and he did it so swiftly without even pulling his length outside you.

"I'm sorry baby." Sehun slowly removes his still hard shaft.

"What about…what about you?" You ask, a deep shade of pink painted on your cheeks.

"Don't mind me sweetheart." Sehun says. "I can take care of myself."

And yet, it's so hard for him to just pull away, because he can still feel your walls throbbing against him, and you just feel so damn good.

"But baby, you haven't released yet." You frown, moving slowly, burying his entire length inside you again.

You move up and down his shaft, feeling so full and content while you watch how Sehun's eyes closes, as he feels pleasure consume his entire being.

"Ahhh! Fuck baby!" He groaned loudly as he opens his eyes and watches you move your body against his.

The sight of you grinding your sex against him has made him feel more aroused. It awakened this feeling of hunger and he started to move with you. Faster and harder this time.

You can feel the pleasure build up deep inside you, and although you may be tender down there, it doesn't mean that it doesn't feel good. In fact, it feels good, it feels so good.

"I want you to cum baby." You moved closer and kissed his lips.

"Please cum for me."

With your words, you can feel the familiar twitching of his member and it started to grow bigger with every thrust.

"Fuck! I'm close!" Sehun groans, his movement getting faster. "Oohh fuck yes!"

Suddenly, you hear the warning bells at the back of your head. He has released himself inside you twice last night, and you don't want to do the mistake again.

"Baby please…not inside. I'm not on the pill."

Sehun pounded his cock faster, more rougher and he started to suck on your left nipple, making you reach your orgasm again.

"Oh god! I'm cumming!"

You shrieked as you feel your walls convulse, and just when you feel like you can't take anymore, Sehun pulled out, stroking his cock in a fast pace while his thumb rubs your clit. He groaned loudly as he released himself all over you.

With heavy lids, you watch as his chest rise and fall as he tries to catch his breath. After he did, he moved towards you and claimed your lips, his tongue entering your wet cavern as he cupped your face tenderly.

"Good morning baby." He smiled as he presses his forehead unto yours.

You were too beat to answer back, smiling back wearily at him. You can hear Sehun laughing a little as he stares at your current state.

"Did I tire you out that much?"

"Mmm hmm." You nod.

"You need to learn how to control yourself mister."

He gave out a hearty chuckle, and you were gonna give him a piece of your mind, when you suddenly hear the doorbell ringing.

"Who could that be?"

The male asks as he stands up, then he takes his jeans that is laying on the floor. You watch as streaks of light shine in contrast against his beautiful skin. His well-toned body looks so glorious, and he looks so damn…beautiful.

He is just so fucking perfect.

"Lemme get that for you." He says, putting on his jeans and shirt in the process, and then he left the room to go get the door.

It took you a few seconds to get up from the bed and look for something decent to wear. When you're just about done, you can hear a low and deep voice shouting, and it seems like Sehun is having a fight with the person.

Immediately, you fixed yourself, and went out of your room.

"Sehun, who's-"

You freeze on the spot.

Outside the door is a man, and he is looking at you with those pair of piercing eyes.

You feel goose bumps crawl at your skin as you watch him look at you like you're some kind of a traitor. You couldn't move nor speak. Then suddenly, you hear the door being slammed.

The guy left and he is so mad at you.

Sehun walks towards you as he sees your face turn white.

"Who was that baby?" He asked and you can only heave a heavy sigh.

My body is innocent, but my mind isn’t.

This chapter is mostly about Sehun and it shows more about his side so you guys won’t feel like he’s just some creep flirting with the OC. Lol.

Lucidbunnycreators' thoughts